Episode #31
In this episode Emily answers your biggest questions about expanding your intuition, working with energy, and communicating with your spirit guides. There is SO MUCH to take away from this episode! Emily offers beautiful insight and practical steps to explore more pleasure and intention in our lives. She opens the multi-part podcast by sharing some of what’s going on in her personal life, she opens up about feelings of grief, answers ILC questions about seeing energy as a kid, and calling in Spirit for help.
Tune in to learn:
- What are some things we can practice to develop our intuition?
- How does Emily see energy and has it always been the same way?
- How do we know what is made up from our own ego and brain vs what’s from the ethers?
- Are you able to tell the difference between what are your guides vs someone else’s?
- When I connect to my inner light, do I have to say it out loud or in my head?
- How do you end your communication with your guides and your spirit team?
- What do you do when you asked your spirit guides for something and you didn’t get an answer?
- How many guides do we have?
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Bring forth a fully aligned YOU in 2023: VIRTUAL RESET + RENEW January Retreat! Practice aligning with your higher self and intuition to help guide yourself through the rest of 2023. The foundation of the tools you’ll develop during this retreat will support you for the rest of the year and beyond. The first session is on January 7th, 2023.
If you’re feeling the call to dive deeper into your own personal energy work & discover and trust your unique intuition skill set, all while carving out more space for you in life and what you enjoy, the Aligned Container is for you. These 1:1 VIP sessions are perfect for you if you’re ready to experience your intuition in more ways, bring it into your business and life, scale up to your next level, create more balance in your life, and be open to receiving more! Or, if you’re someone looking to find your purpose in life beyond what’s around you. Discover more about the Aligned Container here.
If you have any questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com.
Find Emily Marie on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at Emily’s website emilymarie.com
[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.
Welcome back to the podcast everyone. It is so good that to have you here to practice expanding your intuition, your light, and your energy today. And before we get started, I wanted to share. So in this episode we’re gonna talk about, I actually, we’ve pieced together three different sets and we’re gonna go through people’s questions, which I’m really excited about, and conversations around intuition, spirit guides, working with energy.
And two episodes ago we talked about. [00:01:00] Carving out time for you to develop your intuition and your energy, your intuition, and your spirit guides. It’s like the gateway drug into understanding your energy, feeling into it. And when you do that, your life’s becomes more fulfilled. Youth seal happier. You can care for yourself, you know, and understand how to reach out and ask for support.
So in the last two weeks, and the guides are kind of the guides spirit, as I hold space for this episode, they’re bringing in this beautiful aqua marine energy. And if you are new here, welcome. I also hold space for energy activations and support during these podcasts only for the highest good of or involved, which means you’re only gonna receive directly from your source exactly what it is you need.
So when someone holds space for you, they’re [00:02:00] essentially an anchor on this earth plane and energy hose, no space and time, which is insane. So that is my intention always, and it is in my heart, my absolute favorite thing to do. It’s holds space for people. And the only reason I can do this is because I practice this on my own all the time, and I do carve out that space.
I create that cafe space for myself to do this. And I know not everyone has that luxury. And so that’s why being mindful of how you can create that time for yourself is gonna be a game changer. So in the last couple of weeks, it has been a pretty rough patch for, uh, my family. We got a number of different pieces of news , um, and as well I had, uh, a couple of friends whose parents were going through something really rough.
And then, dear, dear friends of mine, Who I have known since I was in kindergarten, [00:03:00] five or six years old, and their father passed away unexpectedly. And, uh, I was not expecting this to make, I was not expecting this to make me emotional on this podcast. And he was an incredible human. And I, um, I love the family to pieces.
I care for each of them, um, so much. And it was the gentleman who passed, his name was John, and he really was someone special because he, when he connected with you, he looked you dead in the eyes and he cared. And that is such a gift to give to this world. And he has six kids, by the way, and they’re all married and have kids.
So it’s a big, big family and they are an incredible support to one another. And they’re well taken care of. And what I noticed is I was going through, So much, not just, [00:04:00] you know, I had my own amount of grief with his passing. And then of course you wanna support your friends, right? And loved ones. And then of course, we’re dealing with this other family stuff on the back end and a couple of my other friends who were going through something.
So it was a lot. It was a lot. It is a lot in such a short amount of time. And what I noticed is how, these are the things that I did to care for my energy and to care for myself. And I’m gonna talk about this from an energetic standpoint to help bring awareness to what is possible in the long term as you continue to develop your own intuition and energy practice.
And that is why we’re here. This is why I do what I do, because each of us, each of you, is meant to be so, feel so good in your energy. Feel supported. And also create that support in your life. So I think [00:05:00] about how over the last however many years I’ve really been cultivating more of what makes me happy, what makes me feel good, which sounds like such a luxury I know in a lot of ways.
Um, but also just in order to do that, I had to really be in tune with, with me. And that’s why that carving out space that the guides talked about, that cafe, they’re saying even if it’s just for 15 minutes and your week can really make the difference for you. So I called in a support, energetic support from some of my friends.
And the reason I’m able to do that, because I know some of you are thinking, oh my gosh, I’m the only person in my little world that does energy work or that cares about this. So don’t be afraid to sort of push your own edges and tell people that you’re exploring doing your own energy work or that you’re into intuition or that you are into angels.
Or that you find certain things curious. You know, don’t be [00:06:00] afraid to start having those conversations with people in your life where it feels comfortable enough that you won’t be ostracized. Um, the corporate world is a huge mess right now, and I don’t think that there’s a lot of space for that, but I have found some really incredible souls and friends who I consider family in the corporate world when I was in there.
So, anything’s possible, but start talking to people about this. Don’t be afraid to bring it up in conversation. Tell people you did an energy meditation. Tell people you listened to an intuition thing somewhere. See what happens. See what their response is. Start to build that. And that’s something I’ve really done over the years, is talked to people in my life about I, I let them know, these are the things I’m doing, this is what’s important to me.
And it doesn’t have to be, you know, anything like serious either. It just sort of comes up a conversation. So, And that’s, the guides are saying it’s really, that’s how you like round out who you really are. It’s how you really bring forward more of yourself too into this world and [00:07:00] other people need it. So because of that, I had, I had people I could reach out to for energetic support.
I needed a lot of energetic support, especially when I was going to John’s funeral. Because when I was a kid, I say a kid, I was a teenager. No teenager. Teenager. And then in my twenties when we had family members start to cross over, and I mean family members that I was really close with. And I remember at the time I would cry like crazy.
I mean, I would cry, like I was a faucet that turned on, that didn’t have an off switch, it was just tears would just be streaming. And initially, of course, my family was like, are you okay? Can you know how can we help? And then I got to the point and everyone would just let me cry like I was crying. I couldn’t stop crying.
And I remember just feeling like what I was crying wasn’t, I literally mean what I was crying wasn’t just, they [00:08:00] were, it wasn’t just my grief and my sadness and my tears. It felt like it was the grief and sadness and tears of my family. And I had noticed at one point we were at the hospital and I was looking around the room and I was the only one crying and there was seven or eight of us.
This was obviously back in the day when that was allowed. And it was very, I I, I almost felt, and I think a lot of impasse feel this is, there’s a bit of confusion when that happens, when you feel something so strongly and you can’t quite put your finger on it and you almost feel like you can’t control it.
And so fast forward to this last week, and I was headed to the funeral and I had let myself cry that morning. And then when I was on my way there, It was like all these things had started a bo that it was like there was more to release that bottled up feeling, right? Like, oh gosh, [00:09:00] it’s time to go. And so I’m crying a little bit in the car and I’m thinking, well, I don’t wanna get to church.
And cuz he’s Catholic and if you don’t know this about me, I went to Catholic school, kindergarten through college, and I knew there was gonna be a lot of people there. A lot of my friends from back home who I haven’t seen in forever, think about the pandemic. I haven’t seen them in years. They’ve all got families, they’re taken care of.
And I, it’s a lot. It’s a, it’s a lot. And my dear, dear friend, her husband, who again, I’ve known since I was a kid and he’s, he’s a great friend too, uh, was giving the eulogy and I was like, I don’t know how I’m gonna gonna be able to get my ish together. And as I was driving, I had that memory of when I was in.
The hospital. And other times as a kid, when people were crossing over and feeling so emotional, and I keep calling myself a kid, I was, I mean, I was a kid, but I was in my twenties back then [00:10:00] and I asked spirit for help. So here I had asked, reach out to a couple of friends, I said, if you have, I was like, Hey, if you have the capacity, could you send me some support today?
I didn’t even tell all of them why right away. It just didn’t feel like I needed to and all of them know to connect to their light and hold space for source to send support, right? So I’m driving on 4 0 5 North, I’m trying not to crown my makeup off. And I am thinking, and I had that same feeling and I was like, I cannot go into this church, go into this ceremony and just be a faucet the whole time.
I could, but it’s not how I wanted to energetically take care of myself. So I connected to my inner light as I always do, or aligned with it. Now I say that more cause it feels more like alignment. Like when I’m in my head I’m out of alignment with my light. And then when I remember my light, I’m back in my alignment and I asked spirit, who’s the activation of [00:11:00] source and my guides to help me.
I said, can you please help me process this? Cuz I didn’t wanna push it down either. And here’s what I felt. So music’s going 4 0 5 north, uh, I’m sure I had coffee in the car and I felt immediately I could feel within my energy field what it felt like when I was channeling. I was like this tube of energy that was allowing all of this grease to come through me in the past.
And this time, what I felt. Is this golden pillar or beam of light come through me and this very gentle pushing out, like oscillating, just this golden, vibrant energy pushing out my energy field. And it felt very warm. It felt very soft. It was very subtle. And I wanna point out, I [00:12:00] wasn’t like sitting in meditation and I wasn’t working with an energy practitioner or hadn’t done anything.
Sometimes I think I wanna really make crystal clear. You do not have to be perfect when you do energy work. You do not have to be perfect when you call in for help. You also don’t have to feel exactly what it is. I felt right because that was a pretty, was a pretty big deal. And immediately I felt this softness and I felt it was like this clarity of boundaries that yes, I can be the observer and I can feel and sense into other people’s grief and what they’re feeling, but I’m gonna oscillate.
Love and light and support while still feeling what I needed to feel in order to process.
That was really big. It was really, really big. Also, there’s a ton of construction and I barely got to the church on time and then the people said that, [00:13:00] uh, folks that were hosting the reception said that there was between three and 500 people there. And so imagine being as an empath in that situation.
But again, I was in my light the whole time and my energy minded its own business and it ended up being an incredibly beautiful ceremony, very positive all the way around. It was so great to see friends. The other funny thing is actually before I get to the funny thing, I will add, I also really took care of what I was consuming that day, so, A couple of the energetic trends that have been happening have been one, we need more hydration to flush through these emotions that everybody’s feeling lately.
Because obviously collectively we’re still going through so much. And also, uh, I’ve been getting multiple messages, multiple people, myself included, not to eat processed foods, whatever possible. [00:14:00] So there’s so many reasons for that. So I was really mindful of what I put in my body also the next day at a croissant.
So it’s not about being perfect, right? But I just made sure that it was Whole Foods and then it was hydrating. So the other funny thing is afterwards, after the reception and the burial, there was a bunch of us went to this local bar that we all went to a lot growing up and some of my friends still go to.
And we had a blast. And I was talking to a couple of my friends who are still active in the church. And they were talking about how they called in the Holy Spirit for support. And I know that that can have a lot of connotations. I want us to all keep in mind like this is just information, right? And what I love about this community and the community that is growing, by the way, this podcast is listened to in over 40 countries.
I stumbled across that information by [00:15:00] accident the other week, which was funny cuz a couple days prior I had seen this vision of little lights sparking up all around the globe. And it was in Rel, it was in relation to the podcast. And then I was looking for something else and came across that statistic on this podcast.
I thought that was pretty cool. So anyway, they were talking about how both of them were saying that when they need help in any way, they asked Holy Spirit for support. And for me, if you heard this part of my story before, but I was in church as a kid and we would have to say Father, son, holy Spirit. and Spirit was always a soft, warm glow.
Never intrusive, never, you know, was at me, never was always just the soft, warm glow that I was really drawn to. It felt very warm, very friendly. It was like I could physically see it and I could definitely feel it. And then just naturally instinctually, I started working with spirit. Now again, spirit being the activation of [00:16:00] source and I am so crystal clear, I only connect to source that which is of the light.
That is my intention throughout my day, all day long, whether I’m doing energy work for myself, for my pets, for loved ones, for clients, whether I’m holding space when I’m doing a TikTok live or something, I just set the intention. I connect to source and light energy, and you can do the exact same in whatever way feels good and true for you.
What was so interesting to me about the conversation around working with Spirit is that we all said the same thing, that when we asked Spirit for support, we received it every single time. And look at how we were. All three of us are coming at it from slightly different angles because my one friend, she’s very strong in her Catholic faith and [00:17:00] practice.
And my other friend who was raised that way, but is more analytical, also agreed. And then of course there’s me who no longer practices Catholic faith, and I was a degree in finance and now I do this. So we had a little bit of everything there and it was pretty cool. So know that when you ask light energy, source energy, spirit energy for support, you’re always gonna get it.
You’re always gonna get it. So I have been getting the nudge to share a few, uh, more stories in the podcast. And I think that helps us all learn because as humans, one of the beautiful things that we are are storytellers. So I also hold space for messages to come through during this time. And one of the things the guides are bringing up yet again, is more pleasure.
They say You, we need more pleasure. One of the things we get to explore on this earth plane [00:18:00] is pleasure. What does it look like for you? And as I’ve said before, naturally our mind can go to sexual things when it comes to pleasure. And that’s of course important too because that’s an expression of who you are.
Pleasure can also look like you taking your time with something going slowly. So when they were giving me this information this morning, they were saying it’s like when you’re making the bed, Why wouldn’t you think instead of how quickly can I get this done, or it’s so annoying to get this sheet on , why are they calling me out?
They were talking about what if you instead were more intentional, whether you’re making your bed or someone else’s, but for really good sleep, for health to be restored, for good dreams, for good energy to happen, for divine protection, that kind of a thing. So even finding pleasure in making the bed. Also, that’s bringing forth your energetics, so your energetic self.
So when you’re doing anything [00:19:00] and you do it with intention and you can bring intention into anything you’re saying, it brings more presence, it brings more pleasure, and then also you are getting to create more in your life, which is the whole point of all of that. Yeah, and then they say everything. It’s like a.
Everything starts to build. You then are creating more in your life, creating more of the good building, more of that good energy in your home and for yourself. And then more pleasure gets to happen. They say good sleep is pleasure. Heck yes it is . And then of course it comes down to food and during sweet and zoom and the light.
So, okay. The other thing that I wanted to make sure I covered today, so in the last episode we talked about the cafe carving out space for yourself to expand your intuition, to expand your energy. [00:20:00] And Barbara called in with a great question to the podcast that I do not know how to play for you. So we’re just gonna keep rolling with this folks.
She said, and what I loved about her question is she posed this question before I did that podcast on the carving out energy and it’s so perfectly aligned, but basically she said, so what are some things we can practice to develop our tuition? And yeah, she, I just wanna thank you Barbara, for calling in that question.
I will sort out how to get your y’all’s questions on the podcast. I just wanna be energy, you guys. I just wanna talk about energy things and I need the technology to all figure itself how long? Okay, I’ll create some intentions around that and find pleasure in the process. So what are some things that you can do to build your intuition and then therefore build your energy and the support and the groundedness [00:21:00] you need to process things when things do go kind of crazy.
And one other thing I’ll add is I did have a friend hold space for me yesterday. and we chatted for about an hour to two hours actually about, no, we chatted for almost two hours. And it was very helpful in having someone who could talk to me, who could support me from an energy perspective because we have all of the other support.
But then again, we are energy and one of the things that I noticed is I’m allowing myself to be in the mass and be in the grief and feel those things. And, and obviously grief has a lot, I think they say seven stages. And you know, I’ve allowed myself to go back and forth between all of those with all the different things.
It is I’m processing, right? It’s not just one thing and I’m not sharing some of the other things because it’s my family’s privacy and I am not ready to share it yet. And I would be fine doing it, it’s just [00:22:00] I wanna be mindful of their space, right? If it were me, it’d be different. So, Part of, and the other thing she said is she goes, you know, your energy is still aligned, like you’re still holding yourself.
And that is what allowed me to go through all of those different phases and still go through it. And I also wanna recognize that there’s different types of trauma and different types of grief and the, I don’t, and those will cause us to react in different ways. And I’m not saying that this is the one thing that’s gonna solve all of that, but I do think it’s important we look at this and say, okay, , our energy is meant to, you know, we’re meant to be energetically supported through these things and we can, so, and it’s not gonna all look one certain way.
And there’s all different levels of grief and trauma. And again, this [00:23:00] is just one tool we’re working with here. Okay. . So when you are practicing, so when you carve out that space for yourself and you’re wanting to expand your energy and your intuition, number one, , of course. So you’re in that space, you’ve connected or aligned with your light, and you can set the intention for healing for yourself.
You can set the intention to feel healing energy. You can set the intention to hear your spirit guides more clearly. You can set the intention to see a certain colored energy and the guides just go. And don’t freak out if a different color comes forward. Because remember, you’re connected to the light and they’re teaching you.
It’s really amazing. Your light will, the light will teach you. It’ll be your greatest guide. So set the intentions for things you wanna experience, things you wanna see. You could. Uh, let’s see here. [00:24:00] So aligned with, uh, you know, obviously, like I said, the intention, I’m only connected to the light. And you could say spirit team.
You could say spirit guides. You could say source, whomever your source is, please run energy for me just down my left arm and help me feel it. Help me notice it. And then what do you notice? How does it feel in comparison to everything else?
Okay, I’m just feeling into that energy. I was like, oh, it feels good. So practice different things like that. There is no substitution. There’s no course you could take. I’m building a course on this, I’m so excited. But even then, there’s no course you can take, no individual who is a substitute for you practicing this on your own.
So that’s why everything I teach here is how to fish and then you practice and apply. And see what happens and good things [00:25:00] are coming from it. I just know it. Okay. The next thing is ask Your Spirit guides a lot of questions. I ask my spirit guides and spirit team questions all the time. All, all the time.
All the time. All the time. I ask them questions, not I’ll just ask them questions about life, or someone will ask me a question on TikTok. I’m like, I don’t know the answer to that. I’m gonna ask my spirit guides and the spirit team, and then sometimes they get back to me right away. And then sometimes it takes so forever.
I’m trying to think. I feel like there was a question I had two years ago, and it took them a year before they would give me the answer. It’s not because they didn’t have the answer, but it’s because that’s where I was at and it didn’t have to do with like, sometimes they’ll take time to answer your questions.
Because of the space you’re in. Cuz there’s more to learn, more to put together. Um, sometimes you’re just not supposed to know. [00:26:00] And so sometimes I’ll ask questions and I actually don’t even, I think with my spirit team at this point, we have enough of a, I don’t even wanna call it a rapport relationship where I’m like, okay, I’m gonna ask a question and if you give it to me now, it’s amazing.
And if you don’t, I know it’s for my highest good. Then it comes later. They just made the joke five years from now, Lord , that would be something. So ask a lot of questions and if you’re not sure what questions to ask, think about things you’re curious about, you could ask them questions and say, how come I feel like I can’t hear you very often, or, how come other people seem to hear you so great?
And I can’t seem to, or you could say, cuz I, I get that question a lot. and I think you would really start to notice some really cool shifts in your energy and you would probably hear from them in a way that you weren’t quite expecting that [00:27:00] happened, or if you ask that, okay. Wow. I feel like this episode has been a little bit like my personality has just been a little bit fluttered, and so I’m really holding the grounded space and the light energy and yeah, it’s just not my normal flow to the podcast, but it also feels really good to be here and share these things with you all.
So thanks for, bear with me. Also, I finally turned my phone off, so you, we are not gonna hear those things in the background anymore. , I didn’t even know where it was, but my brother and sister-in-law are flying in Chicago and because of the fog in Seattle, which we never get, we hardly ever get fog. All of these flights were delayed and they had to go up to paint the seal up north to refuel and then.
Fly back to Seattle and they’re finally here, so excited to see them. Okay, so let’s see here. It’s Thanksgiving Day, by the way. Hello. [00:28:00] Thanksgiving Day in America. I know the rest of the world does not celebrate Thanksgiving Day the same way we do here and this day has a lot of history, so I think there’s so much to celebrate and be grateful for, and at the same time recognize the true history that Thanksgiving was built on.
Right? It’s an interesting thing, but I think if we look at what Thanksgiving is meant to be today, which is just a moment to be grateful with at ourselves, and to nourish ourselves and to surround ourself on this day with the things that make us feel as good as possible, that’s not always easy, especially because there’s a lot of family or lack of family around Thanksgiving, and that’s very, very triggering.
And in those situations, that is when I hold my light the most and I give myself the most peace that I can. That does not mean that the triggers don’t come [00:29:00] because they do, but it means that I have a, have the space and capacity to process them. And that’s been my journey the last eight years, I would say.
And I’m in such an amazing place now, and my family and I, and I mean, it never even was very bad, right? It was sort of that underpinning of old, old patterns that I just wasn’t needing to be a part of anymore. And life’s crazy. Life’s crazy. I think that’s one of the wildest things about this work is that everything around you is good, right?
And I have really good people in my family, yet things can feel really dissatisfying. So, That inner light and your inner energy work will bring you feelings of fulfillment and joy, and you’ll be able to help yourself process things really, really well moving forward. Doesn’t mean that they’re not difficult, but you can process them well.
Okay, so, so far those are the two [00:30:00] things we have about developing your intuition. When you are in that cafe, you have carved out time, you’ve aligned, you’re in the flow state, and then you’re expanding when you expand within your energy. My energy’s doing it right now, which means there’s an activation happening with everyone listening.
When you, when you allow your energy to expand, your energy’s gonna naturally sluff off things that don’t serve you anymore. This is what’s so crazy about energy healing and energy work. You’re like, well, I’m bringing in high vibrations. Why do I all of a sudden feel cranky on a Tuesday out of nowhere?
And it’s because when your vibration reasons, it has to like go of lower vibrations that don’t serve you anymore. So then those things come up to be worked on. Also, it’s eclipse season. We’re, we’re at the back end now, or eclipse season’s over, but of course we’re still on the, I guess, the hangover phase of it.
And so a lot of people are still really feeling that so much old stuff came up during a clip season in new ways. [00:31:00] Does it ever mean you’re doing something wrong? Just means how are you perceiving it now with fresh eyes? Right? Okay. So be in it. Ask your spirit team to help you know your spirit team more source either works or your spirit guides.
Ask them those different things that we talked about. Ask them to run energy for you. Ask them to show you what blue energy feels like for you. What does blue energy look like for you? Can you almost taste it on your tongue? Things like that. And then also just asking your spirit guides questions. Ask them all the questions.
Just make a list of questions you could possibly ask them. Um, beyond. Some of the tips I will give on social media will be like, oh, what should I do for my highest good? Today will be three things to do for my highest good today. Or something like that. You can truly ask them anything. Ask them, should I paint my house?
Is it for the high school that [00:32:00] I paint my house this year? Is it for the highest good that I start going to bed half hour earlier? Or you could literally say, why do we need. Um, I don’t know why this one’s coming up, but it’s around like, why do we need, why does grass need to be green? Why, what does green look like to me versus what does green look like to other people?
And then just see what comes to you. And this is you training your energetic muscle. Okay, maybe we stick with simpler questions, though. That one feels kind of intense and unnecessary. , hey, but if you get an answer to that question, will you please call in and share it, because I would love to hear it. Okay.
The third part about developing your intuition is do something you know well or something you enjoy doing, and then work with your intuition [00:33:00] on doing it a little bit differently. Maybe developing it so when you do something you enjoy and you do it well. Everything feels very familiar. You know the process, you know the outcome.
Cooking is a really good example. Cleaning is even a good example. I love that the guide, they’re giving us examples of things we would do pretty much every day because it feels familiar. You know the process. Now, what you can do is bring your intuition into that process. Or if you’re creative and you wanna do something creative, ask your intuition to support you.
Ask your intuition. What would be a good add-on, what would be a good next step, and then your intuition comes forward to help you make that situation better for you, which is really cool. And you’re gonna say, oh, wow, okay. My [00:34:00] intuition is I can feel that. I can feel this. Keeping in mind again, your intuition is here to support you and your growth.
Not for you to say, Hey intuition, I’m gonna rely on you for the answers so I don’t have to anymore. Cuz that’s when we outsource our power and that’s not what we wanna do. And our intuition is here to help guide your higher self to living your false potential in this lifetime. Like my dear friend John did, he just passed, lived to his fullest potential he ate was such a gift on this earth play.
Okay? So yes, getting into what are things you enjoy doing? What feels good to do, and then playing with those energetic boundaries, what maybe boundaries isn’t the right word, it’s that testing your edges. It’s saying, okay, does it make sense or does it feel good for me to do X, Y, Z while I’m doing this? Or what [00:35:00] would my intuition have me do first and see what you notice.
Your energy is so powerful, and as you engage with the light, know that every time you engage with the light by universal law, it responds. So you’re always going to be getting something. So really be in that expansion. Be in that openness. You know you’re already aligned with the light, so your energy is safe and taken care of.
But be in that expansion and say, okay, I’m just gonna see what I observe. I’m gonna see what I notice. I’m gonna see what I know. I’m gonna make this cup of hot cocoa. What is my intuition guiding me towards tea? Rude. We’re sticking with cocoa[00:36:00]
We love our tea. The alignment container, I still have a few spots open, and the alignment container is gonna help you further develop your intuition and bring your skillsets into your day-to-day to create more balance and fulfillment for you, and also help you with your career, or if you are aa business owner, that is the purpose of this container is to help you feel more aligned with your energy and how you’re bringing it forward into this world.
And the other piece is Lift Gratitude is having our holiday sale. I have got some announcements coming up for that that I cannot wait to share with each of you. I am wearing the Limitless, the white tank top right now. And these tank tops hold intention and good energy up against your physical body. [00:37:00] And help hold that vibration for you throughout the day.
Kind of like having a crystal on you throughout the day, right? ? Anyway, that’s at live gratitude.com. I called this company for support on something like a month, a month and a half ago. And the guy’s looking for my account and it took him a while and then he goes, are you Liz? Like maybe it took him a while cuz he was looking for my name.
Like, Nope, I’m Emily Live gratitudes the brand. It was pretty funny. Okay, let’s see. They’re winding down with our root chakra. How appropriate And just saying get ready for more expansion. Get ready for a lot more expansion, especially coming up in 2023, which is exciting because when we are light, the light, the expansion they’re saying happens naturally.
They’re kind of pointing out that doing all of this extra, doing the energy work, doing the [00:38:00] engagement, you know, which we have to do. We’ve gotta, you know, you wanna get better at it, you have to practice. But I love that they are saying that it’s that when you are aligned with the light, it’s, it’s like, it’s so intense.
Wow. Words today when you are aligned with the light. And so it is. Oh, goodness gracious. The rest of this podcast is going to be questions via the community. We removed names to protect the innocent, and then I also, at the, and another part of this podcast, I’ve answered some questions from TikTok. Thank you for being, A light in this world.
So we’re just gonna start by taking a deep breath in and release. We’re just gonna do a couple more of those staying relaxed.[00:39:00]
Do this in a way that feels good for you.
Ah, wonderful. Wonderful. Okay. And more throat chakra clearing energies are coming through. They’re being very specific. These are clearing energies. So, um, you can type into the chat one word or a couple of words how you’re feeling right now. Just check in with yourself. How are you feeling? How does your body feel, how does your energy feel?
Doesn’t have to be just one thing. It could be a few different things, but how are you feeling? Or you’re welcome to go off of mute too. Whichever way works for you.[00:40:00]
So part of the reason the guides have us start with centering ourselves with a breath and then checking in with how we’re doing is because we operate from our head on autopilot so much. And, and believe me, even though I do this work, I catch myself doing that all the time. And it’s because we get caught up in the day-to-day and, and the to-dos, right?
So when we check in with how we’re feeling and how we’re doing, we are training ourselves to go into our flow state. And when we are in our flow state is when we can hear our intuition and give our energy what it is that it needs. So, How is everyone doing this morning? Sleepy. Um, not sleepy. Hang on, let me grab my cacao.
Ooh, wow. I [00:41:00] put in a weird spot, didn’t I?
proud and content with where I am in life. Woo. That is powerful. That is powerful. I see you. Thank you for sharing that. That’s amazing. Feeling calm and loving. Aw,
all of you is welcome here as everyone begins to share.
I’m just looking at the group and individual energies at the moment. There’s this really interesting energy coming in.
It has structure to it, , [00:42:00] which is so interesting when you see energy, right? And they’re saying that they go as we leave old structure, the new way of how we, they go struc they go. Now we wanna see structure in our lives as a platform. A platform to create, create our life, a platform to um, you know, structures meant to support, not to hinder.
Wow. Guides had their morning coffee.
I’ve been feeling a little. . Yep. That’s real. That’s real. I see you holding space for that. Holding space for that all.
So, um, did anyone show [00:43:00] up for the q and a piece today? I mean, or did meaning, did anyone show up for both? So, does anyone have any questions about just anything in general or just a share? Right? So maybe you’re reading a book that had a cool paragraph or saying, or something you’re thinking about. Um, this, this part of this session is meant to help each of you connect a little bit more with each other.
And also this is where you begin to develop even further your intuition and your energy. So one of the questions we can pose is, where do you feel stuck right now with your intuition? And then on the flip side of that, where does your intuition feel good? So answering one or both of those questions, or just if anyone has a share.[00:44:00]
Wow. We’re getting like a razzled dazzle of incoming energies today, and now we’ve got this like hoppy red dancing energy . Wow.
Shared morning is what? Is, what comes up yet feels like a tribute of letting go death of old aspects and layers. Yeah. It’s funny, um, how we can actually feel grief or sadness or even depression in moments as we realize either subconsciously or consciously we’re letting go of aspects of our life, relationships.
Um, the guides are saying when our future dies, right? Like when we have an idea of what we think the future is gonna be like, and it doesn’t show up that way. So,
Okay. So your intuition, your intuition. Um, so one of the things the guides are bringing up right now are dreams, dreams, and dreams state. They’re saying, um hmm. Hang on, they haven’t talked about this with me before, so I’m. Processing the information that they’re sharing.
So our dream state is still an active state of our beingness, of our soul. And they say one of the opportunities we have, and they say, this [00:46:00] is one of those things where we wanna look at this as like an added bonus. Um, you know, it, it’s like . They go, they go. It’s like on those days where you spend a little extra time, you know, doing your hair or getting ready or, you know, it’s like that.
Like we fix our hair every day, but sometimes we’re more intentional with it. They say, because this doesn’t wanna be another check on the to-do list or a I didn’t do that. Oh shoot. You know, I’m failing at my spirituality. It’s not that. Okay. This is more like for when this resonates for whomever this resonates for.
So what they are suggesting is before you go to bed, they say first things first, run energy and ground yourself. So, and once you have done that, um, they say you can actually set intentions that as you [00:47:00] go to sleep, as you enter the dream world, they say you can actually set the intention that it’s prolific for you.
You could set the intention that it is supportive, um, insightful, transformative, loving. Um, they’re saying clear or what else? So when we rest, it’s almost like our soul safely, like kind of comes back together, right? And, and dances, , um, with other souls, other beings. So they say part of that, they’re saying what part of that structure.
I love that they’re calling it structure because they were talking about the new structures coming in for us. So part of what this structure can look like is I’m open to receiving and being in my fullness. Um, there’s [00:48:00] astrologically right now. A lot of these energies are bringing us back to a place of.
You know, it’s, it’s how do we en um, encapsulate more of ourselves? How do we love on more of ourselves? And that’s part of what having this, they’re calling it a little ceremony before bed. You know, just taking a minute or a few seconds to set those intentions that will do that. So. Okay. Any questions around any of that?
Does that sound like Yeah. Something we wanna try? I noticed that while I drift off to sleep, I see really odd scenes that aren’t always pleasant. When I realize this is happening, I connect back with my light, but it’s very odd and uncomfortable at times. Yep. Yep. Doda, um, let’s see here. I’m asking Spirit how we wanna reply to this one because I have [00:49:00] my experiences and opinions, but.
I don’t know what the group needs to hear, what Kate needs to hear.
Okay. They say just continue to stay in your light more. It also can have something to do with, um, like the physical space we’re in. So the physical space were in is its own energy. Um, they’re saying sometimes it’s, you know, and they say, this is nothing to fret about, right? Because. We’re on earth, we’re in this, uh, capsule, for a reason, and we are here to, um, have all kinds of experiences.
And this is how we re we regain and we remember our power, which is our love, which is our divinity, which is oneness with sores. And beingness is by continuing to, they say, you know, when [00:50:00] we feel an abruption, we look back into ourself and it’s Okay. How do I hold my power, hold my light, choose me.
they’re saying it’s no different than when you go to the grocery store and they’re like half the people there. You, you know, you wouldn’t like be friends with , so there’s, but you like the grocery store, you like the checkout people. So, um, the light is good and then, you know, potentially when it feels right, some house and land clearing, so, you know, no big deal.
That’s all. Um, land clearing is, is just another version of holding space. Um, and that’s a really powerful thing that’s really can be very, very, um, it has to be obviously guided and it has to be, um,[00:51:00]
what’s the word? There have been times where I’ve done house clearings where. The land or people of the land who were there before needed to be seen. So I should, it doesn’t even feel like I should call it a clearing, it’s like a space holding for the land, let’s call it that. I revoke my term clearing.
It’s holding space. Holding space. Um, Renee said dreams. Yes. So wild lately. Your dad keeps showing up. Um, just a coincidence, we’re trying to connect in gentle ways. What feels true for you? Hmm. Nothing. Nothing seems to be a coincidence nowadays. Um, structuring ceremony before bed feels loving and beautiful.
Yeah, it is [00:52:00] definitely. Um, . Yeah, I’m gonna try that myself. And keep in mind too, as you connect with your light and you set these intentions for your time before bed, for the support, for the, the grounding in this space, they’re saying allow yourself to . They’re saying, allow yourself to go there. Because they say, when you have your light and your intentions, you’re fully protected.
And then from there, you start to stretch, right? Like your energy starts to experience new things to this, to this very day, whenever I experienced something new energetically that tests me, I’m just like, okay, am I in my light? Do I have my clear intentions? Yes, I do. , then we’re good. Then I’m just gonna keep, what do I need to know about this?
Because new energies can be kind of freaky sometimes too. I was, um, on a nature [00:53:00] walk and I was shedding some stuff, and when you shed stuff, you’re shedding bad stuff. And it was freaky. It freaked me out for a second, you know? I was like, what is this stuff? ? It didn’t look nice, so, okay. The other thing, um, that’s getting brought up right now is that there’s this misconception that our energy and tuition has to always be on.
And they’re saying, yes, of course, it’s always in an aware state, but sometimes we just need to let our energy like, like just, you know, like sheets on a bed. Just like, you know, like, let it let it fall out. Let it just relax. Um, On another nature walk, I noticed I was not receiving any like information, what people call downloads, right?
The expansion that everybody receives. And I think you’ve all heard me say before, but downloads are just [00:54:00] an uncovering or an unveiling of information that’s always been there. So no information’s unique. Um, but I just remember feeling like, oh, I’m not receiving insider or Intel. And someone I was on the walk with asked me to tap into something and I couldn’t, you know, it’s not that I couldn’t, I just got the nudge that it wasn’t the time and I was just like, I can’t do that right now.
If I wanted to, could I have used my free will to align with my light and tap in? I’m sure. But my energy was just in a big receiving flat sheet mode. So know that your energy is guiding you and listen to those little nuances. And also, I didn’t realize it right away. I think it was like 20, 30 minutes in and then I was like, oh, this is what’s going on.
So, You guys know, I explain everything to you in my process. And so it wasn’t just like, oh, I’m in this blah, blah, blah state. It was more like, what’s going on that is kinda interesting? I’m not, you know, I’m not getting normal information. Oh, interesting. This is how my energy feels right now. Anything I need to know for my [00:55:00] highest good and then all of a sudden 20, 30 minutes later, like, oh, I’m in a different state right now.
So trust yourself as we go through all these different states that there can be a process for these things. So, um, Renee, I think, uh, I’ve heard of so many people, um, about how they see loved ones in dreams, and I think that’s like one of the top ways the loved ones communicate. So that’s pretty cool. Your dad’s been visiting.
And then one of the things to note is how they communicate telepathically. So, you know, sometimes they don’t always use their words and lips to speak, but we just know what it is they’re saying or what message we’re feeling that they’re delivering. Yeah. [00:56:00] Okay. Um, let’s see here. Okay, so, um, someone dmd me because they didn’t wanna put me on the spot, which is so kind of you all.
Um, I am an open book with my process and I will always say if I can’t talk about something, so don’t be afraid to ask. Thank you so much for helping us clarify that too. Um, so, uh, this person asked, would love to hear more about how you see energy. Have you always seen energy the same way? Okay. So even with this question, I’m holding space.
I just re, you know, realign from my light, even though I’m operating from my light this whole time as I hold space for the group and for anyone who listens to this afterwards. And as I hold this space, I, I’m asking the guides like and spirit, how do I share my [00:57:00] story for the highest good of all involved?
You know, that’s the key here. And, you know, spirit will help me remember certain key points. It’ll, they’ll bring up key points that might matter to people in the group. Um, let’s see here. And you know what’s funny is you can use that little trick anywhere, . So if you’re like at the doctor’s office in a meeting on a date and you’re kind of like, you know what Spirit, I need some help here.
Ask for help. Ask for help, it’s okay. Okay. Um, so how do I see energy?
So I’ve always, um, seen energy growing up and I, when I was a kid, I would see
they’re, they’re one of the things they’re pointing out. They’re saying, especially as [00:58:00] children, most of us are really perceiving people’s energies. It’s like they’re saying it has a tone. It’s almost like it’s so thick, you can taste it, you know? Bless you. Someone comes in, into the house or into the room and you can just, you can tell, right?
Like it, they’re, it’s, it’s like you can touch it. Um, so they’re bringing that up for everyone. Um, the other piece is the way I saw energy as a kid. I saw. Um, light around certain people. I saw we ha we were close friends with a family priest growing up. I saw light flowing out of his hands when I was a kid.
I brought it up to my American grandmother and she said that he knows about it and he uses it to lay hands on people, but he said he doesn’t control it. [00:59:00] He said when it shows up is when he uses it. Um, let’s see. He was a wonderful priest. Um, and I know that can be a very contentious topic too, but, um, I really enjoyed his company and he was there for me during some rough periods in my life.
So, um, Yeah, I would see light around people. And then I also saw, and when I say I saw light around people, it, you know, it’s almost like, you know, you, it’s like I would almost like blink. Like I swear I’m seeing this. I swear I’m, I swear I can see this. You know, again, it’s like that feeling of like, you can just touch it.
And that is kind of the key because I didn’t always see things in the literal sense, but I always saw them with my imagination. So, um, what else? The other side of that is as a child, [01:00:00] especially at night, I would see dark entities of the dark. I would see dark spirits, um, In my bedroom, swirling around making moves.
Um, unfortunately some of them would make contact with me, and it was really frightening. I slept with the covers over my head through college. Um, there were times, sometimes in college I wouldn’t, and then sometimes I would again, because I lived in a couple of haunted houses, , and we had this one ghost.
I’d be laying in bed and she, she was pretty harmless for the most part. The guys were like, yeah, but she would literally, I’d be laying in bed and she this, if this was, if my hand was her head and my arm, her body, she would literally just come right over me, , and I’d be like, Nope. Um, we had that house cleared by a priest actually.
So, What else? When I [01:01:00] was in my twenties and I started seeing different types of practitioners, I finally, I met one who could, um, understand me, speak the lingo. And what I didn’t know at the time is that this person was also working with the dark . Um, but of course they didn’t say that. They said that they were working with the light.
And so the other pieces in my twenties, I saw shapes and colors in people’s abdomens. And it’s because we all go through a lot of powerful transformation and it’s sort of like, what’s that first thing that we’re seeing or projecting out into the world? . So it was just sort of that first layer and I couldn’t make any sense of it.
You know, I, I was like, is this, is this a real thing? Is this a so, and that actually has stopped now. I don’t really see that much at all anymore. I don’t think I’ve seen that in over a decade. Not that I look right, because that’s the other thing is, you know, I know we have this fear. Once I fully [01:02:00] open up, can I shut that door again?
And they say it doesn’t have to be an open and closed door. There can be a bunch of different screens, , just to kind of help you, you know, it’s too much for our energy to take to see and sensee and take in all of these things. It’s just too much. So, and then the final piece is the way we see energy out of the corner of our eye.
I would see energy that way, but in front, and it doesn’t last long at all. It’s, it’s again, like you see it and you just, it’s the only thing you can see in the room. It kind of looks like a cartoon. Yeah, it pretty much looks like a cartoon. The energy does, cuz it’s not from our realm, so it looks really out of place.
And that’s always weird too that that usually, usually seeing that type of energy is usually not of the light. Whenever I’ve seen energies of the light in our realm, first of all it’s temporary. They’re here for a quick purpose. [01:03:00] It’s much softer and much more translucent and it’s quick and it’s like you are like, I wanna go to it.
Like you’re attracted to it, right? I’m like, what was that? Take me with you, , come back. You know? That’s how I feel. Whereas if I’m observing something else, I’m more like, what is that? What am I looking at? You know? You’re just kind of not sure. So,
I am just asking spirit if there’s anything else. Yeah. Um, do I see little sparkles in the dark? Yes. Yes. The other thing that they’re pointing out is we can, we can see things they’re saying, this is, goes for all of us. They say, don’t doubt yourself when you see things fully and completely in your imagination.
[01:04:00] So that can be one of the crazy things is in your imagination, you’re experiencing X, Y, Z and you do not. You, you know, you, you just, instead of taking in everything you’re perceiving, you’re saying, oh, is that real? Can I trust myself? Blah, blah, blah. And instead, It’s about, why don’t I just continue to ask my inner light?
What do I need to know about this from a highest good? I believe everything I’m seeing, it’s almost like the power is in the observation. Does that make sense? So whenever you perceive something, the power is in your observation, and then you say, oh, hello, inner light. I’m safe and divinely protected here.
What do I need to know for the highest good?
My imagination freaks me out. Yeah, I know. [01:05:00] So that’s a really good example because when you say, my imagination freaks me out, that’s such a beautiful example of a way we can take your, you can take your power back. So, If we think about as kids, those that were raising us did their best to protect us, take care of you, make sure that you were safe, happy, and healthy.
And a lot of adults did not know how to handle when they’re, when we’re in a situation where, you know, there’s something in our room bothering us, right? So what do they say? It’s just your imagination. Nobody plays as well as kids. Kids just run around, they do the thing, you know, they fart, they get dirt on their pants and you know, I’m gonna go play with so-and-so, cuz I enjoy it.
I don’t wanna play with so-and-so over here. I’m gonna go play with so-and-so cause I enjoy that. Let’s go do this now. They just, you know, scribble with reckless abandon. And [01:06:00] that’s the same for our intuition and our imagination is, that’s how we perceived it at first. And then it gets, obviously they’re saying it’s like rot down, like, um, It gets tightened and our creativity also gets tightened.
We learn to color in between the lines, oh, don’t color that tree. Blue trees are green, right? All of those things. I mean, hey, maybe trees are blue in another realm. We don’t know. Maybe that kid came from a realm where there were blue trees. Well, we don’t know . So, and then of course, we’re taught that creativity has to be pretty and has to have a final outcome.
And creativity does not need to be pretty and does not need to have a final outcome, nor does your life, nor does the expression of who you are and how you’re living. And I promise you, I [01:07:00] promise you, I promise you, as you explore your intuition and energy further, neither will it. It will not have a.
Formal process. The guys are giving me a hell yes on that. It will not have a, it will not look the same every single time. It just won’t. The only thing that remotely might would be your inner light for a while. That could be the one thing where that just feels pretty strong and consistent. But then what happens when you connect with your light?
It’s gonna be different every time.
Yeah. Okay. So does that answer the questions about seeing energy? I’m like so excited. I’m like, okay. I’m like reconnecting with my light and I’m like, how do we wanna explain this? So you, your human [01:08:00] personality has this divine connection point. Basically it, it’s an aspect of energy within your aura, within your energy field.
And when you connect to this light, it’s like boom, you are connected to your soul. Your soul is an energy being of light and it has a higher consciousness. The guys are kind of joking that rules it . Um, so think about if we think about it like the, if the soul is my palm and then your personality is a finger, and my fingernail is, you know, like let’s say my fingernails Emily, and then my spirit team rides up the finger and that’s the light that goes up to my soul.
And then from here, my soul is connected to source, which would be the body. So yes, so your inner light gives you access to, they [01:09:00] say, uh, hang on a second. Okay, so this is where it’s really interesting.
So your inner light gives you access to your spirit guide, your spirit team, your soul, your higher consciousness source. It also is how you can connect with all energies that exist. And then the way we do that is through the light. It’s like through the filter of the light. So basically what happens is, say we’re gonna tap into Sam holding space for a client.
And I have permission to hold this space. And, um, you know, like, uh, it’s not, I hate to say tap in, it’s more like hold space. And then the way that it works for me is the client’s energy and spirit team show the things that are gonna get worked on. Well, what [01:10:00] happens is I connect to my inner light and I have my intentions holding space.
I have the container, and then my inner light connects me to source. And then source is also connected to this other soul. And therefore all of the information I receive is filtered through source. Whereas if I just go, you know, if there’s a, if there’s somebody walking by and I’m just like, I’m just gonna tap directly into their energy, who knows what I could pick up on?
I could pick up on a kidney failing. I could pick up on. They’re having a great day. I could pick up on, they need dog food. Their shoes are wet. Like. I could pick up on any of those things. How is any of that helpful to them? . So that’s why we go through source. So your intuition is mostly your spirit guides.
It can also include at times your spirit team, oftentimes your spirit team. And they [01:11:00] say, instead of , it’s almost like a Swiss army knife . And you know how when everything is enclosed in the Swiss Army knife, we just have that one little like, you know, red piece and everything’s in. It’s like that. It’s like that’s your intuition.
But when you start to pull it out, it’s like this spirit guide, this spirit team member, this tool that you and I may never know we have that’s helping our support, our intuition. Right? So yeah. Okay. So it sounds like that makes sense. And let’s see here.
I’m just asking if there’s anything else wanna clarify on this.
So they say the other element to think about with your inner light, and this is something I’ve mentioned to a couple of people in the last few weeks, they want you to look at your inner light, [01:12:00] like vacation mode. It’s alignment mode. It’s where you are going to actually create and receive from. It’s that when you go on vacation and it takes a bit of time and work to get to vacation, you know, we gotta get the house clean, packed, prepped, you know, care for plants, kids, pets, whatever.
Um, we gotta buy the plane tickets. Okay? So we finally get the to vacation and we’re like, Ugh. They go, that’s why meditation feels kind of sticky at first. Same with connecting with your inner light. They go, we want you to think. Of aligning with your inner light. Once you get there, you’re on vacation.
You’re like, oh, okay. I’m here to receive. I’m protected. I’m in alignment. They’re gonna take care of me. And then, you know, when you’re on vacation, what do you do? You’re like, well, what do I wanna do? I wanna sit by the beach. I wanna read a book. I wanna go on a tour or museum tour. Same thing goes with your inner light.
I want to, you know, you’re like, oh, I want [01:13:00] some more divine protection. I want you to please help me solve this problem. And don’t be afraid to ask your light to help you solve problems. Throw it up to them. You may not get the answer right away. Whenever you do not receive the answer right away from your intuition, that is because.
You need more space and time to either receive more information, experience more, or the universe just to kind of has to tee some things up in order for everything to align for you. So sometimes it may take a couple days or a couple hours for you to receive information back and that’s totally normal.
Totally fine. It’s how it’s meant to be. So, yes. So your inner light is, they say it’s almost like it’s a place as much as it’s a connection point, it’s a place and it’s a safe space. Um, it is also they [01:14:00] say it’s true alignment. You know, I practice this, I’ve been practicing this for years and years and years and years and years.
I used to think I had to go to, I used to go to an energy practitioner because, I thought that’s how I receive energy. I thought that’s how I received light energy. I didn’t, you know how one of the first things I show you guys is connect to your light, ask spirit to run energy for you, for your highest good.
I actually paid someone and I was like, well, I could never not go see this person because then I wouldn’t have access to light healing. Like, what? What? So ask it for a lot of things. Let it support you. Let it give you good, good stuff. And I will say the first, so that was my first step. My second step when I finally started to figure it out, was kind of clunky, [01:15:00] right?
And it’s like I was getting used to this new thing I was doing. And then it would slowly flow through me and then start. Then you start to feel it more, and that takes time too, can take months, and the guides are saying for some even years, and you just keep flowing this light and all of a sudden you start to feel and notice these differences, and then you start operating from this place where light is constantly running through you, and you may be out of alignment shortly, but then you get back into alignment because you know what it feels like and what it can do for you.
Okay. Does that bring up any questions? All right. Someone says, I don’t know how to phrase this question, but how do we know what is made up from our own ego and brain versus what’s from the ethers or whatever? Heck yeah. Okay. So. When [01:16:00] we perceive something and we’re thinking to ourselves, was that just my voice?
You will over time be able to tell what is from you and what is from your intuition, your spirit team, your higher self, your guides, your light. It’s gonna sit differently in your body. It’s literally going to, the information is gonna arrive differently than your intuition would. Your ego will be more typically, okay.
This is not the same for everyone, but I would say, I’m asking the guides. Yeah, they’re saying high percentage of people receive intuitive guidance from the back part of their energy system, whereas our ego operates from the front part of our energy system. So the front part of our head is gonna be like a lot of our thinking, a lot of our day-to-day, and then our intuition is typically in the back.
So where does the information drop in is number one. What is the tone? What is the tone of the information? Meaning you [01:17:00] will have a softness, a reverence, a feeling when it’s your intuition versus when it’s your ego. It’s just a little bit more abrupt and a little bit more, I don’t wanna say cold, but just doesn’t have that same soft energy to it.
Now that is how, how as you hoot the that is as you practice it more and more. So now what you wanna do before you get to that point where you can feel and tell the difference. When you perceive something, you connect with your inner light and you say,
is this my ego? Is this my intuition? If this is my intuition, please repeat. And you ask that from your light. So that is the trick to help you train yourself to get yourself to the former that I was just talking about. [01:18:00] Okay. Let me know if that helps. Um, are you able to tell the difference between what your guides versus someone else’s or the difference between my guides and my higher self?
Okay. So our guides are always operating from the basis of this is your higher self’s mo. So anything our guides offer us is because our higher self is not dictating, but basically saying, these are my wishes. And spirit guides come in and say, we would love to help this beautiful personality follow through on your higher self wishes, , and you know, goals and things like that.
So the difference between my guides and someone else’s, um,
This is a great question that I haven’t had to answer. So I’m like, how do I put this into words? How do I put energy into words for one, [01:19:00] when I, so,
cause I’m thinking about how it’ll holds space for a client versus how it holds space for like a loved one who’s sharing something with me.
So basically our spirit guides and spirit teams commune and come together. So for example, today on this call, our spirit team and spirit guides are collaborating. There’s many more specialists who have come in, in support, and then everything filters down through my spirit team, my intuition, my guides.
Basically my guides open up. Um, like a room for lack of a better term. And then they invite a filtered version from someone else’s spirit guides through my guides, [01:20:00] and it does have a slightly different tone to it. And I will say, and this is it, it’s interesting. This is actually making me a little bit emotional here because I will say as I hold this space, it’s my opinion, I don’t have permission to
have my personality take on the experience in the way I would my personality would want to, meaning. , if it was just Emily and your spirit guides and spirit team, he wakes up. I was like, oh, hey, oh my God. , what’s new over there? Tell me, tell me some good juice on the other side. What’s going on in that realm, right?
Or, hey, what does this, you know? Sure. I’d be like, what does this person need to know for the highest good? But you know, that wouldn’t make sense. So there’s an energy, there’s a tone. When you’re working with the light, [01:21:00] you know, the one thing I’ve always taught is en energy responds to integrity. And the more integrity you have, you’ll receive so much.
You are gonna receive way more beyond your wildest imagination than you could ever imagine as you continue to choose integrity in every moment with energy. So what’s an example of being out of alignment with integrity? Say I’m dating and someone says, you know what, Emily, I don’t wanna date you anymore.
It was nice knowing you. Goodbye. Right. They didn’t ghost because we don’t deal with people who ghost. Um, and they, and I was like, and I, let’s just say I’m heartbroken. My personality’s heartbroken. You know, he was the one and we don’t believe in the one. Um, I w and let’s say I was like, you know what, I’m gonna, I’m gonna make a spell.
I’m going to, you know, a version of a spell is when we manipulate energy that’s not for the [01:22:00] highest good of all involved. And I were to say, okay, I’m gonna cast a spell that he reaches out to me and I would cast a spell to manipulate his energy to reach out to. Um, I would never in a million years do that.
First of all, , I’d say, oh my gosh, thank you so much, for the redirection, , I wish you the best. So that’s how we wanna think about these things too, is, so that’s an example of being out of integrity. It’s also challenging when you’re holding space for someone who, you, you not in our human nature, we wanna help someone, right?
We want someone to have a good experience with us. We want them to feel supportive. You actually, that’s, that’s your ego and you actually have to let that go too, which is really, really challenging at first. And you just sit back and you hold space for the highest good of all involved. And then their spirit team and spirit guides will, they come through.
They do feel like a different [01:23:00] energy. They do feel like a different tone. It’s slightly lighter. And it is also, let’s see. Sometimes they will, usually, they almost always come in as a group. And then every, every once in a while, like someone from the spirit team will come through with unique or different information.
And, and I know that it’s a spirit team member typically because they have, um, a little bit differentiation to their energy. So they may, um, have what, like, you know, they may have a little bit more femininity or masculinity, that kind of a thing. Okay. I’m gonna finish, uh, let’s see here. Did that an oh oh as far as images appearing.
Okay, so yes. So when images, so [01:24:00] again, , we wanna, whenever you’re holding s like I would never be talking to someone and all of a sudden their guides start flashing images to me. Again, this is having integrity with energy. If what I’ll do is if someone’s talking to me and I’m like, oh gosh, I don’t really know how to support them right now, I’ll, I’ll connect with them, my light, and I’m just like, spirit for the highest good of all involved.
What would I need to say or help them understand? And then Spirit may show me, um, an image. Of course, in sessions, imagery is just one of the ways that they communicate with me, and it’s always very clear when it’s not for me because we’re in a session. So, um, images appearing outside of sessions, it’s just crystal clear.
It’s for you because we don’t, I don’t like, I don’t walk through a crowd and hear everybody’s spirit team and spirit guides, right? I, I’m connected to my light, my light’s protecting me. I’m in a container. I’m safe. [01:25:00] And the intention is what do I need to know for the highest good? It has happened when I have been in that space, in that container that Spirit has from other, and, um, people reached out to me.
It has happened, and it’s been in a way because, um, Energetically, someone’s needed support and I was in a space where I could offer them support. It’s kind of no different. If someone gets in a car accident, we go over there and give them our phone number, check if they’re okay. Hey, you can have your insurance.
Call me. I was a witness. Or maybe we have to call help for them. It, it’s no different giving that kind of a help or helping a lost dog than it is energetically. When you’re in your own container, if someone else’s energy approaches you in a gentle way, you’re allowed to help them energetically. And I do that by genuinely just holding space for them.
And then your spirit team, as you continue to practice, will have your personality [01:26:00] engage more. Like that’s what will make you a talented, skillful, um, space holder, energy healer is they’ll eventually engage your personality. Like there’s times where they have to really have me concentrate, focus, turn some knobs and dials because I’m the anchor on the earth plane.
So in today’s episode, I am going to answer some questions, questions that people have put forward on TikTok actually. And we’re gonna cover questions about your interlight, about your spirit guides, and just about energy in general. So there’s a few different ways to reach out to me. One of them is connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com and if you have questions, you can put them there.
Also, you can put them into Spotify and I have my amazing team on the backend who’s gonna help me retrieve those. And I’m gonna answer some of your questions there. Alright, let’s get into it. And as we settle into this energy, as I hold space [01:27:00] for this energy, they’re just, they’re really bringing me to that root chakra.
They spirit, the activation of source is really holding space for more groundedness. Groundedness gives us clarity and a sense of safety. And that is what will help alienate your worry and your stress and your fear, which that’s rampant right now. Understandably. It’s rampant right now with everything going on.
So yeah, they’re saying that the majority of this activation for this podcast, as much as you imbibe, is going to be that. Um, also, it doesn’t matter when you listen to this podcast. That is what spiritual activations are holding space. The attention for the highest good of all involved, your higher self and your spirit team are gonna help make sure you get exactly what you need.
And it’s from source energy, it’s not from mine. I am the anchor holding space for this, and [01:28:00] we can do this for each other, which is really cool. All right, so one of the first questions people asked, someone asked is, when I connect to my inner light, do I have to say it out loud or in my head? . So I get this question a lot and any way you say it works.
So if you, you know, sometimes it only makes sense to say it in your head because maybe you’re around certain people and we do energy work all the time. You can do energy work all the time. So no matter what, if it’s out loud or in your head, two things. Number one, set the intention. You only connect to your light.
One of the ways I do that is by aligning with my inner light. I just bring my focus and attention to it. Maybe I say I set the intention, I only connect to the light key. Because even for me, in this line of work, I, I tell you guys all the time, I choose the light every single time and it’s the foundation of my practice.
And like with anything, the foundation of any practice, if you are an athlete, if you’re an accountant, if you’re a teacher, [01:29:00] if you’re a parent, you know you have routines in place for your kids. It’s the same with energy work. What’s the foundation of your practice? . And that’s actually a good question to ask yourself.
What’s gonna be a good foundation for your practice? What feels good for you? So one of the foundations of my practice and what I teach, and I’ll die by this, I swear by this, there’s very little I’ll say is like the be all, end all in energy. Cuz energy’s so unique and the aligning with the light and setting the intention that you only work with the light and for the highest good of all involved.
When you work for the highest good of all involved, you’re releasing your ego. That is the, that’s the two key things. That’s the foundation of my practice. That, and then actually, uh, walking in nature with someone is great by yourself if at all possible is better. I know that might be a luxury for some people.
I completely understand. I actually had someone make the comment [01:30:00] on one of my tos that she sent. Being in nature is where she receives a lot of her. Intuition and clarity, and it’s the same for me. So I physically, I change and evolve every single time I do a nature walk, which is most days. And by the way, if you’re in a city, you can still go for a walk in the city and just look at the nature around you.
Look at the birds at the sky. Um, I know it might be cement around you, but if there’s weeds, you know, weeds aren’t bad. I know that they’re not ideal, but they’re a part of our bio, you know, our earth’s bio, right? So they’re important too. So connect with nature in any way. One of the things spirit’s bringing up is they’re actually saying what they don’t recommend as a crutch is nature via our electronics, which is interesting.
They’re not saying it’s bad, they’re just saying it’s not a replacement. That’s really interesting. They’ve never said that [01:31:00] before, huh? Okay. I learned something new every single, every single day. Okay. Another question is, oh, hey Kelly. Huh? This is your question. How do you end your communication with your guides and your spirit team?
She said, amen feels weird. Thanks. Bye . And so might it be ? She said that with a little funny emoji. Uh, I get it. So here’s another thing that is so common. When we communicate with our spirit guides, we naturally feel like they are more, you know, holier than us, better than us, more evolved than us. Better than us in general.
And yeah, they are more involved than us. Oops. I guess I better turn off my . I didn’t realize the sound on my cell phone was on. Sorry about that thing. We’re not gonna edit that out. The guys are just saying hi thing. We’re here. So when it, our spear guides don’t have that same feeling that you and I do [01:32:00] of the, they are better than us or they are more advanced than us.
They feel very much like a team, like a community, like a family. And when I ask the guys this question, because of course at first I came from it from the human side where I’m like, I totally get this. There’s, I’ll have moments where I’m like, oh gosh, I haven’t thanked you guys in a while. Thank you. I’m so grateful for you.
They’re like, would you, Jill? We know. We know. They feel the love, right? They really do. From our hearts, they feel the love and appreciation for them. So we kind of wanna take a step back and just take a step back and think, okay, my spirit guide and spirit team are here. They’re freaking amazing. I love them so much, and I’m so grateful for them.
Now you’re gonna have a ongoing communication with them, especially now that you’re on this journey. So as you look at that, think about someone in your life you talk to every single day. It could be your partner, a best friend, a family member, someone when [01:33:00] you say goodbye to them. Okay? Or when you say like, see you later.
It’s casual, right? It’s casual cuz you know you’re gonna be talking to them again a little bit later. And an idea, a concept of the romantic partner is actually kind of a good example in this because, you know, we chit chat with them all day. Then we have moments where we’re like, I really appreciate you, I really love you.
And kind of the same with our spirit guides and spirit team. Oh my gosh, they’re joking right now. They’re saying, you know how we have to tell our partner what it is we need? They’re, they’re like, we know. They’re like, yes, of course we know what you need, but you actually have to ask for it from us because again, free will.
And they’re of the light, so they don’t cross boundaries. So you do not have to sign off with them and answer to your question, Kelly, every single time. Um, but don’t be afraid to ask them for more of what you want. Tell them what. and they’re, they’re saying they’re, they’re totally making a joke. They go, whereas your partner, it might take them some time to learn how to [01:34:00] adapt to what it is you need.
They go, we got it right away, . Oh, that’s so funny. I love, they’re so humorous. Right? And that’s the other thing, think that when we talk to spirit guides, it’s like, oh, you know, this huge, glorious, angelic, and a lot of that can be the case, especially with our spirit team. But they have senses of humor and they want you to love life, by the way.
It’s like their job is to help you get through the tough times so you can just experience more joy and love and pleasure in life. Okay. Oh, someone said, I asked, uh, their, she goes, i, a or , they, I don’t know. Um, this person asked for, asked their spirit guides for something and didn’t get an answer. So, When that happens, there’s a couple of things.
One, we have to take a look at. What were you expecting, what were you expecting? Were you expecting like boom, clarity answer in your head? Were you [01:35:00] expecting a voice? Were you expecting a feeling? Were you expecting an immediate resolution for something?
They’re really concentrating on our root chakra right now. This is big. It’s actually bigger than I was anticipating for this session. No wonder I was getting the nudge to do it. I was getting a, a very strong urge to do, to hold space for this pod. Are we recording? Yeah, we’re recording. Oh. Oh my goodness gracious.
Such a piy sometimes. So I was really getting a strong nudge, and I can see why, because the more trust we develop in our own intuitive abilities with our guides and spirit team, the stronger and more clear our energy becomes overall. So number one, how are you expecting to hear from them? So if you maybe have this impression that you’re like, wow, I was really supposed to hear, I expected to hear a feel or sense something from my spirit team, but I got crickets.
No worries. Your spirit [01:36:00] team, because they are of the light. One of the universal laws of energy is that when you reach out to the light, the light will always respond. The light doesn’t just pick and choose and is like, well, you know, Sally today asked us for support, but you know, we just don’t feel like it.
We’re busy over here, right? No, there’s plenty of source light energy to go around. So know that you’re always getting a response. So think to yourself, I set the intention. I’m open to receiving loving, guided responses from my spirit guides and spirit team for my highest good.
That’s exciting. That shouldn’t be exciting. This. You know, we are so stuck in this cycle of steps and process and right and wrong, and this really helps you open up your creativity and what it can look like for you to experience more light energy in this world. I’m open to receiving. [01:37:00] I’m open to receiving that which is for my highest good in all the best ways possible from my spirit guides and spirit team.
Ooh. Ooh, that’s excellent. I mean, how does that feel? How does that feel in your energy? Okay. They just showed me a butterfly, so whoever has butterfly symbolism, I was about to say in your chart, in your energy. So that is number one, opening yourself up to how you could possibly receive. The second thing is there is a need for us to actually.
Be in space and presence longer than we think we do. We’re human. So if you, if you and I are having a conversation and you ask me a question, you can expect an immediate response from me. That’s fair. In the case of our spirit, guys and spirit team, sometimes because of us, because of you and your process, [01:38:00] they need to take a little bit more time in getting back to you.
So be in stillness, be in presence. If you can afford to be in that space long enough until you do feel a response, sense, a response, hear a response or response just comes to you. It’s that knowing. Okay? And then the other, the third part is sometimes there may be, sometimes because of what you’re going through, they actually need to respond over time.
It can’t actually be an immediate response.
The other question that was posted is how many guides do we have? That is such a normal question to ask. And when it comes to, you know, remember our spirit guides are part of our spirit team, and our spirit guides [01:39:00] are kind of our foundation of our humanness because we’re energy and then we bulk into human form.
I think it’s called it bulked into, oh my gosh, that’s like the whole, uh, that’s funny. We bulk into human, into human form and they, you know, your spirit guides are your intuition. They sound like you. They feel like you. They’re always working with you. They help you develop your gut. They help you develop who you are in this lifetime.
And then your spirit team really expands on all of. , your spirit team, really. And by the way, your spirit guides have levels. So the more you, you know, if, if energy is a spiral, because we all, I don’t know if you guys have, I talked about that. So I’ve talked about how energy, if you imagine energy is a spectrum, goes from light to dark, but that’s also a spiral.
So light source being at the very top and then it spirals down to the very bottom. And essentially what we’re all doing is ascending [01:40:00] higher and higher up. Now I’m asking the guides, why is it that we wouldn’t, if we’re derivative of source, I’m asking them what do we look like? So when we pop out a source, when we’re created from source, what does our light look like?
What does our light look like? And why do we go, why do we oscillate? Like does Everybo does everything that’s birthed from source start at a certain level? And this is one of those things, they’re letting me know that they’re gonna have to integrate this information from me. Over time, did anything pop in for any of you?
We’re all holding space here, so, and all information is universal, right? This information isn’t exclusive to me. I’m just holding space. I’m asking the question. Holding space for the answer, for the highest good. You can do that too. So if you can answer, lemme know. Okay. How many guides do we have? So it’s human to want to know that.
I used to want to know that I didn’t know any better. People were talking about how many guides they [01:41:00] had. I was like, oh, so how many guides do I have? And anytime. And I see energy and I feel energy and I sense it. I believe everybody does. And actually in my interview with Kathy Slosky, if I speak with animals, she actually said she didn’t feel like she sensed energy in all the same ways.
And then after enough practice it happened for her. So I, I think it’s possible. She said she didn’t see energy and then one day she started seeing it. And sometimes it’s hard to understand what it means when we say we see energy, right? Because we think, oh, this hand is in front of me. I can see this hand and I can’t see energy because it’s not in front of me.
And that’s not the case. So, okay, so how many spirit guides do we have? So anytime I reach out to my spirit guides about, you know, how many are you and all that, they would show me energy, first of all, because remember, they’re in the energetic realm. And you and I are human. They’re not human. They’ve been human in the past.
They’ve had a lot of similar experiences that you’ve had, which is why they’re your guides. But you and I [01:42:00] project, you know, I was born a female in this lifetime. So I project, oh, are you male or female? I project. What are you wearing? What do you look like? What’s your name? They will acclimate to us to help us feel familiar.
I will also say I have seen so many times, Where a dark energy pretends to be someone’s spirit guide and comes through and says, oh hey there, you know, I’m Molly, the spirit guide. And they do give accurate information because the, some of the dark is actually really intelligent and really smart. And the benefit, the dark hat, they, it’s fun for them to play around with us.
It sounds so morbid, but it’s true. And they will give accurate information because that’s how you continue the connection. And then the benefit to the dark is then they actually re they’re siphoning energy from us. It’s crazy, isn’t it? It’s totally crazy. So, [01:43:00] so my guides, and the reason they showed this to me this way is because this is how I’m meant to teach this in this world.
And then each of you is meant to digest this and say, okay, these parts feel true for me. This is what I am intuiting for myself and my unique way, you know, the guides are bringing up. We had to go through a phase where we thought, we felt our guides were very linear, so that we could lean on them and be safe.
You know, the world is opening up in such a different way now. We actually don’t, we have more permission to be more spiritual and, and awakened, enlightened. The guides are like, you ain’t seen nothing yet. So it’s very common in the past for people to have this acclimation towards spirit guides and, and have them be a certain way and a certain number.
They want us to look at their overall energy. They want us to take a look at, utilize them as a whole. Let them be your filter. They, your spirit guides will actually guide and PR will obviously [01:44:00] guide, but they’ll protect you too. You know, I always recommend calling in divine protection of the light and adding that to your spirit team to help you in certain circumstances.
But your spirit guides will also help you. Filter out that stuff. And your spirit guides are badasses by the way. And as you continue to uplevel, they will actually continue to uplevel. This was, I forget when this was, but I remember all of a sudden my spirit guides appeared brighter to me and I was like, did I get enough spirit guides?
I didn’t think that was a thing. And I was talking to Kathy about the Kathy Messe about this, and I had her on the podcast a couple weeks ago. And, uh, we were talking about how my guides, it’s not that they had up-leveled, they were just allowed to expand more because I had expanded. And your spirit guides are doing the exact same thing.
So we wanna look at them as a whole. Because imagine you say you had a farm, and right now it’s just you to [01:45:00] do all of the work that’s possible to create on this amazing farm. You see the potential, you see the possibility of this farm for whatever it is you wanna make it. Beautiful garden, beautiful yard, perfect kind of animals, whatever.
Well, imagine you just reached out to one of your spirit guides to help you on that farm, how much would get done a good amount. But now imagine you reached out to all of your spirit guides and all of them are helping you on your farm. Oh my gosh. They’re gonna help you fulfill that farm’s purpose in no time.
rude. They’re saying no time. And then I just obviously made the joke back to them that human time tends to look along when we want change. Okay, so the number of spirit guides, uh, it really doesn’t matter when I hold space in sessions for people’s spirit teams because it’s their spirit teams who communicate directly to me through my guides.
They work. You know, when I hold space for clients, our spirit teams are working together and I allow my spirit guides and spirit team to [01:46:00] filter the communication or mm, I’m gonna say they don’t filter it, but they hold space for the other people’s spirit teams so that my energy is safe and protected and also so that everything that comes through is.
Is respectful of the client, right? That I only see what is for the highest good of all involved. What the client wants to heal, grow, and learn from. I don’t need to see all of the other stuff. You know, having integrity when doing energy work, it’s, but, you know, connecting with the lights, number one, and having integrity is number two.
I cannot emphasize enough how much releasing ego and having integrity with doing energy work will take you so much farther than you could ever imagine. It also releases a lot of the pressure from you. So it’s, I’m trying to think if I’ve ever seen someone’s spirit guides or spirit team show up in a number and my guides are saying, no, I can’t recall.
They’re confirming, no, it just doesn’t matter. So they go, what do you want? Do you want help [01:47:00] building out your dreams, building out your dream life and feeling fulfilled like you and I are here to feel fulfilled and feel passion, and feel purpose, and feel joy, and feel love in all different kinds of ways.
And they’re here to help us to get to, to, you know, they say you’re already achieving that in a lot of ways. Each of you, how do you continue to achieve more of it and experience more of it? And then when the storms come and the floods come in life on the farm, which they will, we’re here to support you still through that.
And you want all of us, you don’t want one of us. So it’s, you know, again, I used to ask the question, how many guides do I have? It’s our ego. It’s our ego wanting to feel safe, wanting to say, oh, you know, it was this guy, you know, it was my guy, Dave that said that. You know, that’s a very human construct to say, well, my teacher taught me, well this book taught me well.
My guide said so, and it’s okay. You know, it’s, it’s one of the ways we’ve evolved in life, but we’re moving beyond that. [01:48:00] So breathe into your light. Ask your spirit guides for all the love support you need. Ask them to help clear blockages for you. Ask them to support you in your day. And don’t be afraid of them.
Don’t be afraid of yourself by being afraid of them. You’re being afraid of yourself. So be brave, be bold. Ask for more support. You’ve got this. Thank you so much for being here today. Continue with your questions. I’m gonna do more of these on the podcast and let me know what you think. Thanks so much for listening to today’s episode.
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This podcast and website represents the opinions of Emily Marie and her guests to the show and website. The content should not be taken as medical advice. The content here is for informational purposes only, and because each person is so unique, please consult your healthcare professional for any medical advice.
Recommendations and questions, views and opinions expressed in this podcast and website are our own and do not represent that of our places of work while we make every effort to ensure that the information we are sharing is accurately welcome. Any comment, suggestions, or correction of errors?