

Your Intuitive Tells: Building Trust with your Intuition


Episode #14

Your Intuitive Tells: Building Trust with your Intuition

What are your intuitive tells?  Part of trusting and expanding your intuition is understanding that:

1) Your intuition is always there, even when you’re not “feeling” it

2) Your intuition is a beautiful resource and tool for you, it will pull back if you lean on it as a crutch or outsource your power to it.  Versus you leaning into your inner power and asking it for support and guidance.

3) Build a baseline of trust with your intuition by understanding what your “tells” are – what is one of your tells?

Share here with me at [email protected] and let me know if you’d like to be anonymous or if I can use your first name!

You’re magic, keep going, the world needs your light.


Feel the need for a supported and concentrated shift?  The “Reset + Renew Energy Healing Retreat” is this October in the greater Seattle area, if you’re feeling the desire to reset and take your energy and path to the next best version of you, I’ll be holding space for a small group of individuals on this journey, reach out to me or fill out the registration form if you’re feeling the nudge to help support yourself in this next phase and level of your journey:  https://emilymarie.com/energy-retreat-10-22

To work with me directly:

Free: This Podcast, Social medias: @emilymarie.energy and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgHd0_mhVriB8vxhYMrG8w 

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Feel the desire to go deeper?  Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email [email protected], you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back to the podcast everyone. It is such a pleasure to have you here today. we are going to cover. How to develop trust in your intuition. And this is a multifaceted topic and for today’s episode, we are gonna cover what are your intuitive tells. What are your intuitive tells and a tell meaning like, what is your intuitive glossary?

[00:01:00] So taking a step back, we wanna first look at the fact that your intuition has always existed. It is not a on off switch. It is always deeply layered within you. And so what we wanna do is we want to gently recognize what are some of your tells so that you can start to feel comfortable and build trust in your intuition.

And, and once you recognize what some of your existing. Are. Then you can say, oh, I have this baseline to go off of. Because your intuition is like a software program. You know, you look at your smartphone and in the background of your smartphone, there’s a system running that’s helping all of the different apps work.

It keeps [00:02:00] things organized and your intuition is similar. , the guides are like, this is a durable example. . They’re like, you’re, they’re like you, you know the listener. Me, everybody, all of us. Like you’re so much more exquisite than that. You know, the other thing that’s been interesting to me too is when I use the example of an app, one of the things that they let me know is that apps aren’t going to exist one day,

And I’m like, what? How is that gonna work? What is that gonna look like? And they’re showing me, we’re gonna essentially enter a space like our phone, and it’s gonna be more of a. Gosh, I don’t know if it’s like an interactive experience. It’s interactive isn’t the right word. I can visualize it, but I, and also, I’m not a tech person, so I’m not the person creating this, but it’s just kinda wild.

I’m like, look, right now I’m just trying to focus on how to help people understand their intuition better and develop it and trust it. That’s hard enough. I don’t [00:03:00] wanna worry about the apps. Total side note, you guys know I’m good at tangents at this. So anyway, and talk about more useless information. I mean, who, who cares, right?

Like we’re all just trying to find peace, calm, and stability in our lives right now. and, and happiness and joy. So whatever the apps do, okay, so your intuitive tell, so your intuition has always been, Running in the background. It has always existed. So one of the things you wanna do is kind of take a step back and just know that you are not here to find a way to like, oh, where’s my intuition?

I gotta turn it on. What’s it doing right now? It exists. So what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna kind of take a deep breath in.

However this breath feels good for you and letting it slowly release. And on your next inhalant, I actually want you [00:04:00] to imagine the base of your body. So this would be your root chakra that’s between your legs. If you feel like your root chakra is slightly somewhere else, that works. And breathe into your root chakra and just kinda, the kits are giving me this energy.

It’s almost like you’re literally, kinda sounds funny, but it’s like you’re inhaling your root chakra and they’re having us do this because when we ground, which is this is one way to ground, it actually helps us clear our mind and it clears the debris from our energy field. They say it’s connecting us to our true essence too.

Okay, so let’s just do one more gentle breath in and kinda, you know, let, let yourself relax just a little bit more. And [00:05:00] now I want you to think about setting the intention. So acknowledge your inner light. Hello, inner light. How have you been? Sorry I’ve been neglecting you lately. , we’re not neglecting your inner light, are we?

No, of course not. . So acknowledge your inner light and. When you acknowledge it, you’re using your free will to activate it and your free will is very important because one of the things our intuition is not is it is not something for us to outsource our power with. You are a beautiful soul and aspect of your soul in this lifetime who is here for purpose.

And the more empowered you are in your energy, meaning you’re realizing that your intuition is an asset to you, it’s a resource pool, [00:06:00] the more empowered you’ll be. You are at the helm of your life. , and it can be kind of a freaky thing, especially because the way a lot of people were raised was actually to believe that school work, the institution’s, marriage, et cetera, are actually what takes care of you.

And of course, to some degree they do. But really what’s taking care of you is community. So we wanna make sure that we are not looking at our intuition by outsourcing our power to it. By the way, I’ve done that many of times. Just so we’re clear, the reason I can teach this and coach this is because I’ve made these mistakes

So let me clue you in on a few, uh, shortcuts. Nothing wrong with some good shortcuts. So your intuition is not something we outsource. It’s not a crutch we lean on. It’s not something where we say, Hey, intuition. Hello over there, you just. , you tell me what to do and I’m gonna go do it. There was a [00:07:00] time I was asking my intuition for so much, so many things, and all of a sudden everything started to get kind of like wet, kind of like warbly, and I was not getting clear answers at all.

So I paused. I pulled myself back together. I connected, I realigned with my inner light and I. Spirit team, what’s going on? And they go, would you stop asking us to do all of the work and all of the heavy lifting and make all of your decisions

And I was like, well, life is hard sometimes, so we want to make sure we understand that our intuition, which is always there, always supporting us, is an amazing aspect to who we are. And it is a guidance system. And yet at the same time, we wanna hold in our hearts, in our center, in our light. The fact that we uniquely are still so [00:08:00] beautiful and powerful along with them.

So we are going to build this confidence with them via understanding some of what your tells are today. And the way that we do that is by taking a look at where you’ve already been feeling your intuition. So we’re gonna start with some of the basics, like the Chills. I’ve talked about this before. If I were to ask you, what’s the difference between Good Chills and bad Chills?

you’d say . I can tell the difference. It’s distinct, but how do you explain that to someone? Right. , it would be kind of tough. So chills is one of your tells. And I also wanna acknowledge the fact that not everyone gets chills, believe it or not. So that’s one other one is when songs or phrases will just drop into your head.

Now [00:09:00] our intuition actually works with us in a really simple, simple way. We. Some of us, some people have this idea, oh, well, once I flip the switch onto my intuition, everything I receive from them is gonna be so grandiose. I’m gonna receive all of the insights. I’m gonna receive these great understandings.

And in order for our intuition to communicate with us on a human form on a regular basis, it needs to use a lot of different resources. So Chills is an example of a physical. Songs. Dropping into your head is an example of an audible tell, a hearing tell. Now there are other ways we get tells, like visual, for example, symbolism numbers.

If we have a significant spirit animal that shows up for us, that is our intuition [00:10:00] communicating with us. Maybe we see it on social media, maybe we see it walking by in nature. Maybe someone just randomly mentions your spirit animal That happened to me the other day. So your tells can come in many, many different forms.

And it’s funny because what spirit’s saying right now is how they, they say, it’s so funny because you know how when you see repeating numbers, you’re like, oh, that’s cool. That’s a good sign. . And on the one hand we want to realize that these tells are in flow with our life, right? We can’t have huge, impactful, grandiose moments with our intuition all day, every day.

It would be overstimulating, it would be too much. So these subtle tells are so beautiful, and at the same time, spirit saying this is still [00:11:00] significant. In its meaning. So sometimes we see, you know, a lot of people have, um, their own specific number, right? So there’s number sequences that are significant, or there’s songs that are significant.

Um, and maybe we don’t see that as, oh, it was like, oh, it’s just Chance. Or, oh, that’s just a popular song on the radio right now. Or, oh, you know, well it always turns 1212 every day , so of course I’m gonna see it. And spirit’s like, no, no, it is significant. So while it is not something that. Superly massive.

On the scale of all the things we receive from our intuition, they’re saying it is still very significant. And what does it mean for you? What does it mean for you? So what are some of your tells and how do you. Recognize for yourself that they are important and that they are meaningful [00:12:00] and that they matter.

Ooh, the guides say this can tie into worth for some of us we’re worthy of receiving simple, beautiful, yet powerful communication from our spirit team and our intuition throughout our day. So once you acknowledge that you have these. And what they are realize. Okay, my intuition is already communicating with me and we’re gonna go over a few more examples.

This is so funny. So this podcast has been coming through and this is something I actually haven’t verbalized before, tells so. , you guys are kind of getting a little bit of a rough, it’s, it’s almost like a comedian rehearses a few times before they go on set. And I probably should have rehearsed this on TikTok or something a few times before I came through with this.

And what happens is these sessions are guided, right? And they’ll, they don’t give me all of the information ahead of time, [00:13:00] so I hold space for it. And this is what happens in client sessions too, and they just gave me, At the end of our podcast, yet we’re not done yet. So since they gave it to me now, normally I would wait till the end, but they, I’m just gonna give it to you guys because.

You know, free will. They say, just believe. They say Just believe it. Just know it. Just trust it. They’re like, what would happen if you just for one day said, I’m just gonna trust my intuition. I’m just gonna trust that my tells matter. I’m gonna trust that these are significant. Just what would happen if you did.

So there’s the punchline , but we still got a few minutes to go. So the other thing that they’re bringing up with tells is for some of you, It will come form. It will [00:14:00] come form. Wow. It will come through in the form of, it’s almost like you can taste it. It’s almost like you can taste an energy, and I don’t wanna overcomplicate this.

What they mean is it’s like a tinge on your tongue, a tinge on the tip of your tongue. It’s so light and fair, and. It doesn’t taste like anything specific. It’s just this energetic tinge on the tip of your tongue. It’s like, wait, what was that? Something feels off. I’m getting some information here. I don’t like the way this tastes almost.

Although you and I would not say, Hey, I just tasted some energy. I just got a tinge on my tongue. But that’s another way. It’s another energetic tell that comes through. The other thing that they’re saying, Is that for some of you, you’ll almost feel like a dampening of your energy. [00:15:00] In this case, it would mean your energy feels like it’s quickly draining or fading, and they say That is an indication, , that something is not right for you.

I’m like, yeah, well that’s pretty clear. But they say we don’t. They say, we just aren’t good at heating these things all the time. So this gets back to how do we trust, okay, so how do we trust our intuition? And, and by the way, I would love for you to send me an email connect emily marie.com with what are your tells?

What is one of your tells? What do you think your tells are? Do you not know what your tells are? And it could be something, remember really simple, really, really simple. So how do we build trust with our intuition in the day to day? Number one, it’s going to be by, oh, that was a tell. I acknowledge that. [00:16:00] I acknowledge that this just came through to me.

It’s as simple as that. That’s number one. Number two is we are going to start really, really small and you are going to ask your intuition for support or guidance on something really tiny in your day, and then you’re going to feel or sense your response. Your intuition’s response, and from there you are going to start to believe or act upon whatever the response was, and this will help you build confidence.

Confidence in your intuition, confidence in this new tool. . The other thing that they’re pointing out is while we work in these small steps, and by the way, this is something I’m gonna do too, because for me, I think this is gonna, you know, our [00:17:00] intuition is so vast to you guys. It teaches us, it has so much to teach you.

Your intuition has so much to teach you. This is beyond just guidance in your life, your intuitions. Were gonna help you really bring forward incredible experiences for. So, the reason I’m practicing this myself is because, well, number one, I feel like I’m, I’m an energy junkie. I love this stuff, but this is going to help me further refine my practice, and it’s gonna help teach me some things.

I have no doubt. So for the next five days, we are going to ask our intuition something really, really simple every single day. And then whatever the response is or whatever the acknowledgement is, or the tell or the answer, we are going to absolutely fully trust it. So we’re not gonna ask questions like, should I quit my [00:18:00] job?

That would be a big one. We are going to ask simple questions like, would it be good for me to have X, Y, Z for dinner tonight? Would it be good for me to stretch for 15 minutes while I’m watching tv? Would it be good for me to stay off of social media for three hours, , see what information comes to you?

And also maybe you get a response that says, no, it’s not gonna be good for you to stay off of social media for three hours. And you’re gonna say, huh, that can’t be the answer. Of course, that’s the right answer, but you’re gonna trust it. And then maybe you’re on social media and you happen to catch a video that shifts your energy positively.

So we are gonna trust. So for the next five days, [00:19:00] ask your intuition, some really simple questions that are gonna support you. Just one a day is absolutely fine. And this is where we come back to the grand finale and they say, trust it. Give yourself radical trust. It’s funny because they, it, it’s like, they’re like, you don’t even need this.

You, you know, as soon as it’s like, it’s as soon as the human mind clicks into this, All of a sudden it’s, you really begin to rock and roll. You know, things will really begin to flow with you. You’re gonna find your flow. The other thing that’s gonna happen is as you develop your intuition, you will kind of develop a shorthand or a slang with your intuition.

So your tells are going to start to come through really crystal clear for you. And then do you know what happens? You get more tells, you get more tips, more [00:20:00] intuitive guidance. You can even ask your intuition, which is your spirit team for a tell. So I asked my spirit team for in client sessions. I ask them for a tell so that I.

If someone, or, or how much energetic experience someone has had in this lifetime. Because some people are brand new to it, some people are practitioners themselves, and I don’t wanna be explaining certain things to people who are, you know, practitioners or who’ve been down this road before. So I said, will you please give me an energetic tell so that I know when I see this person’s energy where they’re at now, I also wanna make crystal clear what Spirit shows me in return.

Is also within the boundaries of what I am allowed to [00:21:00] see, right? Because. Energy. One of the universal laws of energy is that energy responds to integrity. So I am definitely not allowed to see someone’s entire energetic field. First of all, I think I’d keel over cause that would be so much information.

We are such in-depth, complex human being. It’s a beautiful thing, . But they just give me information like, okay, you know, well this is the person. I’m like, okay, perfect. And they show it to me in a shadow form, not shadow, like shadow sounds bad. They show ’em, I see, I physically see energy with my third eye, and so they give me a, they showed me something and I’m like, okay, that’s how I know that that’s something that this person has developed in this lifetime or not.

So you, once you so think about this, you’re like, okay, so this week I’m going to trust my intuition. I’m gonna ask my intuition a question a day, and I’m just gonna radically trust it and I’m gonna figure out what my tells are. and those beautiful things are gonna come [00:22:00] forward with you, and you are just gonna become so comfortable with them.

It’s like brushing your teeth. You just brush your teeth automatically and you know it’s working. Oh, your towel shows up. Cool. Validated. I know that automatically works. I trust that. You just wanna get really comfortable with that. So build your tells, build your, well. You don’t have to do any of this, you don’t have to do any of this.

I’m not telling you what to do. I’m saying for a suggestion. for a suggestion. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, wanna do, um, try it out and definitely let me know what comes up because I’m going to start sharing in the podcast listener questions. Listener emails, but I am not gonna be sharing any details that would let anyone know who you are.

So I’m gonna keep everybody’s privacy. You’re welcome to say, I can use your first name if you want, when you write in. Um, or you can just say, keep it anonymous. Right. You know, Emily, my tell is that my [00:23:00] left big toe tickles when something’s really good. Please don’t use my. You know, I get it . No worries. But these tells, everybody’s is so different.

It’s gonna help for us to share the different experiences that people are having. Okay, and then get excited because this is absolutely 100%, one phase you are going to get through, and then you’re gonna get to, to the next phase when you get to play with energy, in alignment with integrity for your highest good.

And you are going to get to ask for things and you will receive because energy is intention. Intention puts energy in motion. Forget that I just said energy’s intention. intention puts energy in motion. And the thing that’s happening right now on this earth plane, and I’m sure another galaxy’s far, far away.

But one of the big things that’s coming in is [00:24:00] spirit is like we want you all, we need you all working with us more, communicating with us more. And when the beautiful thing is, when we do that, life becomes even better. This is how we are bringing in more goodness into the earth plane. This is how we are going to be changing.

Our society and our world, no big deal. I say that very mindfully. Mind you, , it’s a big deal, but it’s by us getting to work with the light and bring more of this in, in the day-to-day, that’s gonna help make the shift. So thank you so much for being a part of this shift. It makes me so, so excited. As always, you can find me, connect to emily marie.com.

I have two spots left for the reset and renew retreat, which is in October of 2022. I am so excited. It’s in the greater [00:25:00] Seattle area. You are going to be receiving energy work. You’re gonna be practicing and developing the things that we talk about on this podcast, and you’re gonna get a relax and you’re gonna get a dedicate time to you.

And I absolutely love retreats. I’m a big fan. One of the things that’s important for me to point out is that part of what makes retreats so impactful is simply the fact that you are dedicating time to you. So that is what makes this retreat so special is the essence that you are bringing forward into it.

And if you cannot make this retreat, there will be others. I am already in the planning stages, but I am following my intuition on them, and yeah, allowing the information to come forward as it will. So thank you so much for bringing more of your light into this world. I will see [00:26:00] you on the next episode where we are going to delve deeper into trusting and expanding your intuition.

Take care.



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Episode #14

Your Intuitive Tells: Building Trust with your Intuition

What are your intuitive tells?  Part of trusting and expanding your intuition is understanding that:

1) Your intuition is always there, even when you’re not “feeling” it

2) Your intuition is a beautiful resource and tool for you, it will pull back if you lean on it as a crutch or outsource your power to it.  Versus you leaning into your inner power and asking it for support and guidance.

3) Build a baseline of trust with your intuition by understanding what your “tells” are – what is one of your tells?

Share here with me at [email protected] and let me know if you’d like to be anonymous or if I can use your first name!

You’re magic, keep going, the world needs your light.


Feel the need for a supported and concentrated shift?  The “Reset + Renew Energy Healing Retreat” is this October in the greater Seattle area, if you’re feeling the desire to reset and take your energy and path to the next best version of you, I’ll be holding space for a small group of individuals on this journey, reach out to me or fill out the registration form if you’re feeling the nudge to help support yourself in this next phase and level of your journey:  https://emilymarie.com/energy-retreat-10-22

To work with me directly:

Free: This Podcast, Social medias: @emilymarie.energy and YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYgHd0_mhVriB8vxhYMrG8w 

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Feel the desire to go deeper?  Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email [email protected], you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back to the podcast everyone. It is such a pleasure to have you here today. we are going to cover. How to develop trust in your intuition. And this is a multifaceted topic and for today’s episode, we are gonna cover what are your intuitive tells. What are your intuitive tells and a tell meaning like, what is your intuitive glossary?

[00:01:00] So taking a step back, we wanna first look at the fact that your intuition has always existed. It is not a on off switch. It is always deeply layered within you. And so what we wanna do is we want to gently recognize what are some of your tells so that you can start to feel comfortable and build trust in your intuition.

And, and once you recognize what some of your existing. Are. Then you can say, oh, I have this baseline to go off of. Because your intuition is like a software program. You know, you look at your smartphone and in the background of your smartphone, there’s a system running that’s helping all of the different apps work.

It keeps [00:02:00] things organized and your intuition is similar. , the guides are like, this is a durable example. . They’re like, you’re, they’re like you, you know the listener. Me, everybody, all of us. Like you’re so much more exquisite than that. You know, the other thing that’s been interesting to me too is when I use the example of an app, one of the things that they let me know is that apps aren’t going to exist one day,

And I’m like, what? How is that gonna work? What is that gonna look like? And they’re showing me, we’re gonna essentially enter a space like our phone, and it’s gonna be more of a. Gosh, I don’t know if it’s like an interactive experience. It’s interactive isn’t the right word. I can visualize it, but I, and also, I’m not a tech person, so I’m not the person creating this, but it’s just kinda wild.

I’m like, look, right now I’m just trying to focus on how to help people understand their intuition better and develop it and trust it. That’s hard enough. I don’t [00:03:00] wanna worry about the apps. Total side note, you guys know I’m good at tangents at this. So anyway, and talk about more useless information. I mean, who, who cares, right?

Like we’re all just trying to find peace, calm, and stability in our lives right now. and, and happiness and joy. So whatever the apps do, okay, so your intuitive tell, so your intuition has always been, Running in the background. It has always existed. So one of the things you wanna do is kind of take a step back and just know that you are not here to find a way to like, oh, where’s my intuition?

I gotta turn it on. What’s it doing right now? It exists. So what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna kind of take a deep breath in.

However this breath feels good for you and letting it slowly release. And on your next inhalant, I actually want you [00:04:00] to imagine the base of your body. So this would be your root chakra that’s between your legs. If you feel like your root chakra is slightly somewhere else, that works. And breathe into your root chakra and just kinda, the kits are giving me this energy.

It’s almost like you’re literally, kinda sounds funny, but it’s like you’re inhaling your root chakra and they’re having us do this because when we ground, which is this is one way to ground, it actually helps us clear our mind and it clears the debris from our energy field. They say it’s connecting us to our true essence too.

Okay, so let’s just do one more gentle breath in and kinda, you know, let, let yourself relax just a little bit more. And [00:05:00] now I want you to think about setting the intention. So acknowledge your inner light. Hello, inner light. How have you been? Sorry I’ve been neglecting you lately. , we’re not neglecting your inner light, are we?

No, of course not. . So acknowledge your inner light and. When you acknowledge it, you’re using your free will to activate it and your free will is very important because one of the things our intuition is not is it is not something for us to outsource our power with. You are a beautiful soul and aspect of your soul in this lifetime who is here for purpose.

And the more empowered you are in your energy, meaning you’re realizing that your intuition is an asset to you, it’s a resource pool, [00:06:00] the more empowered you’ll be. You are at the helm of your life. , and it can be kind of a freaky thing, especially because the way a lot of people were raised was actually to believe that school work, the institution’s, marriage, et cetera, are actually what takes care of you.

And of course, to some degree they do. But really what’s taking care of you is community. So we wanna make sure that we are not looking at our intuition by outsourcing our power to it. By the way, I’ve done that many of times. Just so we’re clear, the reason I can teach this and coach this is because I’ve made these mistakes

So let me clue you in on a few, uh, shortcuts. Nothing wrong with some good shortcuts. So your intuition is not something we outsource. It’s not a crutch we lean on. It’s not something where we say, Hey, intuition. Hello over there, you just. , you tell me what to do and I’m gonna go do it. There was a [00:07:00] time I was asking my intuition for so much, so many things, and all of a sudden everything started to get kind of like wet, kind of like warbly, and I was not getting clear answers at all.

So I paused. I pulled myself back together. I connected, I realigned with my inner light and I. Spirit team, what’s going on? And they go, would you stop asking us to do all of the work and all of the heavy lifting and make all of your decisions

And I was like, well, life is hard sometimes, so we want to make sure we understand that our intuition, which is always there, always supporting us, is an amazing aspect to who we are. And it is a guidance system. And yet at the same time, we wanna hold in our hearts, in our center, in our light. The fact that we uniquely are still so [00:08:00] beautiful and powerful along with them.

So we are going to build this confidence with them via understanding some of what your tells are today. And the way that we do that is by taking a look at where you’ve already been feeling your intuition. So we’re gonna start with some of the basics, like the Chills. I’ve talked about this before. If I were to ask you, what’s the difference between Good Chills and bad Chills?

you’d say . I can tell the difference. It’s distinct, but how do you explain that to someone? Right. , it would be kind of tough. So chills is one of your tells. And I also wanna acknowledge the fact that not everyone gets chills, believe it or not. So that’s one other one is when songs or phrases will just drop into your head.

Now [00:09:00] our intuition actually works with us in a really simple, simple way. We. Some of us, some people have this idea, oh, well, once I flip the switch onto my intuition, everything I receive from them is gonna be so grandiose. I’m gonna receive all of the insights. I’m gonna receive these great understandings.

And in order for our intuition to communicate with us on a human form on a regular basis, it needs to use a lot of different resources. So Chills is an example of a physical. Songs. Dropping into your head is an example of an audible tell, a hearing tell. Now there are other ways we get tells, like visual, for example, symbolism numbers.

If we have a significant spirit animal that shows up for us, that is our intuition [00:10:00] communicating with us. Maybe we see it on social media, maybe we see it walking by in nature. Maybe someone just randomly mentions your spirit animal That happened to me the other day. So your tells can come in many, many different forms.

And it’s funny because what spirit’s saying right now is how they, they say, it’s so funny because you know how when you see repeating numbers, you’re like, oh, that’s cool. That’s a good sign. . And on the one hand we want to realize that these tells are in flow with our life, right? We can’t have huge, impactful, grandiose moments with our intuition all day, every day.

It would be overstimulating, it would be too much. So these subtle tells are so beautiful, and at the same time, spirit saying this is still [00:11:00] significant. In its meaning. So sometimes we see, you know, a lot of people have, um, their own specific number, right? So there’s number sequences that are significant, or there’s songs that are significant.

Um, and maybe we don’t see that as, oh, it was like, oh, it’s just Chance. Or, oh, that’s just a popular song on the radio right now. Or, oh, you know, well it always turns 1212 every day , so of course I’m gonna see it. And spirit’s like, no, no, it is significant. So while it is not something that. Superly massive.

On the scale of all the things we receive from our intuition, they’re saying it is still very significant. And what does it mean for you? What does it mean for you? So what are some of your tells and how do you. Recognize for yourself that they are important and that they are meaningful [00:12:00] and that they matter.

Ooh, the guides say this can tie into worth for some of us we’re worthy of receiving simple, beautiful, yet powerful communication from our spirit team and our intuition throughout our day. So once you acknowledge that you have these. And what they are realize. Okay, my intuition is already communicating with me and we’re gonna go over a few more examples.

This is so funny. So this podcast has been coming through and this is something I actually haven’t verbalized before, tells so. , you guys are kind of getting a little bit of a rough, it’s, it’s almost like a comedian rehearses a few times before they go on set. And I probably should have rehearsed this on TikTok or something a few times before I came through with this.

And what happens is these sessions are guided, right? And they’ll, they don’t give me all of the information ahead of time, [00:13:00] so I hold space for it. And this is what happens in client sessions too, and they just gave me, At the end of our podcast, yet we’re not done yet. So since they gave it to me now, normally I would wait till the end, but they, I’m just gonna give it to you guys because.

You know, free will. They say, just believe. They say Just believe it. Just know it. Just trust it. They’re like, what would happen if you just for one day said, I’m just gonna trust my intuition. I’m just gonna trust that my tells matter. I’m gonna trust that these are significant. Just what would happen if you did.

So there’s the punchline , but we still got a few minutes to go. So the other thing that they’re bringing up with tells is for some of you, It will come form. It will [00:14:00] come form. Wow. It will come through in the form of, it’s almost like you can taste it. It’s almost like you can taste an energy, and I don’t wanna overcomplicate this.

What they mean is it’s like a tinge on your tongue, a tinge on the tip of your tongue. It’s so light and fair, and. It doesn’t taste like anything specific. It’s just this energetic tinge on the tip of your tongue. It’s like, wait, what was that? Something feels off. I’m getting some information here. I don’t like the way this tastes almost.

Although you and I would not say, Hey, I just tasted some energy. I just got a tinge on my tongue. But that’s another way. It’s another energetic tell that comes through. The other thing that they’re saying, Is that for some of you, you’ll almost feel like a dampening of your energy. [00:15:00] In this case, it would mean your energy feels like it’s quickly draining or fading, and they say That is an indication, , that something is not right for you.

I’m like, yeah, well that’s pretty clear. But they say we don’t. They say, we just aren’t good at heating these things all the time. So this gets back to how do we trust, okay, so how do we trust our intuition? And, and by the way, I would love for you to send me an email connect emily marie.com with what are your tells?

What is one of your tells? What do you think your tells are? Do you not know what your tells are? And it could be something, remember really simple, really, really simple. So how do we build trust with our intuition in the day to day? Number one, it’s going to be by, oh, that was a tell. I acknowledge that. [00:16:00] I acknowledge that this just came through to me.

It’s as simple as that. That’s number one. Number two is we are going to start really, really small and you are going to ask your intuition for support or guidance on something really tiny in your day, and then you’re going to feel or sense your response. Your intuition’s response, and from there you are going to start to believe or act upon whatever the response was, and this will help you build confidence.

Confidence in your intuition, confidence in this new tool. . The other thing that they’re pointing out is while we work in these small steps, and by the way, this is something I’m gonna do too, because for me, I think this is gonna, you know, our [00:17:00] intuition is so vast to you guys. It teaches us, it has so much to teach you.

Your intuition has so much to teach you. This is beyond just guidance in your life, your intuitions. Were gonna help you really bring forward incredible experiences for. So, the reason I’m practicing this myself is because, well, number one, I feel like I’m, I’m an energy junkie. I love this stuff, but this is going to help me further refine my practice, and it’s gonna help teach me some things.

I have no doubt. So for the next five days, we are going to ask our intuition something really, really simple every single day. And then whatever the response is or whatever the acknowledgement is, or the tell or the answer, we are going to absolutely fully trust it. So we’re not gonna ask questions like, should I quit my [00:18:00] job?

That would be a big one. We are going to ask simple questions like, would it be good for me to have X, Y, Z for dinner tonight? Would it be good for me to stretch for 15 minutes while I’m watching tv? Would it be good for me to stay off of social media for three hours, , see what information comes to you?

And also maybe you get a response that says, no, it’s not gonna be good for you to stay off of social media for three hours. And you’re gonna say, huh, that can’t be the answer. Of course, that’s the right answer, but you’re gonna trust it. And then maybe you’re on social media and you happen to catch a video that shifts your energy positively.

So we are gonna trust. So for the next five days, [00:19:00] ask your intuition, some really simple questions that are gonna support you. Just one a day is absolutely fine. And this is where we come back to the grand finale and they say, trust it. Give yourself radical trust. It’s funny because they, it, it’s like, they’re like, you don’t even need this.

You, you know, as soon as it’s like, it’s as soon as the human mind clicks into this, All of a sudden it’s, you really begin to rock and roll. You know, things will really begin to flow with you. You’re gonna find your flow. The other thing that’s gonna happen is as you develop your intuition, you will kind of develop a shorthand or a slang with your intuition.

So your tells are going to start to come through really crystal clear for you. And then do you know what happens? You get more tells, you get more tips, more [00:20:00] intuitive guidance. You can even ask your intuition, which is your spirit team for a tell. So I asked my spirit team for in client sessions. I ask them for a tell so that I.

If someone, or, or how much energetic experience someone has had in this lifetime. Because some people are brand new to it, some people are practitioners themselves, and I don’t wanna be explaining certain things to people who are, you know, practitioners or who’ve been down this road before. So I said, will you please give me an energetic tell so that I know when I see this person’s energy where they’re at now, I also wanna make crystal clear what Spirit shows me in return.

Is also within the boundaries of what I am allowed to [00:21:00] see, right? Because. Energy. One of the universal laws of energy is that energy responds to integrity. So I am definitely not allowed to see someone’s entire energetic field. First of all, I think I’d keel over cause that would be so much information.

We are such in-depth, complex human being. It’s a beautiful thing, . But they just give me information like, okay, you know, well this is the person. I’m like, okay, perfect. And they show it to me in a shadow form, not shadow, like shadow sounds bad. They show ’em, I see, I physically see energy with my third eye, and so they give me a, they showed me something and I’m like, okay, that’s how I know that that’s something that this person has developed in this lifetime or not.

So you, once you so think about this, you’re like, okay, so this week I’m going to trust my intuition. I’m gonna ask my intuition a question a day, and I’m just gonna radically trust it and I’m gonna figure out what my tells are. and those beautiful things are gonna come [00:22:00] forward with you, and you are just gonna become so comfortable with them.

It’s like brushing your teeth. You just brush your teeth automatically and you know it’s working. Oh, your towel shows up. Cool. Validated. I know that automatically works. I trust that. You just wanna get really comfortable with that. So build your tells, build your, well. You don’t have to do any of this, you don’t have to do any of this.

I’m not telling you what to do. I’m saying for a suggestion. for a suggestion. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, wanna do, um, try it out and definitely let me know what comes up because I’m going to start sharing in the podcast listener questions. Listener emails, but I am not gonna be sharing any details that would let anyone know who you are.

So I’m gonna keep everybody’s privacy. You’re welcome to say, I can use your first name if you want, when you write in. Um, or you can just say, keep it anonymous. Right. You know, Emily, my tell is that my [00:23:00] left big toe tickles when something’s really good. Please don’t use my. You know, I get it . No worries. But these tells, everybody’s is so different.

It’s gonna help for us to share the different experiences that people are having. Okay, and then get excited because this is absolutely 100%, one phase you are going to get through, and then you’re gonna get to, to the next phase when you get to play with energy, in alignment with integrity for your highest good.

And you are going to get to ask for things and you will receive because energy is intention. Intention puts energy in motion. Forget that I just said energy’s intention. intention puts energy in motion. And the thing that’s happening right now on this earth plane, and I’m sure another galaxy’s far, far away.

But one of the big things that’s coming in is [00:24:00] spirit is like we want you all, we need you all working with us more, communicating with us more. And when the beautiful thing is, when we do that, life becomes even better. This is how we are bringing in more goodness into the earth plane. This is how we are going to be changing.

Our society and our world, no big deal. I say that very mindfully. Mind you, , it’s a big deal, but it’s by us getting to work with the light and bring more of this in, in the day-to-day, that’s gonna help make the shift. So thank you so much for being a part of this shift. It makes me so, so excited. As always, you can find me, connect to emily marie.com.

I have two spots left for the reset and renew retreat, which is in October of 2022. I am so excited. It’s in the greater [00:25:00] Seattle area. You are going to be receiving energy work. You’re gonna be practicing and developing the things that we talk about on this podcast, and you’re gonna get a relax and you’re gonna get a dedicate time to you.

And I absolutely love retreats. I’m a big fan. One of the things that’s important for me to point out is that part of what makes retreats so impactful is simply the fact that you are dedicating time to you. So that is what makes this retreat so special is the essence that you are bringing forward into it.

And if you cannot make this retreat, there will be others. I am already in the planning stages, but I am following my intuition on them, and yeah, allowing the information to come forward as it will. So thank you so much for bringing more of your light into this world. I will see [00:26:00] you on the next episode where we are going to delve deeper into trusting and expanding your intuition.

Take care.



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