How to Develop Your Intuitive Skill Set


Episode #29

How to Develop Your Intuitive Skill Set

In this episode of Your Energy First, Emily Marie is sharing all about developing your Intuitive Skill Set, which is the merging of your intuition and your energetic skill set as one. Every single human has these abilities, and yours are completely unique. No matter what level you’re at right now on your intuitive journey, what’s important is repetition and practice so you can sense the energy and know what to do with it. Humans make it complicated, but energy work is quite simple. Emily shared a simple formula from the guides to help you build in repetition and practice with your intuition, which will in tune help make your day-to-day life a bit easier, become aware of issues quicker, and receive support in resolving them.

Tune in to hear:

  • How do you deepen and strengthen your intuition?
  • How to carve out practice time for it
  • How do you get into alignment?
  • Getting into your flow state
  • The rule of the Energy of the Light
  • Intuitive Skill Set formula to make your life easier

Bring forth a fully aligned YOU in 2023: VIRTUAL RESET + RENEW January Retreat! The tools you’ll develop during this retreat will support you for the rest of the year and beyond. The first session is on January 7th, 2023. 

If you are feeling the call to dive deeper into your own personal energy work & discover your unique intuition skill set the Aligned Container is for you! These 1:1 sessions are perfect for you if you are ready to create more balance in your life, expand to your next level, or find your purpose! Find out more about the Aligned Container here

Join the Inner Light Circle: A low-cost monthly community built to help you develop your own energy healing skillset with 2 live monthly sessions with Emily. You will receive energetic support throughout the container and during our monthly group healing sessions along with a once-a-month Q&A. Learn more about the Inner Light Circle here.

Find me on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at my website www.emilymarie.com

Click here to subscribe to my YouTube channel.  

If you have any questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back everyone. It is so good to have you here Today we are going to talk about how do you develop your intuition? How do you develop your intuition and your energetic skillset? We’re going to talk about those two things as if they are one and the same, because they are more or less because you use your intuition with your energetic skillset, and maybe you’ve heard me talk about this before.

Every single human, not just has intuition and an energetic skillset to break forth in this [00:01:00] lifetime, but everyone’s is actually completely unique. So that’s why, by the way, we’re still in this major throat chakra clearing energy. It’s just now, the other morning I woke up with like half of a sore throat and it made me kind of giggle because I was like, Sometimes people think if someone’s like a formal energy healer practitioner, that whenever you’re processing something just comes in these beautiful golden waves, right?

Oh, let, let myself be healed. And it was just not, you know, it wasn’t sexy, it wasn’t attractive, and it was like, ugh. And sometimes that’s how it needs to process. And that’s okay. That’s okay. So given that. And also I was talking to a couple of people who had lost their voice and other people who were dealing with the throat chakra, clearings, and activations that were happening in different [00:02:00] ways.

And maybe it affected you and maybe it didn’t. And if it didn’t affect you, it’s not because you’re like, oh, shoot, I missed that wave. Or am I, did I not opt into that? Because you know, I’m not at the same level as somebody else. Absolutely freaking. It just means that there is other major things that you’re dealing with right now that you don’t have to process that one.

And it also can just now be in your awareness so that you can support others who may be going through it. You might point it out to them and that might help them in their process of healing, which how beautiful. Right? And that’s the whole goal here. The whole goal for us is to each open up and be able to hold space, hold space for each other.

That’s what’s gonna make all of this so, so powerful. Of course I haven’t had any of these throat issues until I started this podcast. Cracks me up. Okay. All right, so as we are getting started, [00:03:00] and I’m holding space for this podcast, for this episode, for this activation and clearing of our own here, so what spirits bringing forward, they’re saying whatever it is you notice or feel, that’s what’s being brought forward.

What do you feel in your body right now? What do you notice if you were to ask your inner light? What energy should I, could I be receiving, perceiving for my highest good right now? What do you notice? What do you feel or where do you feel it? Or do you see something? Do you see a color? So part of the energy healing that’s happening right now is actually for your sac.

You say girl chakra is the orange one. Our chakras go like the rainbow from bottom to top, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple expansion. Our crown chakra, you know, the crown chakra. I actually believe, based on my experience that people’s crown chakra colors are a little bit different. I just my two [00:04:00] from what I’ve seen, so I tend to see the crown chakra as like an iridescent.

and sometimes it may freak the masculine out when they have a more feminine color come in. But that’s never a bad thing, right? Because we each have masculine and feminine. So you’re just expanding. Expanding in all ways. But our sacl shocker right now, the way that this energy is coming through, where do you feel it?

Where do you notice. I see. Okay. So in regards to what it is we’re gonna be talking about today, how do you create more space in your life to utilize your intuition feel into its benefits? There’s so many benefits. They’re saying this actually is sac chakra and root chakra work. I mean, it’s all your shockers and all your energy, right?

They’re just pinpointing that [00:05:00] for this part of the episode. Because what happens is, oh, it’s so beautiful. When you turn towards your light, when you turn towards your energy, you’re creating with it. What we’re gonna talk about today is you expanding who you are, true essence of who you are. It’s such an amazing thing.

It’s so powerful. You know, look at how, look at who you are, right? You know, your looks, your hair, the creative ways you present yourself with clothing. And the way you express yourself know what you’re doing is you’re gonna go deeper and you’re gonna go wider and you’re gonna say, what feels good for me?

What sounds good for my life? And you are going to start creating more from that space. And that’s why we’re working there. Working on the SRL chakra is because that is creativity, passion, purpose. It’s also reproductive organ. [00:06:00] And it is connected. It has connections to our root right now, this work that they’re doing because they want us to feel safe and supported in this transition.

We’re supposed to be, you’re supposed to be supposed to be doing this work, but not in a, you know, another item on your checklist or to-do list. You’re supposed to be doing this work because your soul wants to feel. And soul fulfillment is one of the most incredible feelings in the entire galaxy. Yeah, it’s truly incredible.

Really incredible. When you feel like, oh, this is, I’m living out my life’s purpose. It’s euphoric. You’re in the moment, you’re expressive, you’re expansive, and everybody’s just gonna look a little bit different. So yeah, they’re also bringing in some deep earth energies. To support and ground this creativeness within you, this creative expression.

Hello, through Chakri again. [00:07:00] Okay, so how do you deepen and strengthen your intuition? So the guides gave me a formula, which I thought was very sweet of them. Something to kind of wrap our heads. And one of the things I wanna note is when you take a look at, okay, how do I develop my intuition? Think about the fact there have been a couple of people I’ve interviewed.

Kathy Messe was one of ’em. Kathy Slosky was another one. Both of them said they continued to practice, practice developing their energy skillset, and then for each of them, one day it popped. Kathy Mae said for her, it was after five years of practicing, all of a sudden she goes, I could hear my kinds. And then Kathy Slosky, I don’t know if she shared how long it took her, but she said she couldn’t see [00:08:00] energy.

She goes, I thought I was missing out. And then one day she goes, I realized. I really say good. So practice, you know, look at the things you’re good at right now. How did you get there? Maybe the job you’re. Maybe the stage of parenting you’re in. How did you get there? You didn’t know day one. No, of course not.

But you practiced. So same. Same. And sometimes I know we think, oh, it just, I’m gonna turn it on and it’s all gonna be there. Even for individuals whos energy and energy skillset is just turned on one day, it still takes a refinement. It. You still have to practice then with what you’ve been given to know how it all works.

I hope that makes sense. So I know some people wake up and all of a sudden they can see energy, you know, they can see everything. They can see ghosts walking through walls, and true. Yet, what they don’t know yet is how to develop their [00:09:00] skillset and what do I do with this now? So that’s what we’re gonna talk about practicing today.

And remember what the guys always say, which is, energy work is simple. Humans make it complic. So what does it look like? So the guides had been trickling in this information for me these last few days. We, I don’t even know. And they kept saying this term, carve out, people need to carve out time to practice this, to develop this within themselves.

And that means you need to consciously say, you know what? I’m gonna practice this for a couple. I’m gonna take a bathroom, play around with my intuition and see what shows up. I’m gonna go for a walk. I’m going to talk to a friend. I’m gonna go to an online sound bowl here, an in-person sound ballroom.

Carve out time. This also means if you [00:10:00] are someone who is a busy shirt, negotiating with someone to help give you the support so you can step away for 15, 30 minutes. Now I have people in my lives and I asked them, I said, you have kids? I said, what stops you from meditating, dedicating space to your own energy work?

And they said, I feel guilty that I’m not spending time with my children. I said, of course. I totally get that. I was like, guys, what do you gotta say? What do you gotta say for that? And what’s really unique and what we’re missing is that when children see that you are carving out time for. Kids are so stink and smart, and they’re so attuned, they will immediately recognize the shift in your energy when you return.

They’re gonna put two and two together, that mom or dad dedicated time to themselves, to their wellbeing, to their overall, overall health. [00:11:00] And then in turn, your children are going to follow you and they’re gonna do the same for themselves. And all we want is for our kids to be healthy and happy. So imagine now you’re showing them this is how it’s done, and it’s not selfish because you’re gonna come back an even better parent for them and maybe even get some parental insights.

How to make life a little bit easier, . So how can you carve out time? Maybe day-to-day is too. Maybe it needs to be weekly, but how can you create that space for yourself? And even myself, someone who’s single at the moment, I can pop it to meditation any time I want and I do. But I really liked this idea of almost like sitting these little mini energy dates with myself.

You know, I’m always running energy for myself and I’m always [00:12:00] chit-chatting with the guides from time to. And by the way, when I say that, it means I literally throw up a question to them and then sometimes the response comes back, clears a bell that it’s them. Sometimes it comes back as my own thought.

Sometimes I’m like, wait, I’m moving too fast. What was that? I didn’t catch that. Sometimes it comes to me a couple days later or in the shower. So I don’t wanna sit here and just act like, oh my gosh, every time we reach out to the guy, it’s a perfect response. Nope, it’s not. Energy is. So carving out this time is really creating space for something in your life that is gonna be very fulfilling and very exciting, and it’s probably gonna look a little bit different every single time, but this is where the creativeness of you comes into play.

And if you’re thinking to yourself, okay, I’m gonna carve out this space. There’s all these other things I should.

We’re gonna be a little bit dramatic here for [00:13:00] a second. When you die, would you remember that your loads of laundry were done, or would you remember that, hey, I had a really great experience that had a positive ripple effect on the rest of my day or week. Let’s get down to brass tags here. So yeah, what kind of commitment can you make to yourself to carve out some time?

And I’m gonna do the same thing and I’m really excited. I’m really excited. I love when these simple, simple tools come in and it just kind of sounds juicy and fun and flowery. Can things be juicy and flowery at the same time? I don’t know they can when it’s energy, because how do you describe energy? So as you carve this time out, you are gonna be creating with energy.

It’s just another way you get to express yourself in this world. So once you’ve carved out time, then you wanna get into alignment. And how do you get into alignment? So one of the ways is you can start by just setting the intention. You connect with your inner light. [00:14:00] Uh, some people call inner light, inner spirit, my grandmother calls it for inner spirit.

And you start by getting into alignment. So you intentionally say, I am creating with the light. I set the intention I create with the. Let’s first, so now you’re in alignment. You’re in alignment with your energy. Maybe a few deep breaths, maybe a meditation, maybe listening to someone’s energy activation.

I have some of those other people have them on YouTube. How do you get into alignment and what brings you into alignment? Because maybe it is a little bit of time in nature. Maybe it’s listening to your favorite song. Maybe it’s drawing, maybe it’s scribbling aimlessly. Maybe it’s journaling, maybe it’s baking.

I mean, there’s so many different ways you can get into alignment. There’s not just one. Absolutely not just one. So you get into alignment, and once you’re in alignment, you are then in your [00:15:00] slow state. And once you are in your flow, You are now aligned directly with all things your intuition and your energy.

So once you are in your flow state, you are essentially clicked in to your intuition. The way that you’ve clicked in is because you set the intention that you are connected with the light, whichever way that is. . And the next thing you wanna do once you’re there, so maybe you’re just sitting in your room, you’re like, I don’t know.

This person talked about, or Emily talked about harboring out time, getting into alignment, finding my flow state. Okay, you’re there. And once you’re there breathing into your light or feeling into your light on your. Now you want to let your energy [00:16:00] expand, let your energy expand, ask your spirit guides or spirit team questions, or simply say hello to them.

Do you know who? I developed my intuition. I was basically bebopping around this earth not knowing that my spirit guides were the ones communicating. , and it was like little by little. All of a sudden I realized, oh, this energy feels really good. It has a softness. It’s not intrusive, and it has a different tone to it.

When I talk to myself in my head and they’re always there communicating with you, and the reason that my intuition is the way that it is, is because I practice every single day. Now, I did not start by practicing every single. I started by barely practicing once a month, and then it became once a week, and then it became daily, and now it just happens throughout my day [00:17:00] and it took a while to get there.

So practice, practice, practice. Maybe you wanna simply run energy for yourself. Maybe you want to hold space and send love and light and healing to your loved ones. Maybe you want to say, Hey, spirit. Show me what I’ve got as far as energy healing capabilities through my hands, through my feet, through my nose, through my eyes.

Hey, can you show me an earth element that I can work with? Can you please show me an animal I can work with energetically? Do you see how you are now proactively using your free will, using your empowerment? Now saying, Hey, I’m showing up to work with these things. So as you’re expanding, you’re giving space to this experience for yourself.

It’s so incredible. You’re being held in your light, [00:18:00] therefore, you’re SNA and protected. Then you’re asking for things. Why not? Also, if you’re like, Hey, spirit team, you know, show me, do I have any energy healing through my nose? I know how ridiculous that sounds. But I will tell you though, nothing, I mean, Blown away by all the things I see energy healing wise.

So I don’t know why. Why can’t it be that way? Right? Why can’t we have those healing abilities? Why does it only have to be through our hands? Yeah. They’re showing me something right now, and I’m like, that looks otherworldly . Because remember, you’re bringing forth your skillset, not just from this lifetime, but from all of your other lifetimes.

You’re accessing your. Your soul and your soul’s power and source is power. And by you saying, Hey, I wanna ramp this up, I wanna practice, I wanna ask y’all a question. They are going to respond every single time because that’s one of the rules of energy, that’s of the light, is [00:19:00] every time you reach out it responds.

It’s universal law. It’s like, So because of that, even if you don’t feel or sense or notice anything at first, it will show up for you in some way, shape, or form. And the more you practice, the more you will feel and sense energy. Practice, practice, practice. And we sit in this expansion place because it’s safe, cuz you’re aligned in your light, you’re in your flow state, and then you get a plan, have fun.

And I’m gonna be so curious to see what comes forward for each of. , and you can do this anywhere, anytime, anywhere, anytime. So the abbreviation for this is Cafe C for carving out time, A for aligning, F for flow state, E for expanding. And the reason I kind of love this is because when you [00:20:00] think about going to a cafe, It’s usually a pretty darn good moment, right?

Oh, I’m going to a cafe. I’m gonna treat myself, maybe meet up with somebody that I like, take a little pause in the day, enjoy myself. How perfect the cafe moment. And it’s good because doing this is supposed to help make you feel good. It’s supposed to help make you feel. You know, being in this state is actually going to, it genuinely does make life easier.

It makes managing your day-to-day life easier. It helps you resolve issues in a more fluid manner. Resolve issues. I’m gonna actually say it helps you see issues quicker, and then you resolve them because you have these additional tools. These energetic tools to help you so truly reach out to your inner [00:21:00] light for anything.

Anything and have fun with it. You know, tell ’em you wanna play with the color green. You know, when I hold space for clients, it’s always a different color green that comes in. It’s always vibrant. That’s how you know it’s of the light. Well, sometimes grounding energy can actually be a little bit dense and not always as bright but green.

You know, en energy that’s of the light is gonna be. There’s always different colored green, so you know, why not? Or say, Hey, I wanna, A spirit team helped me play around with my throat chakra today. What do I need? Show me, show me some good stuff with my throat chakra. That’s interesting. I said that and my guides just started my, my spirit team started working on my lyric blaring, larynx.

Lnx. I don’t even know how to say that. You know what I’m talking about. You know what I’m talking about. Okay. The energy that they’re bringing through right now is this. It’s like puffy pink [00:22:00] cloud, cotton candy type energy, because they want you to feel, they want us to feel safe, expanding and having fun.

So how do you trust what it is that’s coming to you? Repetition and practice will make you feel more and more comfortable with what you’re sensing. The keys to the Golden Castle when it comes to doing your own energy work and exploring is number one, set the attention you align with the light number one.

I do that religiously. How I ironic, I’m using that term all day throughout my day, very intentionally. Before every single session that I do, sometimes I’ll be mid conversation with a friend or loved one, and I’ll just set that intention again and helps guide me through the conversation with. I may not have an answer to what it is they’re asking me about, right?

And then the second thing is, so you set the intention, you connect only with the light. And the second thing is you can set the intention that you experience energy healing, energy practice, [00:23:00] engage with your spirit team for the highest good of all involved. Integrity, energy, that’s of the light is going to give you so much more than you could ever imagine.

the more integrity that she has.

Okay. Carving out cafe spots in our day and meat. Mm-hmm. , I think I’m gonna do one for bed this week because Why not? It’s cold in the pack Northwest. We’re starting to get into, I swear we jumped from like end of summer to beginning of winter season. The leaves are changing rapidly. So speaking of integrity and practicing, I have the aligned container now open and I’m so excited.

So the aligned container is three months. It’s for, it’s one-on-one. It’s an individual container, and it is for you if you are looking to develop [00:24:00] your energy, skillset and intuition, because that’s one of my skillset sets is helping other people see their. And it’s really good for business owners who are, who have had success, but are looking to expand more, are looking to integrate more of your energy and skillset into your job, and also help refine and exemplify your success.

So success meaning how do we create more balance in your life? How can you create more yum. In your job or career and also support more people and receive more. So this is one of the things I have found is also one of my energetic skillsets. I kept getting clients who own businesses, , and my degree is in finance and I own a couple of businesses and clients are coming through with some of the coolest stuff they’re suggesting for people to do to help.

You know, it’s snobs and dials, right? And [00:25:00] make these fine, you know, fine tune some. so that you can, so that you can breathe, so that you can enjoy life, so that you can receive more and be more abundant. You know, ener money is energy and abundance is really about the quality of life that we’re living more than anything else.

So that is the aligned package. You can find it in the show notes. So it’s two sessions and then it’s actually eight plus mini sessions. And the way that that. Is we will be on boxer, so you can ask questions. I hold space and this is the boxer supports every Tuesday and Thursday, and I’ll hold space for many energy healing sessions and tweaks and also give you guided messages, validation for what it is you’re feeling.

Now, the reason this is not a Monday through Friday or a seven day a week availability on box. Because [00:26:00] this is not one 800 dial a guide . This is not like, Emily, what’s my intuition saying about this? I need to make a decision here. I know we all want that, but, uh, this is really, you will need some time and space to figure it out on, on your own because we’re, I’m teaching you how to finish, right?

And while you’re teaching yourself ambition, you’re just calling. Other people here and there to help you, but it’s important that you then get them validation. You know, that’s one of the big ways that we trust our intuition and continue to develop it, is the validation piece from each other. And also celebrate, you know, celebrate these wins, celebrate these nuances that are your energy that you’re recognizing and growing, and it’s an amazing, amazing.

Really amazing thing. It just feels so good in my heart space to hold space for this kind of container. So I’m opening it up to a small number of people. As I mentioned, it’s a three month commitment, and if [00:27:00] it goes well, I mean, I know it’s gonna go well, but depending on how it all feels, I might open up this segment again for next year.

I am gonna be announcing more retreats for next year. The next one’s gonna be coming up in the springtime. And this one will be in the Seattle area again, but I am definitely looking much more long-term international and also spreading our wings into other parts of the US because nature is always such a big part of these retreats.

And I have really found from myself, one of my skillsets is co-creating and holding a space for small groups. I will, this is something even my family has said forever that I am good at, is bringing people together in smaller groups. So that is the focus. So if you feel like you are ready for any of these things, this is for you.

If you feel solid and hey, I know I can do this, I’ve seen and felt my intuition, [00:28:00] this is something I wanna develop. This is definitely not a turnkey solution where I’m just gonna say, Hey, here’s all the answers. There you go. This does take practice and it does take work. The other practitioners in my life who are my dear friend, that really give people only new, you know, I feel like the spiritual community kind of makes these things look glamorous.

Like, it’s like when it’s just a lot of practice and trial and error behind the scenes. So I’m so excited to offer that for you. As always, thank you so much for bringing your light into this world. It all matters. Thanks so much for listening to today’s episode. Don’t forget to subscribe, rate and leave a review, and make sure you’ve signed up for the newsletter for special insights offerings.

And announcements that are just for you.[00:29:00]

This podcast and website represents the opinions of Emily Marie and. To the show and website, the content should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical advice, recommendations, and questions, views and opinions expressed in this podcast.

Site are our own and do not represent that of our places of work. While we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurately welcome. Any comment, suggestions, or correction of errors?



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