Communicating Better w your Spirit Guides & Asking Them About Marijuana


Episode #11

Communicating Better w your Spirit Guides & Asking Them About Marijuana

In this episode I share a few best practices on how to ask for more information from your Spirit guides & teams.  It’s meant to be a two way street, they’re here to help you, so ask for more help, ask for more clarity.  It’s okay!  They’re very flexible haha.

And I also hold space and ask Spirit the question about their thoughts on marijuana.  Is it good or bad for us?

The “Reset + Renew Energy Healing Retreat” is this October in the greater Seattle area, if you’re feeling the desire to reset and take your energy and path to the next best version of you, I’ll be holding space for a small group of individuals on this journey:  https://emilymarie.com/energy-retreat-10-22

To work with me directly:

Free: This Podcast, Social medias: @emilymarie.energy and Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/emilymarie

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Feel the desire to go deeper?  Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com, you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for bringing more of your light into this world!

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here to talk about all things your energy.

Hello everybody. Welcome. To the podcast. I’m your host, Emily, and today’s recording is a little bit different. So I actually host something I call the Interlight Circle. It’s a community where people can receive group energy healing work once a month. We talk about all things energy and share best practices and share tips and share books we like and things we’ve learned.

and I really enjoy holding space for that group. And people ask questions, and one [00:01:00] of the questions someone asked is, what do our spirit guides think of weed? And what I do is I hold space for these responses, for these answers from spirit. When I say spirit, I mean the energy that’s all encompassing to support us.

That comes from. What’s interesting to me about this recording is that not only do our guides answer the question, but you can actually hear me explaining to you how I’m going back and forth with them a little bit, and I think that’s, An important thing for all of us to understand is that we do not have to take whatever it is our spirit guides and spirit team say at face value.

Now, of course, they are very wise and developed and have your best interests at heart, so most of what they say, yeah, we’re absolutely going to agree with them. Think it’s very wise, and then at the same time, you and I [00:02:00] have free will and it is. , sometimes the challenges we have on Earth are viewed so differently from the other side.

And while you and I are doing work on this Earth plane to get to that place where we feel more love and we feel more in the divine flow of love at all times, I mean, who’s close to that? call me and at the same time, sometimes need to give our spirit guides feedback. Hey, that’s a great advice. However, I need something a little bit more.

I need more input. I need something that’s gonna be a little bit more realistic. So you can do that with your own spirit team. You can ask them for more information. You can ask them for. a different solution. You know, say, okay, that’s one option. Is there, is there another option for my highest good? See what they say.

So we are going to get to it, and if the inner light circle is something that interests you, you can find it on my [00:03:00] website@emily.lovepixelagency.com. It is month to month. It is only $33. So it’s a good way to kind of dip your toe into a community. . I am very particular about how I hold space for community because I call it the circle.

Since everybody’s energy is equal, it doesn’t matter what our experience levels are and everybody’s there to learn and to grow and to have some fun doing it. So feel free to join us there and into the podcast. We go.

Hi everyone. So I have been getting a couple of questions about smoking weed and the like. When it comes to, I’m gonna talk about, let me see, I’m asking Spirit where we wanna go here. Um, we’re gonna talk just more about marijuana and cannabis in general. , [00:04:00] I’m laughing because I never in a million years thought I’d be making a video on this, but it makes perfect sense.

So I get this question a lot about. What, you know, how is it for our energy when we smoke weed? How is it? I’m just gonna use the example of smoking weed. That could mean a vape pen. That could mean edibles, that could mean a lot of things ingesting Mary Jane. Do they even call it that anymore? Ingesting marijuana.

So what does spirit think about this? And they’re kind of chuckling a little bit. Um, but the first thing that they’re bringing up is remembering that this plant actually has a spirit to it. It has a purpose to it.

They’re using this example right now. If you go get a Diet Coke from a fast food place, does that have the same purpose behind it? Does it have the same spirit behind it? Obviously we know it doesn’t, even though it tastes delicious. And the reason that they bring that up is [00:05:00] because they say, We have been conditioned to approach the two the same way.

They say, ironically, one’s better for you than the other. Hmm. So what we wanna do when we approach, uh, plant medicine in general is number one, oh my gosh. I’m, I’m kind of giving, I’m kind of giving spirit a little bit pushback right now because, What they’re wanting us to look at is, okay, you know, what is this doing for me right now and how is this serving me?

And I’m like, I get it. But also when you just need to kind of transition at the end of the day or at that time where you just wanna relax and you’re just like, gimme something to relax. Just wanna ingest this thing. Um, and they’re so sweet. They’re like, okay, okay. We get it. We get it. Um, remember with Spirit, it’s a two-way street, right?

And with our spirit guides and spirit team. So oftentimes we think everything that [00:06:00] comes through from them is the word and it is what it is. And instead remember that spirits here to help us all. Energy is equal. Um, spirit guys especially are taking orders essentially from our higher self, right? So we really wanna kind of look at our conversations with spirit and spirit guides on more of an equal playing field.

And that’s just a little side note there. Of course with so much gratitude for what it is that they’re doing for us, right? Because they’re, oh, I just, I can feel it in my heart right now. They truly do love us so much. We really are like dry on love in the us I’m sure in other parts of the world too. Oh my gosh.

How many tangents can I go on here? Okay, ingesting. Mary Jane adjusting marijuana. So what it, they’re, they’re bringing it to like what it boils down to, and they say, what it boils [00:07:00] down to is how is it present in your life? How is it a part of your life? They say, so if you look at your. And say you’re someone who wakes up and decides, you know what I need?

I need to, uh, smoke a bowl, or I need to have an edible in order to calm down every single night. Oh my gosh. Now they’re bringing up the medicinal purposes of all of this. We’re gonna look at this two ways. We’re gonna look at it socially, and then we’re gonna look at it medicinally. We’re gonna start with socially.

So on the social front they say, they’re just like, do you do what feels good for you? They say, you know, you know when it’s too much, when it’s a crutch. And now they’re bringing over to the medicinal side a little bit. And they say, and sometimes we do need crutches. And crutches are really important. By the way, spirit’s not anti.

they’re not anti literal medicine, you know, that we get at the [00:08:00] hospital or from doctors or this kind of medicine. spirit is far more lax than we give it credit for. I think for a lot of us, there’s still a lot of like, um, maybe old school, strict religious feelings that we give towards our spirit guides and spirit team and stuff, and they don’t feel that way.

So when it comes to, let’s say socially you’re doing this, uh, recreationally, they say, is it. They go, where does it fit into your life? Like anything else they say when you, um, they’re saying play sports. I’m like, okay. When you play sports, when you do movement, when you work out, those kinds of things, you do those things to get a result, right.

you do those things cause they know, you know it’s good for you. You choose good food cuz you know it’s good for you. Um, you choose to not drink at times because you know that’s better for you. And then other times we imbibe too far, we’re human. It’s okay, it’s okay, [00:09:00] it’s okay, it’s okay. We’re not being judged by them at all.

They say it just whittles down to. How is it serving you? So is it acting too much? You know, something can be a crutch for you, but it could be a crutch like this much, and then something could be a crutch for you this much, right? Just like look at alcohol. Okay. You know, can you have two drinks or does it always have to go to like four or five or six?

Um, you know, do you drink so that you can sleep at night? Or do you drink because you’re on vacation at the pool? Right? Either way. So the same goes for when we look at something like weed is, um, and this is again, recreationally. How are you using it? And they say it is okay to have. Oh, they’re pulling me back from this.

Um, they say we always just, again, if you, if it makes you feel supported, if it makes you feel like it’s helpful in a transition, it’s fine. It’s totally fine. If it is [00:10:00] something that you enjoy to do, it’s fine. They say it’s all about how you feel. If you feel like it’s becoming too much, they go. , we naturally become obsessed with a lot of things.

They go, we’ve become obsessed in relationships, , we’ve become obsessed with another person. , we’ve become obsessed with our dog. I’m like, wait a minute, that’s not the same. . Uh, maybe it is. I don’t know. So, just something, some things to keep in mind. Uh, it’s all about balance, like anything else in life. And they say, oh, this is interesting.

They’re saying, the other thing that we do is we’re very, we’re a very all or nothing group. So it’s more like, is weed bad for me? Is weed good for me? Yeah. They say we’re very, all or nothing. And they say, they say, just go slow. Um, they say, if you can acknowledge the plant, what it’s gonna do for you, how it’s gonna support.

which leads us into the medicinal aspect. And [00:11:00] now they’re saying we underestimate, it’s funny because what they’re showing me is they go, you look at the breakdown of a flower or a plant or an herb and to you and I, we kind of look at this tiny little element of that herb, let’s say, and we think, what could this possibly do for.

what could this little amount of nothing possibly do for me? Whereas when we take pills that were made in a lab, we take them consistently, often, we, there’s amounts we’re told to take by the doctor. So then we look at this tiny herb and we’re like, how could this have an effect on me? ? This is, I’m actually learning as they’re sharing this.

I’ve never thought about it like this, and it makes so much sense. So they’re saying it. If you think about the fact that the herb comes from the earth, you and from the ethers, and you come from the earth and you come from the ethers. Now I’m asking them, I’m like, but don’t labs come from the ethers? And they’re like, yes, but not the earth.

[00:12:00] Okay, there we go. So, Now I’m getting really tactical and I’m like, well, everything in the lab has to come from the earth somehow. And they’re just like, that’s not the point. So tiny, smaller amounts, um, of these herbs also carry a vibration and it’s, it’s the medicine that’s in these plants as well as the vibration it carries.

And your intention with. So, which is interesting because one, I, I actually will um, like bless and clear my food and thank it, but I don’t do that with the supplements I take with the herbs I take now I’m gonna do that. Duh. I thank them. I thank them for working with me. I thank food for supporting my body.

That’s what I was talking about. So now I’m gonna do that with sub the herbal supplements I take too. That makes so much sense. Interesting. . I learn new things every single day in this process, every single day. Without fail, I don’t think there has been a day. Yeah, there just hasn’t been a day. I don’t learn [00:13:00] something new.

So welcome to the party. So medicinally, we need, they say our growth is so not linear. We need support. We need to lean into different elements of support. And they say we also wanna pay attention for when the time comes and goes. That our support change, that our need for support changes. So that means if you’re someone who is relying on like medical marijuana, you may need it for a number of years or a number of months or a number of weeks.

You decide, you determine for you what feels true, what feels good. Um, the last thing that they’re just throwing out there as we close this out. Is we all need more nature. They’re even looking directly at me right now. , we all need more nature. We need more light in our lives. We need more of the earth’s ions.

They say wear less when you go out in [00:14:00] nature if you can. I’m like, what about the people that are up in the snow ? Actually, you know what they just said for that? They said, um, stick out your. Stick out your tongue towards the sky. Um, even if it’s dark out or it’s snowing. So there you go. All right. Words of wisdom.

Thank you so much to our lovely. Um, Helpers on the other side that came through for all those glorious messages. Uh, what messages, or excuse me, what message? Yeah, what messages came through for you on this? What feels true for you right now? How does this resonate? What questions does it bring up? And I hope you get exactly what you need today and more.

Thanks so much for joining everyone. Please do like share raus, leave a review and you can always email me connect emily marie.com. It’s me on the other end of that. Let me know what you thought, what other questions came up. Did you get any insights or inspirations that you want to share? I would love [00:15:00] to hear from you.

Have an amazing rest of your day.



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