Hearing your Intuition & Guides with a practice to build trust


Episode #15

Hearing your Intuition & Guides with a practice to build trust

How do you ‘hear’ energy?  How do you hear your spirit guides and your intuition?  We discuss this as well as a best practice to help you build trust in and expand your intuition.  

You’re magic, keep going, the world needs your light.


Feel the need for a supported and concentrated shift?  The “Reset + Renew Energy Healing Retreat” is this October in the greater Seattle area, if you’re feeling the desire to reset and take your energy and path to the next best version of you, I’ll be holding space for a small group of individuals on this journey, reach out to me or fill out the registration form if you’re feeling the nudge to help support yourself in this next phase and level of your journey:  https://emilymarie.com/energy-retreat-10-22

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– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Feel the desire to go deeper?  Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com, you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here today to co-create with you in this space and to talk about all things your energy.

Welcome back to the podcast everyone. It is so wonderful to have you here today. We are going to delve more into your intuition. , we are going to talk about hearing your intuition and another avenue you can take to help you build trust with it. So we are going to start by taking a gentle breath. In. This is your time to energetically co-create, receive, expand whatever it is you need [00:01:00] right now for your highest good.

So we’re just gonna take a breath in and release. Why don’t we do that more often? Doesn’t it feel so good? One more breath in and really even having a few conscious breaths. is energy work. Everything is energy work. Well, not everything. Most things . So first thing we’re gonna talk about with your intuition is hearing energy.

and hearing ener energy or audibly perceiving energy is the guides sweetly call. It looks a number of different ways, so remember that your energy is so utterly unique. No other energy like it exists anywhere. That is how [00:02:00] unique you are. , and that also means that your energetic skillset, that your intuition is going to be unique as well.

and it might be an amalgamation, a combination of a variety of different energetic means, meaning hearing energy, seeing energy, knowing energy and sensing energy. So when it comes to hearing energy, there’s a couple of different ways this goes about and one of those ways, and some of us are familiar with this is when we hear our intuition loud and clear.

It’s like there’s this voice inside our head that says, don’t do that or do this, or gives us some other piece of information. I was on a plane one time from [00:03:00] Seattle to San Francisco and I was at the airport in Seattle and I sat down at the bench. In the whatever waiting area. And I sat next to this guy and I didn’t think anything of it.

And then I am sitting on the plane. I was sitting in the window seat and he came walking down the aisle and he had the aisle seat in my same row and there was nobody sitting in between us. And this was an early morning flight. And I was young. I was in my early twenties. We started chatting and completely hit it off and we ended up dating for a year.

He was the first, uh, man that I dated, that I fell in love with. It was mutual. I think. We said, I love you after like four weeks, and he lived in Vancouver, Canada. So we did long distance and we’re on that flight and as clear as day, as clear as [00:04:00] day, this voice comes through my head and says, this will be the first man you’ll fall in love with and it’s not gonna work out.

Now why would my intuition, my guides, you know, your, your intuition is your guides, your spirit. Why would they tell me that? Well, I was raised Catholic and the school I went to had some pretty. Gosh, I’m gonna say, you know, teachers roles, even people that I was growing up with who just had these really staunch beliefs of what life was supposed to look like and, and they weren’t wrong, right?

I mean, it works for them. They’re happy. , but I was confused at the time. I was sort of at this point in my life where I was like, do I go down this road of being the good Catholic girl or do I take more of a responsibility for my life and go down this other road? And what I mean by more of a [00:05:00] responsibility for my life is really being in my power and you know, being truly a co-creative.

Powerful being in this lifetime, which has been a lot of work. I mean, you’ve gotta undo a lot to get to that place. That’s why I think there’s this element to energy work that tells us, oh, you know, you can transform like that and it takes time. There’s just so many layers. So give yourself time to go through whatever it is you’re going through so much.

You know, it’s okay to take all of the time that you need. Believe me, your spirit team, your higher self, I, I guarantee you, they’re not pressuring you. We may notice moments where they’re like, come on, step it up. But that’s very, very few and far between. So here I am on this flight and my spirit team comes through and obviously it, it.

Sort of sidetracks me from this conversation, from this cute boy. And I remember thinking, whoa. And I, I did feel the sense of relief, right? It was [00:06:00] almost like permission. Kinda like, Hey, let it go. You know, have fun. Enjoy him, enjoy his company. See what happens. And don’t worry that it’s not gonna work out because.

A lot of my friends were dating the men that they were gonna be marrying, having kids with, and that’s a lot to deal with at the age of 2021, right? I didn’t know my ass from my elbow at that age, , so it definitely gave me that permission and it came through in that way for a reason and. . I’ve had that happen to me a couple more times in my life and that, you know, was pretty significant.

And I think sometimes we think, you know, I’m sure some of you have similar stories and I think that there is. This expectation that, that unless that unless our intuition comes through that loud and clear and gives us that kind of meaningful information, [00:07:00] then we’re not doing it right , and instead our spirit team and our intuition comes through at times like that to really kind of help move us forward or to help keep us on.

I have a friend where her spirit team, her spirit guides, she was driving and there was something that was gonna be, it was like a train or something moving in front of her. And I forget exactly how this story went, but basically she goes, I physically felt something come through and push and slam on the brake.

And she goes, and it prevented me from crashing and. That’s another example of, again, you know, we think it’s something that’s supposed to be profound and they do come through in those ways to help keep us on track. And at the end of the day, we still have free will. It would be nice if they came through like that in a lot of ways.

I think we can all agree it would save us some pain [00:08:00] and some trouble . Oh gosh. But where’s the fun in that? So they can only do that once, once in a blue moon, right? Um, because we do have free will. You and I have free will to make choices and make decisions. And that’s one of the other things, you know, once we kind of realize, okay, I’m in charge of my life.

I’m at the helm here, I’m, I’m the powerful one. My spirit guides and my spirit team were a resource for me. You know, in the last podcast episode I had mentioned how I went through a period where I was asking, My spirit team, it’s, it’s not like I was utilizing them too much or working with them too much because really the more you work with the light, the more it expands.

It was I was, instead of being in my power and making decision, asking for help or support or guidance. I was simply turning to them and asking the question. I wasn’t even asking myself first or feeling into what I think or anything like [00:09:00] that. So when we start to outsource our power to our spirit team, they will actually kind of stay back a little bit.

They’ll retract. In a way, of course, they’re always gonna be there supporting you and guiding you, but if we attempt to outsource our own power, then they are going to sort of say, Hey, we’re gonna hold back a little bit until you figure out how amazing and powerful you are. So what’s one of the ways we can be in our power and more aligned and receive this guidance, this audible guidance from our spirit team?

So one of the ways is by practicing. being in stillness with yourself, which is really presence, stillness kind of sounds intimidating, right? Because we’re gonna get interrupted. Of course. That’s life. Um, thoughts are gonna come through our head. You’re normal. Don’t stress about that. And so [00:10:00] really what we wanna do is we wanna pause and what’s really helped me come into the present moment when.

drop into presence is when you are aligned with your higher self. You’re aligned with your soul path. You are aligned with your spirit team and your spirit guides in a way that’s true for everyone. That’s balanced for everyone. And of course the one, there’s one way to do that, which is by acknowledging your inner light.

It’s a really good place to start. And another way is if you can see energy. You can imagine an energetic brightness that’s beaming from within you. It’s actually coming from your inner light. That will give your mind somewhere to go, and it will establish a connection to all of those things. The other thing you can do is you can feel that vibrancy, that [00:11:00] light, you can actually.

Feel that vibrancy, that light from within you. If you just think about it, and when you think about it, what you’re doing is you’re literally sending, it’s like imagine your thought is a fishing rod , and you are casting that line with your thought. You’re like, oh, I’m gonna think about my inner light, and you cast the ride and the fishing line goes, and then it’s like, oh, well we know where we’re going.

We are going to this. And then plunk, it hits your inner light and you are connected to it. Mm. You’re always connected to it, but you are activated with it, so. That is how you stand in your power stand in your alignment. And it’s also how you know you’re only connected to your spirit team and spirit guides.

So when it comes to hearing your intuition, your intuition is gonna be, it’s gonna be [00:12:00] your main spirit guide. And what happens is all of your spirit guide. Kind of come together and they funnel and they sort of get together all of this information and then they kind of funnel it through your main guide or guides who sounds like you.

Who feels like you. That’s why it’s confusing. You’re like, wait, was that me or was that my spirit guides? And they’re like, well, yeah, same, same in this way. In this way in particular. So they kind of funnel through and then they will give you that information. And that’s why like you get a lot of ideas, you have a lot of thoughts.

Think about the time you, you know, magically met someone special. It could have been a serendipitous friend or a loved one, or a pet that you’re just so aligned with, right? All of these things that happened, you know, you had the thought to go to the grocery store at that exact time, in that exact moment, on that day.

Why, you know it was your thought or was it your guide saying, okay, you know, it’s time that Harry met Sally, so we’re [00:13:00] gonna put this thought in Sally’s head and put this thought in Harry’s head, and then poof, they’re gonna meet. Right? So that’s what your spirit guides do. And then what happens is you have elements to your spirit team.

Who are unique, they’re unique energies, and they may come through and they may have a different tone of energy for you. They may present themselves differently to you. . And when that happens, you may simply notice. It’s like they’re saying it’s a gentle nudge. It’s like, you know, it’s like a, a slight breeze comes across your face.

It’s so almost not noticeable. And what happens is this, this energy will repeat itself until it becomes known to. and then it becomes to feel familiar. Now remember that which is of the light is [00:14:00] nonintrusive or non-invasive, so that’s part of the reason why you and I feel like we take a long time to learn lessons sometimes is because our spirit guides are not showing up.

Could you imagine if we woke up in the morning and we just had like our spirit guides and our spirit team lined up in front of us with pads and notebooks and pens and papers, and they were like, okay, finally you’re. , we got ish to do fo you know, you , get up. We got lessons to learn. Here’s your lessons.

We’re gonna focus on three today, but stop and give me 10 burpees because you’ve been complaining about your f flabby ass. Right? , I mean that is one option. . So aren’t we glad that they’re not intrusive and not invasive and they just let us figure it out on our own ? It’s better that way. Okay, so. The different members of your spirit team will have different tones of energy.

They’re also gonna have different symbols, different ways of showing up, [00:15:00] and all of that’s really good stuff. But today we’re just focusing on the audible, the audible sound of energy and our intuition. The other thing that the guides are bringing up right now is how, it’s not obviously just our intuition and our spirit team that we’re hearing, but it’s actually.

Other energies we can perceive, right? And we can hear and it things will come through. You know when something feels a little bit. . The reason they say energy has a tone to it is because when an energy tone is of the light, you’ll know, um, it won’t feel, you know, energy that’s not of the light will feel scratchy.

It will feel intrusive. It may, will oftentimes give you real information because it just wants your attention, but it’s going to, you’re gonna be like, well, wait a minute. I didn’t ask. Or that felt kind of scratchy or that, you know, gave me the bad zing, right? You get a good zing on your energy, you get a bad zing.

What I mean by [00:16:00] that is it’s not quite the chills. . It’s not that thing that’s on the tip of your tongue that I talked about in the last episode, but it’s sort of that ping of like, you know, something isn’t quite right here. You know, you’re saying you’re an angel, you’re showing me wings, you’re showing me light, but my energy is getting this zing that it’s not right.

And if anything like that ever happens, anything that. That’s another universal law of energy is that it has to, any energy has to show you who it truly is. So what you would say is, show me your light. Show me your light, show me your light, and then eventually it would have no light to show you and it would fade off.

Okay. That was another tangent. So some of the ways that you can hear or. Yeah. Let’s say here are your spirit team, your intuition, or you know, a loved one who’s crossed over. The other thing is I, I do say, you know, spirit team is such a broad term, a loved one who’s crossed over, who has healthy boundaries, who wants to visit you once in a while, or often, or an animal that’s crossed over, [00:17:00] they can actually be in your spirit team.

Now, your spirit guide, especially your main spirit guide, is gonna be super close to you. It’s gonna be like right so close to you in your energetic system. Basically don’t even notice them. Wow. Well, like an ungrateful job they have. Now that I think about it, I’ve never thought about that. How humble do you have to be to be a spirit guide?

People barely know you’re there. You’re, you know, you’re essentially, it’s not like mutating in a bad way. But they’re essentially having to blend into your energy to support you so that you don’t really even know it’s them and they’re fully aligned just with your highest good to help you on your path.

Cuz they’ve been down this path before. Wow. Spirit guides are mad humble now that I think about it. Yeah. It’s funny cuz I’m even, I’m kind of presenting this to them and they’re just sort of holding their energy. They’re like, okay. Okay. They’re not even saying like, yeah, we are humble or anything [00:18:00] like that.

They’re just holding their energy and it’s like, let’s move. . So energy coming in as a tone. That’s what you want to notice when our, you know, when our spirit guides, when our intuition talks to us most often, not all the time kind of comes through the back part of your head. Like I’ve mentioned before, it lands really quickly.

It’s like all of a sudden the information’s just there and a big part of hearing energy that’s of the light is actually resembled to our. . It’s almost like, where did that come from? How did that happen all of a sudden, why do I know that? And the two kind of go hand in hand. So think about taking a moment of pause like we were talking about earlier, coming back to that.

As best you can, imagining a light within you or feeling a light within you gives you presence in your day, gives you that pause. If you’re driving, do this with your eyes open at a stoplight. [00:19:00] Breathe into your light. Breathe into a beam of light you see running within you. That will give you that pause, that will give you that clarity, and you could even say to your, Start by saying, I set the intention.

I only connect with my intuition, or I set the intention. I only connect with my spirit guides or spirit team. And then you can say to them, please say to me, blue, where do you feel that in your body? I know we’re talking about hearing energy. , but remember your intuition is an amalgamation of so, so much.

It’s not just, it’s not just linear. I see, I hear, I sense, I know. Energy . It is your beautiful combination of all those things. So even though they are saying blue to you, how do you feel that, how do you hear it? How do you sense it? , and [00:20:00] of course you can do that with any term, right. . Okay. So that is how you pause and start to feel into, you know, again, make sure you’re just connected to your intuition.

I, I am you guys, I teach this stuff. I practice this stuff constantly throughout my day. It doesn’t matter if I’m at a concert, at a family gathering on a date, it doesn’t matter. In mid conversation with someone, I will connect with energy run energy. Talk to my guides. Say Spirit, W T F, help me out here.

all the things, right? I practice this stuff all the time and it is a practice. Unfortunately, it’s not just an switch. Oh, I need to get over that. I think. So really keep in mind that the more you practice this and the more intentional you are, the more it comes through for you, and that’s when you [00:21:00] develop your slang.

Like I mentioned in that last episode. You’ll eventually develop a shorthand with your intuition. and it’s a really cool thing. You know, for me, when I, you know, I used to, it used to take me minutes to set up for a client session, and I’ve been doing them for, I don’t even know how many years now, and now I can do it.

Like, I’m like moving my hand here swiftly. It’s like, it’s like a large movement, right? And. While I’m on this topic, I will say that there are times where I need to restate my intention with anything. Could be anything, could be, um, you know, it could be a client session, could be just my life. Could be one-on-one with someone.

Could be anything. It is helpful to reinstate intentions. It does make them stronger and stronger, and that’s why I continue to restate the intention that I only connect with my intuition. I [00:22:00] say that every single day. I mean, it’s, you know, when people, people, I know we love labels and what are you, and you know, I’m a human that chooses the light.

I choose to connect consciously to my. To my intuition, to spirit, just to source. Basically I just choose source. When in doubt, I just, hello source . So, and that’s what keeps things really crystal clear. And they will for you too. And no, remember we think about that fishing rod and your intention that Rod is only going to what your intention is.

It is not deviating. So for the last part of this episode, I’m going to share with you one other tool that’s gonna help you build trust with your intuition, and that is spontaneous creativity. And here’s what I mean. You think about as a kid, you knew naturally how to play, you colored outside the lines.

you [00:23:00] rant areas you weren’t supposed to run to. You basically played the way that felt good for you. And then of course, we are conditioned through society, through maybe a religion, through school on how we are supposed to act, be, perform. And so as adults, We have no space to let ourselves explore, be, go to our edges, push our boundaries.

I mean, when do you do that? Ever? Think about when was the last time you spent five minutes just free flowing with your life? probably hasn’t happened in a hot minute, and that’s okay. So what this means is no, you do not have to get out a craft project, but think about a, think about something you can do.

that is going to let you just truly be and let your energy be kind of wild. I’m gonna give you an example. Say you can be by yourself [00:24:00] for a couple of minutes and you turn on one of your favorite songs and you dance and move as feels. Good for you. Now I know judgment’s gonna come in. That’s okay. Your job is to continue to feel into how good it feels for you just to move.

Just move. Who cares if your left arm looks like it might be falling off? It’s okay. Just move your body. Another thing you can do is just write, just free. Write, write whatever the heck you wanna write about. You know, write a poem. Write a poem that starts with, you know, 15 letters and or 15 words and ends with two.

Who cares? Who cares? Just write what comes out for you. Another thing I like to do is I have a blank piece of paper and I will just draw, and sometimes I’ll draw and I’ll be like two birds at the top left, and then it’ll be a scribble, and then it’ll be a flower over here. And sometimes I paint and I don’t worry about the [00:25:00] outcome, but I just.

Go. So the whole idea is that you have to, number one, give yourself space to do this, even if it’s five minutes. The guides are even saying for some of you, if you, you know, have kids or loved ones who are kind of adjusting to this lifestyle of yours, right? This lifestyle of self-exploration. And oh, they just said divination.

Did I say that correctly? Which means your alignment with your true one, which is love, which is source, and they say anything that gives you freedom. For as long as possible, one minute, five minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes. where there is no outcome, it is just freedom for you to be, do whatever you want.

They’re saying another good place to start is actually by stretching without a plan. They say, what if you just stretched in ways that felt really good, ? Wow, that sounds easy enough, right? So. What happens is you actually learn to trust [00:26:00] yourself. You learn to feel good, feel safe in the chaos, and it’s really not chaos.

It’s you simply expressing yourself. And this is something I’ve been practicing myself and I feel my energy open up and expand. And there’s many different places you can do this. Okay? So you’re gonna run an errand and you’re like, okay everyone, I’m gonna be back 20 minutes. I’m gonna go run this errand.

And then you take with you your pen and paper and. Before you hop into the store for that toilet paper, everybody needs. You sit down in your car and you write, or you do that. You know, you make art, non-art, right? Non-conforming art with no endgame in mind on that paper. That is you trusting yourself.

Again, it’s that safety and the chaos, and with our intuition and with energy. There’s so much [00:27:00] unknown. I know I’ve touched on this, I haven’t gotten too far into it yet, but one of the big things that’s happening on Earth is how much you are gonna be bringing your special energy into this world. You’re already doing it, so how do we trust it?

How do you trust that what’s coming forward is right? Well, the guides are popping in. They’re like, well, cause it feels good. Of course. And also, , you’re gonna think, well, this beautiful energy’s coming through. What is it? Is it Reiki? Is it breathwork? Is it shamanism? Is it, you know, what’s its label? It’s not gonna have a label.

It’s your energy. So as you get comfortable expressing yourself in this way, that is very non-linear, you’re gonna start to feel safer and more comfortable with the creative ways energy comes through for you. Okay. Thank you all so much for being here today. I would love to hear how [00:28:00] you hear energy, how you sense tones.

If you go through any of the practices today, what comes up for you? and remember, you already are the light. You already are amazing, and I am so grateful you are bringing more of you into this world.



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