

Episode #35

Third Eye Activation

Ready for your next 3rd eye expansion?  It’s the season for another 3rd eye activation, because really do we ever stop growing? Grounded with immense support, you’ll feel safe in expanding this chakra to increase your personal capabilities in how you perceive energy.  I also share mistakes I made early on so you can avoid those and get right to the real stuff.  I also have an exciting announcement in this episode: a new app created to energetically support YOU and your loved ones is coming soon! 💫

Tune in to hear:

  • How we all relate to the hero’s journey
  • Emily’s microdosing experience & what she learned
  • Trusting the process
  • How we are constantly creating
  • Why the planet is in a state of distress
  • What it’s like to explore the expansion of your third eye

Special announcement – new app coming soon 💫

This app supports you in creating, deepening and expanding your energy work.  There will be energy healing meditations, energy activations, and steps you can take to help you develop your intuition. Stay tuned to be one of the first subscribers and win a free 1:1 session with me!

Ready to be all of you in 2023 and bring in your intuition and energy work into your business and day to day life?  I’m hosting a small mastermind group called the Be Energetic Container, and it’s for you if you’re ready to bring more energy into your life and business in 2023, find more details here: https://emilymarie.com/beenergeticcontainer

Have you signed up to be the first to know about pre-release of the book Your Energy Firsthttps://emilymarie.com/book

Now Booking in 2023. Book a 1:1 session with Emily here: https://calendly.com/emilymarieenergy/1-1-sessions

If a 1:1 intensive feels more up your alley and you’re ready to trust your intuition fully and bring all of you forward in 2023? Want to develop your own personal energy skillset and use it to navigate your life in a way that feels fully aligned to you? Tired of feeling like there’s more out there for you but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Create space for yourself with the Aligned Container, and focus on fine tuning your intuition, understanding better these parts of you, bring your energetic gifts forward in you life and realize how you can use them to navigate in your life so you feel completely fulfilled and full of JOY! You are meant for great things, join the Aligned Container today if this calls to you.: https://emilymarie.com/alignment-packages

For any questions, comments or shares, our email is open and we love hearing from you, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com.

For additional content subscribe to the Your Energy First YouTube Channel Here

Follow for more on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at emilymarie.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back to the podcast, back to our time together to help support your energy. Activate the next level of you. Bring in more support, bring in more grounding, bring in more clarity. This is bringing up in this container today how it is that we perceive energy and what’s coming through for this [00:01:00] podcast.

What’s been inkling at me for at least a week and a half, and I’m exci. I’m excited about all of ’em. What am I saying? I’m excited about this one. I’m excited about all of them. , like what topic wouldn’t I be excited about around energy work? I’m sure that moment will come. Okay. I’m actually realigning that energy really quick with Cuz words are intention, right?

Words are so powerful and I’ve told this story before, I’m not sure if you’ve heard it, but I was hosting an energy healing retreat and it was my first one and I was sitting on the ground and everyone was in these comfortable, cozy chairs and couches and our backdrop was this gorgeous window. Beautiful tall trees, nature, the sound in the background, the Puget Sound in the background, by the way.

And we had so many eagles flying by and butterflies, and it was just epic. And this meditation starts and this was a way for [00:02:00] you to connect or for them to connect more with their spirit guides. And I say, okay, reach out and connect with them. And. See literal because when you’re in, when you’re doing in-person group work, especially the the guides, you’re calling it magnetism of energy amplifies, it’s so strong.

And we’re gonna do a third eye activation today, which is funny because the story I’m telling this came from their third. , but I said, reach out to your spirit guides. And I saw these actual, they look like heat waves jittering out everyone’s forehead, like, oh, reach out to my spirit guides. Of course this is, I’m sure this is exactly what I did in the beginning, along with a bunch of other goofy stuff, , which is why I’m here to help you avoid the goofy stuff and get great to the good steps so you can then develop your own special magic.

So EV and I was like, and I go within, go within and the inner light [00:03:00] concept I don’t even think had come into my peripheral yet. And so we went back in to our bodies and connected with our spirit guides and spirit team there, and it taught me such a valuable lesson because, Think about how our auras, our auras are simply, your energy feels.

The energy that you put out are overlapping all the time. And so these things interact with each other. That’s why when you walk past someone and they’re a stranger, but you just, it just kind of feels off. It’s because they’re literally projecting their thoughts into their work energy field. And then our paths cross.

The newsletter I sent out last week talks about holiday hygiene. It was funny, I was playing with a string with my cat and I was like, this is so cliche, but I found some knitting yarn from my American grandmother from a few years ago, and I was di and I was like, cats like this stuff. He was obsessed better [00:04:00] than any toy.

I went on this like $11 scooter around mouse toy and he could care less, but oh, the string . So keeping in mind that that is also the power within you. . The power of your thoughts. The power of your energy, the power of your magnetism is massive. It’s so massive, and we’re here to cultivate that together during our time.

and then you are cultivating that with other people, with other mentors, with other books, with other coaches, through peers, through random people you meet through posts you see on the internet, , there’s no one singular way you learn about this stuff. There’s no one singular way. So to that point, I do have an announcement.

I’ve mentioned this a couple of times. Then I have one, but I [00:05:00] am going to be releasing an app and the purpose behind this app, my purpose for all of this work has always been how do I help you develop your own energy skillset and your intuition is one singular. In your skillset, your intuition is what guides you in the development of the exploration of your energy and the exploration of all the things you get to experience in this life, and how do you bring that forward in the world?

And I’m getting emails from you, and I love every single one of them. , the way that you’re all having this innate desire to bring more of who you are into this world from an energetic perspective is so magical, so beautiful, so needed. So thank you for doing this work and thank you for letting me be a part [00:06:00] of it.

And when I am wondering why my throat shocker is being activated right now, probably because this has been a really interesting journey for. . When I created the Inner Light Circle Community, my intention was to, and this was also back when the pandemic was still a thing. My intention was to help people develop their intuition, their energetic skillset.

And what I’ve learned about myself is I’m really good at doing that one-on-one because people, each of you is completely unique. There’s definitely. Similar rhythms and patterns, but the way each of you Intuits, any little given thing is different. And then also in smaller group settings. So with the community, what I realized is we, people need a bit more, oh, what’s the term?

Guideposts? I wanted to say [00:07:00] guardrails, but this isn’t about restriction. This is about your expansion and. We need, we do need some steps, steps that still get to be expansive and explored. And so this app is gonna be a place where it’s as if you would go to an app to pick up a meditation. You will go to this app to say, I want to do my own energy healing work.

So there’s gonna be energy healing meditations, there’s going to be energy healing activations, or the guides just gave me another adjustment. But energy activations, there’s going to be. steps you can take to help you develop your intuition. There’s gonna be steps you can take to help develop your connection with your guides and more so the Inner Light Circle community is going to be shifting.

For those who wanna shift [00:08:00] over to the app, there’s going to be a free version, and the free version is gonna have the basics lined up. It’s going to explain the inner light, which will be new to some people. For those of you who are very comfortable with your inner light and practice it a lot, there is going to be meditations to help you expand and deepen your inner light connection, and there is going to be weekly energy, either meditation or activation added.

If you become a member and there’s more to come. So one of the things I also wanna be really open about is my process. And the reason I’m sharing my process with you is because I’ve noticed in this last year and a half since I started working for myself full-time, I guess it’s been a little bit longer than that, is.

I [00:09:00] have gotten to where I’m at from a spiritual level, from an energetic level, from a business level, because I failed over and over and over and over and over and over. I mean, it’s just a bunch of failures, basically . But I’ve had this guiding light inside me that. Encourages me to keep going. That encourages, that gives me moments, peaks of new levels of joy, of new levels, of Right now, the guides are calling adjustments into life.

I have a lot of the same people in my life that I had. 10 plus years ago because I really went through a deep, deep, deep,

I’m gonna call it Dark Night of the Soul, but it wasn’t quite that, and it was long and it was hard. I’m actually gonna be interviewing one of my friends for the podcast because she. [00:10:00] Is very, very light in any type of energy work she does. But she’s one of my dearest friends and she’s seen me through this transition process and I wanna help shed some light on the fact that I think sometimes we, we hear these stories, you know, Jesus Buddha.

Well, I guess not Buddha actually, but you look at Jesus, it’s, it’s like he was born with this, with these abilities and gifts. So we have this impression, oh, if I’m not born with these abilities and gifts, um, and instead what happens? Oh, but then I guess Buddha is a good example because he was the prince and then dedicated himself to a new path and a new journey.

So the same people are around. , not all the same. Of course, new, incredible people have shown up. Um, I’m still living in a home that I love dearly, and that is like an oasis to me, which is why I’m super particular about how I share it online, as you can imagine. And so I wanna [00:11:00] share with you this evolution, this process, this, these failures that I’ve had.

Because without them I wouldn’t be where I’m at today and where I’m at and, and my life before was really good. It was great actually. There’s a lot of really good things about it, but in my heart, , I knew that there was something more that I was meant to experience. Give to myself and then give back to the world, which I know each of you feels something similar because that’s why we’re here.

That is why we’re here. So I know that in America, Culture. Okay. And I know that this does spread into other cultures as well, but we have this idea of like, if you build it, they will come or we don’t see the challenges that happen before the victory. and the hero’s [00:12:00] journey is something we all relate to because the hero comes up against strife and then there’s a way out and they succeed, and that is very true.

What happens is, that hero. You being the hero, reached these moments of friction unease, feeling a little bit like, Hmm, I want more in life. I want more . And you deserve more. You deserve more. Imagine you getting to experience and be more, having more, more joy, more laughter, more fun, more experiences. What vibration does that give off in the.

more of the vibration that we need. Also, when you experience and and have more, you get to support more people, which is the name of the game is you hold and raise your vibration so we can help [00:13:00] raise the vibration of others and help each other out. So why am I sharing all of this? So I think the hero’s.

I think we, the part is, it’s not just one thing that the hero comes up against and Oh, strife, and then, oh, I’ve reached the promised land. It’s more like strife. Ooh, that feels good. Ooh, this is working. Strife, strife, strife, strife. Ooh, wait. This feels even better than before. This is really good. This is working.

Oh, this lesson again, in this way, shape, or form. Ooh, wait. I’ve evolved now. So there’s really a lot to. unpack and because in America we, in the, in modern culture in America, we think everything has to be perfect and look a certain way in order for it to be right. I want to show you. Okay. I have tried things on in a lot of ways.

[00:14:00] They worked and in a lot of ways they didn’t. And now I am refining and recreating. and it’s really forcing me to stay true to what’s in alignment for me. Now, keep in mind the inner light community, I have loved the people, love, adore everybody’s there because, hey, we’re all curious about ourselves and forming this community online in the means that we.

the different technologies we used. It’s just, I knew for, I actually knew when I started the community that it had a lifespan, . And I was like, no, I want it to be forever because that’s the inner child in me, right? That wants safety and that wants connection and that doesn’t wanna fail. And so I really took a look at this and thought, okay, what will this next stage of development be like?

And we may actually roll out the app. , not the new branding I’m [00:15:00] working on, but what matters to me first and foremost is what is the intention? What is the space I’m holding for this app? What is it bringing to people? That’s number one. So you guys are like, Emily, I don’t care if the button is teal or forest green, or if it is purple, or if it is hot pink

If you tell me I can connect with my higher self and feel more calm for three minutes in my. Don’t give a damn about that button in color . So letting go of this need for things to be perfect. And when we let go of this thing that we’ve been taught about how things need to be perfect, then you get to explore.

You get to say, who am I? Who do I get to be? Who do I want to be? What does it look like? Oh my gosh, I just took a moment and made sure that my podcast was being recorded on this device. That’s really funny. So, I’m creating as I go. I’m feeling into [00:16:00] it. I’m not pushing things. I’m not, you know, I’m working with a company that’s developing the app and so I have been so upfront and they’ve been great to work with because I’m like, look, there is a greater purpose behind this.

There is a flow. I am trusting the process. . I’m like, it won’t all be videos. Some of it’s gonna be audio. They’re like, we’re fine. Like with whatever you need to create, we’ll create it. . The purpose behind the app is that you learn further from what you already taught yourself, how to continue to develop and expand, do your own energy work.

That’s the whole point. And it also gives you space to be magic throughout different parts of your day and your week and your month, because, The irony is that one of these other podcasts is really gonna kind of tune into the importance that I’ve talked about on a [00:17:00] couple of podcasts. But spirit’s really asking us as a collective to dig deep into, carve out, like we have to carve out dedicated personal space for ourselves in the day.

they’re like 20 to 30 minutes. And at the same time, we need to be human and we need to live and we need to be and experience and have fun. And so this is also gonna show you different ways you can develop your energy tools and how to do energy work while you’re in the throes of life and not just when you’re sitting.

cultivating you . So what else? I am, we’re not, the third eye activation isn’t coming up quite yet. What I’m looking at is, so one of the things that they’re showing me, my spirit guy, is, my spirit team are showing me [00:18:00] is how when you do anything, buy a house. Job, relationship, they want you to realize you are always creating, you are always creating, and that puts the power back in you.

So as you decide what you wanna wear that day, you decide what it is you wanna do, who you wanna connect with, realize you are creating. They’re saying even as you are, let’s see, this is the first time that I’ve heard this, so I’m pausing for a second to receive this information. This is interesting. So even when you do healing work on yourself, you are creating because energy is moving.

and you’re saying to yourself, I want, I’m [00:19:00] ready for the next version of me, the next level of me. In the last podcast, I made the comment about how, because we’re all energy, being human is an experience. , we’re all choosing to have kind of like, oh, I’m putting on those jeans today. That’s the experience I wanna have.

doesn’t quite do justice, but that’s the comparison we’re going with. And I was like, gosh, this feels kind of, it doesn’t really do, doesn’t really satisfy this journey that we’re on. And our soul takes on different types of forms, in this case, human form. . They are saying for the good and the bad, the bad being the stuff that we’ve come to heal.

But the bad varies, of course, but they say, we’re kind of forgetting that we’re also supposed to create cr, like, how much can you [00:20:00] create? How good can it get? How big can it get for you? How big and expansive and flowing and abundant in all ways. Can it really be for you? , how peaceful in your mind and in your heart does it get to be for you?

Keeping in mind we have these natural life experiences that kind of say, Hey, there’s more for you out here, or This is something we want you to focus on.

Okay, so. After I recorded that last podcast episode and I had made that statement, one of the things my spirit guides showed me is I did, they showed me this experience I had, and I have never been interested in drugs growing up of any kind. , [00:21:00] my intuitive knowing told me, you already perceive these things.

You do not want to amplify them. And I said, that sounds very accurate, because I was so scared. I was fearful all the time, actually, now that I think about it, because going into any new building, you know, as soon as it got dark and I had all those things I was perceiving so much. . And keep in mind, while I was seeing those things, I was also feeling and experiencing spirit, which was warmth, safety, blessings.

So there was a very good balance in my life. I wanna make that very clear because I had the support and safety growing up to me. That’s why I went through what I went through for 10 plus years. consciously, I was going through it because I had to go through it as a child, but [00:22:00] then in my early twenties I was like, okay, I, I gotta figure something out here.

Actually, I think it was my mid twenties. So then I started to explore these things and bec I was able to, I wasn’t really, didn’t really feel like it was by choice, but as I explored these things, because I. Comfort and safety in my life. To me, I was able to go to those depths, learn, and now I’m sharing what I’ve learned, which is universal laws of energy.

This is how you develop your own energetic skillset, bring it to the world, how you become your own transformational energy healer. Ooh, why is it cutting out like that? But I, oh gosh. Are you kidding me? Am I supposed to tell this part? I got it. Yes. Well, it was brought to me and then I just confirm. Oh, goodness gracious.

Okay, there we go. So not wanting to do drugs, that was why. And [00:23:00] I, I think I tried a few things. I was never, they never really did much for me. They usually made me feel kind of crappy in comparison, so I just thought, okay, not for me. And then it was actually recently that I microdosed, um, it. edibles, that was chocolate mushrooms, and they were from someone that I trusted.

We were in another part of the world. We were sitting with our butts in the sand, feet in the sand by the ocean, and it felt good. I mean, it felt right to enjoy these. Obviously I was grounded. I was commuting with the ocean and it was great. It felt great. It was funny. My friend kind of not made, she didn’t make fun of me, but she was like, wow, you’re taking a really small amount.

And I was like, I am sensitive . And [00:24:00] it was great. Loved it. So then we went back to this house, this gorgeous house that we were staying. and it’s evening time. We’ve had dinner time for the next round and I’m like, sure. And again, I take the smallest amount imaginable. And again, my friend kind of jokes with me a little bit and I’m like, I get it, but I just, I have to honor what feels right.

She’s like, of course, she was very supportive. And then all of a sudden I start to see all kinds of things on all my friends and unpleasant things, dark things, little dark bits and bobs all around, and. And finally after about 20 or 30 minutes, I was like, you know, I’m gonna go to bed. And they’re like, goodnight.

And I got back to my room and I refreshed my energy and I check in and I said, okay, this is [00:25:00] what I need right now. I need support. I need clearing, grounding called in all kinds of divine protection for myself. And I said, I’m ready to reset and learn from this. And. Part of what I learned from that experience is that what I was perceiving is just normal human emotions rolling around us.

Right? I’m sure if I had looked at myself in the mirror, I would’ve seen the same darn thing on me or a similar version of it. And my, my friends are not like bad people. You know? They’re good people. We all have this stuff that we’re processing, so. I was thinking about that. My guys reminded me of it when I said, you know, why are we here as humans?

And they’re actually saying that in this lifetime in particular, we’re bringing more forward than we would in most lifetimes. And they’re saying, because the energies are here to [00:26:00] support the cleansing, to support the transition, to support the transformation, which is beautiful. Really, really be. . So we are now getting ready for this activation and it still needs a bit more time.

And before we lean into it, the other piece to the supportive energies that are helping us all out. The other part that’s coming forward. is the fact that our planet, our dear, dear planet, part of the reason that we are in the state of distress that we are, because keep in mind, mother Earth is her own entity of the light, her own energetic being.

She could wipe us all out, no problem. She could be like, you know what, you guys too much. It’s too much. [00:27:00] What we don’t as a modern culture do enough is commune with her and our beautiful meat suits that we’ve all chosen to be in, in this lifetime actually have a place which is with her. And that is why.

And and it’s actually a very, very special gift. It’s a gift that we. That we, we get to transform into humans in this lifetime. That we get to experience the pleasure and the bliss of life, and that we get to see the beauty of nature. And that nature helps you create and helps you release and helps you ground and all of these things.

And again, in, in my culture, at least, I’ll say we have missed that Mark. We’ve gotten so far away from that. And. , the climate issues that we’re heading towards is all in divine timing as well. Because [00:28:00] as we heal ourselves, we then have more capacity to help and support, heal the space we’re in, heal others, and help transform that.

And that is the greatest purpose of it all. The guides are saying, what greater love there? What? How did they say that? What greater love there is? Hmm.

Okay, spiritual activation. Your third eye, this activation that’s coming around is in wrapping you, us in gold light. This is an energy activation that’s for the highest good of all involved. And speaking of mother earth, , we’re receiving a lot of grounding support for this one. So part of the reason being is that our third eye activations, , I wanna say [00:29:00] it can sometimes be the scariest to the human mind.

And the whole point of this activation is that you feel safe in expanding your third eye. So we are going to safely, oh my gosh, the guides just joked. Expose your third eye, uh, at your next level, whatever your next level is. And they’re currently working on the back part of the third eye chakra.

So if you bring your attention to your inner light, just acknowledge it in whatever way feels good for you.

Taking just a couple of gentle breaths and just notice what your breath is doing. Give yourself grace. You’ve come this far and you’re doing so amazing,[00:30:00]

and from your inner light set the intention. that within this golden room, ward bubble, whatever you wanna call it, that we’re in, which is actually picking up on a lot of debris that’s being sloughed off right now, and it’s taking care of that debris for us.

Set the intention. That you are ready for the next level. For your third eye to open. Awaken, expand.[00:31:00]

Know that you are being guided,

divinely protected.

and all of this is shaping up for your highest good and wellbeing. They’re adding, so get excited. Let’s see. They just brought some multi-dimensional, multi-colored violet energy. It’s like violet, and then it’s deep purple, and then it’s sparkly, and there’s some real depth in there. I’ve noticed sometimes these really, they’re of the light, but they’re sort of darker energies have to come forward to help release some of the older energies.

I think I just used the term balance, so whenever the darker energies come in, I always have to double, triple check what it is. like we don’t want anything sneaking in [00:32:00] here. . But what you do is you hold your light and you’re say, show me that you are of the light and it either washes away or it, it shows you its undertones, which is the light, and it can’t not.

That’s one of the universal laws of energy. And now this huge beam of bright light just came through just in case there’s any doubt. And this is raising your overall vibration. It’s actually taking me to. The cells of your body, the cells of our bodies.

As you explore the bean that of your third eye, look at it from a sense of wonder.[00:33:00]

Look at it from a sense of knowing your power.

They’re saying there’s no good or bad. They’re saying What is? What is,

and what is is it’s safe for you to explore the expansion of your third. It’s part of who you’re meant to be.

Amazing, amazing work. Everyone.

I have decided, I have felt intuitively to keep the. spots open. Um, open a few more spots for the [00:34:00] alignment container if you wanna do this work. One-on. . If you wanna feel more experience more, be more in your life, we cover so much, so much, and the app will be out and available soon. I’ll put it in my show notes.

You’ll see it on social media. As always, I’ve loved to hear from you. Connect emily marie.com. Oh, that’s another thing. I had two email addresses. Team at Emily Marie and connected Emily Marie, and we’re gonna be streamline. Connected, Emily and Marie moving forward. The team isn’t gonna go away for a while, but, or the team at Emily Marie.

But again, this is one of the things that I kind of goofed up on. Someone had created the team one for me, and then I like to connect better. And then I realized I was emailing the same clients from two different email addresses. Goofy. We’re streamlining. We’re streamlining . Feel brave enough to screw up.

And enjoy what you learned from it. You are amazing. Thank you for bringing your light into this [00:35:00] world. Thanks so much for listening to today’s episode. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review and make sure you’ve signed up for the newsletter for special insights, offerings, and announcements that are just for you.

This podcast and website represents the opinions of Emily Marie and her guests to the show and website. The content should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical advice, recommendations, and questions, views and opinions expressed in this podcast and webs.

[00:36:00] Site are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurately welcome, any common suggestions or correction errors.



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