Your Intuition is Multi-Faceted


Episode #16

Your Intuition is Multi-Faceted

Your intuition doesn’t communicate with you in just one simple, way, it communicates with you in a myriad of ways – in part because your intuition, is your Spirit guides.  In this episode I share listener tells, and answer more of your questions about Spirit guides.  

You’re magic, keep going, the world needs your light.


Feel the need for a supported and concentrated shift?  The “Reset + Renew Energy Healing Retreat” is this October in the greater Seattle area, if you’re feeling the desire to reset and take your energy and path to the next best version of you, I’ll be holding space for a small group of individuals on this journey, reach out to me or fill out the registration form if you’re feeling the nudge to help support yourself in this next phase and level of your journey:  https://emilymarie.com/energy-retreat-10-22

To work with me directly:

Free: This Podcast, Social medias: @emilymarie.energy and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgHd0_mhVriB8vxhYMrG8w

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Feel the desire to go deeper?  Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com, you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back to the podcast everyone. It is such a pleasure to have you here today. How are you doing? How are you feeling? , do you know? So one of the things the guides are suggest. This is always a suggestion, by the way. You always wanna go with what feels true for you, but when you acknowledge your inner light, And don’t worry about where your inner light is, by the way, , you’re seeing a light or perceiving a light or feeling a light, that’s a good thing, right?[00:01:00]

So let’s ask our spirit team from our inner light to please run energy for our highest good right now. And as they do that, What energies or what in general do you notice, if anything at all? And this is simply information. Really simply information. You are building your intuitive, your energetic muscle by doing this.

So the beauty is you get to be energetic always in always. And the guides are giving this example and they go, you know when you go on social media and you just get information and you kinda file it away, or you save it and you’re like, I am gonna make that bread recipe one of these days, , oh [00:02:00] my gosh, do you know how many TikTok videos I’ve saved?

And I don’t know if I’ve ever looked back at a single one of ’em. I always have the intention to do so and I just don’t. So receive this information, what is it that you need from them and or what are you receiving from them? What do you need from them? That’s probably a long list, isn’t it? We’ll get into that in another episode,

So what information are you receiving from them? And then they go, same when you go on social media and you’re like, oh, interesting. File it away. You do not have to do something every single time you receive information from your guides or your spirit team. In fact, it’s kind of nice just to sort of let this energy sit with you and give it space.

Give it time. Let yourself be curious and think, okay, so what’s this gonna do for me in the future? I don’t know. And I guess now they’re joking with me. They’re like, there is no future. There’s only the present. . True. True. So [00:03:00] in today’s episode, we are going to talk about intuition tells. So tells is a lot of different things.

It could be symbolism, it could be how you feel or perceive energy. And one of the beauties of building your awareness, of your intuition is just by giving it a little bit space to be seen, you know, letting your intuition be seen. And so I’m gonna share what some of you have. Are some of your intuitive tells, and as I share this, you can think of, oh, is that a tell for me?

Or maybe you’re like, I wish that was a tell for me . By the way, if any of these things sound like, gosh, I wanna experience that, tell your guides, tell your spirit team, you have free will, the more empowered you are with yourself. They’re saying physically, meaning inhuman. [00:04:00] The more they get to give back to you.

So one of the things that’s crazy is when we reach out to, when we engage with the light, we often receive way more than we’ve asked for. It’s a beautiful thing. Or we’re at least met where we’re at, which is really cool because you think relationships aren’t like that, right? Relationships are back and forth.

Give and take. It’s never perfectly even. So when it comes to your intuition, your spirit guides and your spirit team, who are your intuition Bears Repeat. You wanna think about how you have a choice. You are by no means at their mercy. It’s the exact opposite. You are here to work with them in community, in your own little energetic community.

So the more empowered you are with your energy, the more you reach out to them. The more you make choices for your betterment, the more you ask of them, the more they get to give to you. If you think about. Being empowered, which is the ability for us to see ourselves, give [00:05:00] ourselves what we need, make decisions for ourselves from that space.

That is a high vibrational energy. And then when you engage with that with your spirit team, because that’s a higher vibration, they get to actually give you even more, which means you get to ask them more questions. , you get to say what else you get to say, I would like to have this type of experience with you.

And the one thing we don’t wanna do is we don’t wanna then limit ourselves and say, okay, I only want you to communicate with me in tingles, . That’d be nice. But then if we did that, they wouldn’t be able to teach us all of the different ways. You know, this is what’s so weird about energy. Energy is like it’s own language, you know, like speaking Turkish or Spanish or English or any of that.

So when you consider that, Think about how much there is to learn about a language. There’s the formality of the language. There’s the way you write a language, there’s a grammar, there’s a [00:06:00] slang, all those good things. So it is kind of fun. So you can be in your power and say, I wanna learn more about this.

Tell them more. Tell them more. You also get to say, no. I was on one of my meditative walks the other day, and I’m so curious when it comes to energy. I’m an energy junkie, and I remember feeling like for some reason I just got this. You know, one of the things that happens is I will smell energy from time to time, and I was like, I wanna smell energy more.

And then I, my humanness goes, no, I don’t . Because oftentimes when I smell energy, it’s like 60, 70% of the time it’s not pleasant , and it’s distracting. So it’s like I take it back. I’m not ready for that right now. Let’s work on other things like my podcasting. So remember, you get to choose. You get to say, okay, uh, thank you for that information.

That was a good experience. I’d like to experience more of that, please. Or, wow, okay, message received. I understand that [00:07:00] when I receive something this way, it means that that feels really strong, really, really strong. Or maybe it needs to feel stronger for you. Hey, can you please turn up that volume for me?

Right? So I’ll give you some examples, some folks, They feel chills or vibrations on their scalp. Someone else feels a sinking in the throat. So what they’re seeing right now is you take an example of sinking in the throat, how strong that sinking is versus how light it is. Could be of like a message of severity, right?

Like how strong of a no is something supposed to be, or how strong of a hey, not the best thing, is something supposed to be. Does that make sense? I hope that makes. Moving on. Um, some folks say eyes blur, some, someone said they see butterflies. That’s fun. Goosebumps and tingly feeling all over. Yep. Get into those tingles, goosebumps, watery [00:08:00] eyes and or distinct feeling in my throat and just Absolutely.

You can ask your spirit team to expand this. Any of these for you? Okay. Will you please expand this? I’d like to learn more about this. You can literally just say, Hey, I’d like to learn more about this. Tingling in my feet, and sometimes hands left, arm chills, ringing in my ear. Ringing in ears is really common.

I will say, if you are in America, our food source is pretty poor right now. We have a lot of processed foods, so. There’s a difference between eating crap food and getting ringing in your ears, which happens to me sometimes, versus, uh, the genuine ringing in your ears, which is what this person’s talking about.

This person’s talking about when your guides ring in your ears. But it can also happen because of the processed foods we eat in America, man, we really need to change our food. Okay. It feels like I’m on a rollercoaster. My stomach drops. I totally get that. I totally get that. So the other thing I’m noticing is, let’s see here.[00:09:00]

So I guess this makes sense why Spirit had me start out by saying like, be empowered. Ask us for more Make choices. Make choices, meaning. Hey Spirit, please give me more of that feeling. Or when you feel a good feeling, , you can even say, okay, spirit, hire yourself. I wanna build trust in this. I wanna build trust in myself.

Help me out. Show me the way. And then of course, it’s not like they get to just insert it in you and all of a sudden you do trust it. Or maybe that does happen, that would be wonderful. But just notice the ways that they gently guide you to learn how to trust yourself. So it is interesting to me that if a few of these things, if I look at the majority of what people.

There are just a tinge on the warning side of things, but that’s, I think that’s why in general we expect our intuition to guide us in all ways is because our intuition does really come in loud and clear when something isn’t for our highest good. Because our spirit team and spirit guides are here on behalf of our [00:10:00] higher self and source to keep us on track in our life and, and live out our multiple purposes in life.

So now we wanna get into the good stuff too. good is good, is good. Is. Let’s see, what was I using? I asked my spirit team a question this morning about what would be for my highest good shoot. What was it? It was either, it was something I was, oh my gosh, why am I drawing a blank? It was something I was eating or drinking, but, okay.

Well that’s not a fun example, but things get to be good too. So maybe this would be a really great proactive practice for. Like, would it be for my highest good to buy this candle if you really enjoy this candle you see at the store or whatever? Or would it be for the highest good for me to order some fun takeout?

Right? So just start practicing asking your intuition for fun, good things, and see what happens. And notice when you feel a lightness or a yes, you know, would it be for my highest good to take a 20 minute nap or stretch for 20 minutes, or watch my favorite show? I mean, just start [00:11:00] focusing on good, positive things and see what that feels like in your.

The other thing someone DMed me on Instagram is they shared, I definitely feel that sense of draining or sense of joy in my chest as one cue. So those would be alternates to each other, which I refer to as the yes no tool. I didn’t invent the yes no tool. It’s been around forever. When I teach the yes no tool, I teach you how to feel yes and no within your body.

Of course, a lot of people use muscle testing. I think muscle testing’s incredible and there’s a variety of ways to do. But what I teach simply is how do you feel the yes and the no in your system? Someone said to me the other day, they go, oh, you mean like a pendulum? We wanna remember that. A pendulum

The guys are so funny. They’re like, it’s like a chair, but a chair’s too big for you to lift and swing from something. The power’s not in the pendulum. The power’s in you. You are putting your energy into the pendulum and you are basically exerting from [00:12:00] your higher self. You are, yes. So you can do that within your body too.

Okay, so this person said, continues and says the other is, I have a sense of knowing, so I get a yes or a no or no crickets, but it’s not a sound. It’s not like something’s deceiving me. It’s really more a sense of knowing. Did I read that correctly? Okay. The other is I have a sense of knowing, so I get a yes or a no or crickets, but it’s not a sound.

It’s really more sense of knowing. Okay, so the question is, I guess my bigger issue is when I get crickets, I don’t know what to do. Of course. So this is where you get to be in your power more and you get crickets and you’re like, oh, hello inner light. May I please have more information? May I please have more information?

You get to ask for more information. The other thing I wanna point, Is if your [00:13:00] intuition or if it comes through sort of out of the blue, or it comes through in a more definitive voice or sound that you’re not quite familiar with, or if you ask yourself a question and you get such a quick and easy response and you’re like, well, it can’t be that easy.

connect with your inner light. Hello Inner light. I acknowledge you align with your inner light. I set the intention. I’m only communicating with my spirit team for my highest. And then ask the question again and notice what response you get. So yes, , you get to think of your spirit team and spirit guides as your community here to help you.

It’s really incredible. So now we are going to ask some questions about our spirit guide. And you are welcome to write into me what questions you have about spirit guides. For your spirit guides. [00:14:00] I’m not gonna do any one-on-one readings just yet. Am I gonna ever do those on podcasts? Hmm. We’ll see. So what spirit guides, what questions do you have for spirit guides?

One question is, what are you here to help me with? So I know I’ve touched on this before. Your spirit guides obviously are your guidance of intuition. Theyre energy for you from beginning to end of this lifetime. They are from source. Everything is from source, right? And they are a part of your Spirit team.

So members of Team Spirit team you, they are and your spirit guides in particular really kind of just. Keep you on track and gently nudge you and guide you to fulfilling your life’s many, many purposes, as we’ve talked about before. And then of course, spirit team members are the assistants [00:15:00] to those experiences.

So say it’s part of your journey to be married or have a souled partnership. You are going, you know, your spirit guides are gonna help guide you to that individual or individual. And then your spirit team members are gonna come in and help you develop all different types of tools and skill sets within that relationship.

You’re gonna have spirit team members supporting you and your partner, which is really cool. They’re neutral , even though we want them to take our side. Of course, , they’re neutral and they’re there to help both of. And then you may have additional spirit team members come in just to help you for your side of that partnership.

I can hear someone asking me, does my partner get specialists to, where are they? ? They’re there, trust me, and they’re patient, as you can imagine. Okay. No, we love all partners and all journeys [00:16:00] for us. We really do. I really do mean that one of the things I’m learning in this lifetime, by the way, is detached love.

Oh, I will tell you that is something detached love just brings you further home into yourself and your connection with your divine. It is interesting. You really have to let go of all forms of attachment, which I’m like all of the attachment styles. So that’s what they’re there to help you with. Does that make sense?

Let me know if it brings up any questions. How can I continue to recognize your presence? Spirit guides. It is by taking time, taking a moment to be with them. You know, you think about any relationship you’ve ever had, the more you invested in it, including the one with yourself, the better it becomes. The more you invest with your spirit guys and spirit team, the better it becomes

But it doesn’t have to mean this has to be burdensome. It could be for a few seconds in the shower. It could be as your meditation. Sometimes I will actually spend an [00:17:00] entire meditation just chatting with them back and forth. I actually did that this morning and it really, really helped ground me and gave me such clarity and I asked them questions back when they would gimme responses.

I’d say, okay, and what about this and what do you think about this? And then I would hold space for myself and you know, like I was. in this one instance I’m working through right now is like, okay, where’s ego showing up for me? Keeping in mind, ego is just, they’re saying shows us burdened part of themselves, burdened part of ourselves.

I say the ego shows us where we’re still damaged. Hurt. They’re saying failing. Wow. . That’s so funny. I don’t know why it’s so. That I was holding space for where else ego is showing up. And because I was engaged in like this pod with my spirit team, they just showed me other areas. It was showing up, right?

And other areas where I had worked through a level, which that’s exciting too. And then the next level shows up. Energy’s a spiral on a spectrum. Okay, [00:18:00] so how can I continue to recognize your presence, sit with them, be with them. One of the activities I’ll take people through in groups is actually helping you feel your spirit guides.

You can on spirit team, you can ask them to send you love. You can ask them to. Send you funnies, funny, whatever. It doesn’t have to all be serious. And believe me, spirit guys are anything but always serious. I promise you. Spirit does not want us to just be serious and spiritual all the time. That’s how you reach enlightenment.

No. You are here to be human. To experience joy. To experience pleasure. Yeah. They say make the world your oyster, aren’t they sweet? They’re so sweet. Okay. They’re showing me too. There’s other ways you can continue to recognize their presence. So, Hmm. I’m gonna pose it to the group. How have you spent time or how have you recognized your spirit guides more, let know.

Okay. Couple more questions. I don’t want this to get too long, so I may make this a second podcast. Do I call you or do you call me? [00:19:00] I love this question. So again, we think about, this is such a good theme today. We think about how our intuition has always come through for us so strongly to help us keep on the right track in life, right?

When our gut comes in and it’s like, no, no, no, don’t go left, or whatever. So again, we want to remember this is a back and forth, this is a healthy relationship. You get to say, wow, I am me, you know? Like, I’m Emily. I get to explore this earth plane, test my edges, enjoy a pizza, enjoy a healthy, fresh, organic garden salad.

Live life, live experiences, make mistakes, and my spirit team’s gonna help guide me here. And by the way, Just because your Spirit team gives you guidance doesn’t mean you have to listen. How many times have we done that? So I had a member of the I L C C share in our Light Circle community share. I got a no for this, but I wanted to enjoy it anyway.

I said, good for you. I mean, they do not expect us to be [00:20:00] perfect. Believe me, your spirit guides and spirit team show. With the expectation that it’s gonna take you a while to figure things out. So don’t worry about it. They know, they’re like, you are here to mess up. This is not, you know, a fairytale land where everything runs smoothly and you always make right the the right decisions.

That’s not the earth plane experience hands down. Okay. Are you getting into, let’s see, I think we’re gonna leave it at that. I was about to jump into the questions about intuition, and we will park that for next time. So what questions do you have about your spirit guides or for them? You can email me, connect emily marie.com, and I do have some questions already around intuition.

What do you wanna know? You’re also welcome to email me those questions or just share your experie. And with permission, I will share it anonymously or with your first name on the podcast. Believe me, your story and experience will [00:21:00] help so, so many. In the meantime, thank you so, so much for bringing more of your light into this world.

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