

Your Intuition in 4 parts Your Spirit Guides + Team Part 3


Episode #8

Your Intuition in 4 parts Your Spirit Guides + Team Part 3

Did you know you have both Spirit guides and a Spirit team?  In this episode we go over the difference between the two and how you can be with (work with) them on a regular basis.

Alongside that, you have four main aspects to your intuition.  Once you have a basic understanding of those elements you’re able to better hone in on your intuition and let it guide you and develop you.  

All of these things work together in tandem, to support you on your journey.

To work with me directly:

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email [email protected], you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for bringing more of your light into this world!

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here to talk about all things your energy.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. It is so good to have you. Today we are going to talk about your spirit guides, your spirit team, and your intuition. This is part three in the series. There’s gonna be more parts. Not all of them are gonna be consecutive. They may be a little bit rolled out over time, but today we’re gonna get into how is it that you mainly perceive your intuition and.

Who’s your spirit team? What’s up with that? ? Uh, actually two very different [00:01:00] things, in essence, um, yet tied together, of course. So let’s get started, and we’re actually gonna start together by just kind of taking a gentle breath into your body and just noticing what your breath is doing. . And on your next inhale, does any part of your body need to kind of shake out a little bit what feels good to move?

Knowing that, of course, as you move, especially consciously, you’re shifting energy, you’re doing your own energy work, , it’s so simple, isn’t it? So, so simple. . Okay. So when it comes to, uh, your spirit team, um, your spirit guides, I know we talked a lot about spirit guides in the last episode, last two episodes actually, and your spirit guides their job.

Is just to [00:02:00] be there to support you. So they sound like you, they feel like you. That’s what makes it so challenging. Sometimes when you hear your intuition or you ask your intuition a question, you’re like, wait a minute, that just sounded like me, . Um, that’s when you get back to connecting to your inner light, and you can ask that question again.

So, I have another podcast episode called Your Inner Light, and it’s also a free workshop I have on my website, and what you do is when you connect with your inner light, you say, I set the intention. I only connect with my intuition or my spirit guides, or my spirit team. You could really say any of the three.

It’s kind of all encompassing. Well, I guess spirit guides and spirit team are a tiny bit different. We’ll get into that in a. , but you want to lean into your inner light and then you can ask the question again, and our intuition gives us guidance. , it is your spirit guides and your spirit [00:03:00] team really helping you.

You know, you have so many options for ways you can live and experience this lifetime . And based on the decisions you make and the decisions that others makes, things are always recalibrating. You know, source, the universe is always recalibrating. There is a general mission, if you will, but overall, based on the decisions we make, some of them are spontaneous, some of them are not.

things are going to continue to develop, and your intuition is a guide tool. The other thing that I do teach in that free course, I think I called it a workshop earlier, is your yes no tool. And it’s how do you access your gut feeling at any time? And everyone has a yes no tool. I did not invent this. Um, it’s been around in a variety of different ways and formats.

What’s beautiful about it is it really does come through and give you some really clear, gentle guidance sometimes, and then other times. [00:04:00] It’s a little bit murky. It’s like when we ask our intuition a question and we get a one word answer, we’re like, wait a minute, , is anybody else home? Why are we, why is this so light?

But it’s also because a lot of the times we have to make a choice. We have to execute our free will. We have to make decisions, and as a result, we learn, we grow. , our guides are not there to give us the answers to help us avoid pain or to help us avoid well, okay. They do obviously help us avoid major pains and problems, things that are not meant for our life’s path journey.

but we are meant to screw up. We’re meant to make mistakes. That’s how we learn. And we’re meant to heal ourselves and grow. And they are not a way for us to outsource our decision making if only, [00:05:00] and they are going to really just be so gentle and so steadfast and so loving in their guidance for you. And it’s interesting because.

This last week I was kind of mulling around with this concept of the fact that we are always so loved by our spirit guides and our spirit team and source. Yet we don’t feel it very often. We don’t tap into it very often. We don’t. You know, ask for it ever . Um, so maybe that is something that we will do right now.

I know we did this two episodes ago, but this is going to help us clear and ground our energy as we get ready to talk about the ways that we perceive intuition and also with the spirit. means for us. So we are going to realign with your inner light. Say hello to it. Just acknowledge it, envision it, feel it, sense it.[00:06:00]

And next, I am going to have you say hello to your guides first. And what do you notice?

And now say hello to your spirit team.

Did you notice a slightly different sensation?

Now we are going to ask our spirit guides and our spirit team to show us some love right now, spirit team, will you please show me some love?[00:07:00]

Will you please show me some more love?

spirit team, will you please remind me to tap into your love more often? . Thank you. Okay, so your. Spirit guide are your intuition. They’re here to guide you. They’re here to help you on your life’s path and on your life’s journey. And you sense them, uh, in four main ways. Uh, you sense them by feeling, feeling or sensing.

A word I’ve been using a lot already in this podcast and we’re only a few minutes in , and that’s the main thing. Everybody has these feeling sensations. Everybody has that sense of, it’s like physical [00:08:00] almost. And sometimes it doesn’t even feel physical. It feels just a little bit surreal. And we think about chills and we think.

That gut feeling or just that like inkling. And what’s really cool is you begin to do your own energy work or you just begin to practice just these fun things that we do in the podcast and these healing tips. And as you begin to explore this with yourself, with other practitioners you’re learning from or mentors start to pay attention to.

The different ways you are feeling and sensing energy within your body and then within the realm and the sphere of your energy, oh, we have to do a podcast on that. But tapping into energy or feeling into different elements of your energy field. I’m making a mental note. That’s scary. . Okay. So feeling and sensing.

That’s the one we’re [00:09:00] all very, very familiar with and everybody has that. And sometimes it comes through really, really strong and sometimes it is so, so subtle. So subtle that we almost don’t notice it cuz we’re just kind of moving around doing our thing in the day that we almost don’t even. , like acknowledge it.

That’s why it’s always good to align back with your light and give yourself pause for a moment. What do I need to know for my highest good right now? I’m asking my guides that, what do I need to know over my highest good right now? You can ask your guides that. Why not? They are here. They are your spiritual concierge 24 7

Why the heck not? Okay, so the second aspect of your intuition is your knowing. you’re knowing. It’s like when you just know something, you just know something. How did you just know that? And what’s [00:10:00] interesting about knowing this is another element. I mean, everybody has all of the energetic skillsets, right?

They just vary to different degrees. And what is interesting about the knowing spirit saying right now is just how much of it has been taught out of us? It has been heavily. Out of us because we’re quickly put into a structure in life around school, organizations, society. They’re like banks, , things of that nature, roads.

And if you think about it too, how often when we’re speaking to young children, even young adults, do we ask them the question, what do you think? What do you feel? What do you know? and it can be tough to ask children really young that because they’re just gonna stare back at you and be like Bull or whatever.

However, it [00:11:00] does start to build a trust within themselves that anyone is pausing to look them in the eye and say, I want to know. What do you think? How do you feel? I’m sure that this was something that was not asked of you growing. Often if it was, that’s incredible. I would actually love to hear a little bit more about that.

Share your story please. And as we look at developing this, maybe in children, it’s really important, even more so that we develop this in ourselves. So the world is. going to be slowing down even a little bit more. I don’t know how this is gonna work. I’m not a future vision person, but I do know that the energies coming forward that we need, you know, we need to breathe.

We need to be able to have more joy in love in life and [00:12:00] experience life. It means we need to pause and be in the moment and be present and just, what do I know? , what do I sense? What do I feel to be true? And then value that in ourselves. Now where the knowing can get confusing is when we just know something and it’s like, what do we do with this information?

Sometimes it’s clear. Sometimes we know what to do with the information. Sometimes the answer is nothing. Sometimes you’re gonna receive. Knowings information and it’s actually gonna be your spirit team training, your energy training you. What that means is that they are attuning your energies to new frequencies, new levels of awareness, new vibrations, and they are [00:13:00] training you, your, your spirit team, which encompasses your spirit.

Guides are gonna. That is, I mean, they’re gonna be your, some of your best mentors in this lifetime and they’re doing it all on the back end, , no certifications or classes required, and they are just gonna be doing these light things to fine tune your energy so that when something happens, or say you have this knowing and then something happens and you’re like, wow.

This was the feeling of that. This is how it felt for me. That is now ingrained in your energetic system and in your consciousness, so that next time you just feel that you’re gonna know, you’re gonna be trained, and you’re like, oh, this is how it felt when that happened. It was that strong. I am gonna give you an example.

I’ve never shared this story in my entire life and they’re bringing it up so I’m allowed to share it now. You have heard it here first. Literally, I’ve never mentioned this story to one single person in my life. I don’t remember what the year was. I could easily Google it. I’m not [00:14:00] gonna do it. Let’s just say it was.

I don’t even know, five to eight years ago, and I’m living in Seattle and the Seahawks started their preseason and I had this intense knowing that they were gonna win the Super Bowl intense knowing I just knew it to be true that year, and I never said a single word to anyone because the way it came through is so strong and so clear that guides were.

Like we’re tuning your energy to this feeling, the strength of knowing a few other things too. And I also knew that if I were to share that information in a way that was from ego, or which would’ve been so easy to do, or if I would’ve , gone out of Vegas and placed a bunch of bets,

I, the energy was so, it was like a heaviness on me. , if I ever felt the desire [00:15:00] to share it or tell someone, and I mean, of course I would never go to Vegas and place a bet on something like that. I can only imagine if I even attempted that, that the energy probably would’ve stopped me in my tracks physically and they were just attuning my energy.

And what a funny way to do it, right? I mean, the Seahawks win the Super Bowl and they did have a really good team that year and. It’s just so pointless, right? Like, what was the point there? It’s, it’s so goofy. I mean, I’m a fair weather football fan through and through fully admit that, so it’s something that really taught me a lot of lessons about how our energy and spirit team is working with us and really helping guide us and teach us on the backend all kinds of different things.

And what a funny way to. Teach me, uh, a lesson in that way to attune my energy. And now it really helped amplify my knowing. And there’s different levels and versions of knowing, and that one was [00:16:00] obviously like a more heightened, expressive lesson, but it also does not always come through that way. For me, the knowing.

So right now they’re just saying, um, the biggest way you’re knowing is gonna be more clear for you is when you sit with it, is when you just sit with it and they’re saying, and sit with it in peace. Isn’t that lovely? It’s so lovely when they use these really, really nice suggestions and we’re looking at our schedules, like, where do I fit that in?

I’d rather take a nap. I need to go to the grocery store. . It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re gonna get there. We’re all gonna get there. So knowing, so feeling, sensing, same thing. And then knowing. And then the other main sense of your intuition. So there’s four main senses, as I mentioned, and there’s also. , you know, I know that there’s like the Claire’s, Claire, clairvoyant, blah, blah, blah, and that’s, those are wonderful.

Those are too complex for me. I [00:17:00] can’t spell most of those words. I don’t care to, anything complex to me gives me the ew. I’m just like, ew, if it’s complex, ew, . So we’re just gonna keep it really simple here, and if you’re really into those things, that’s amazing. You can explain it to me then when we run into each other, and I hope we do.

So the other one is the hearing. And it’s interesting when you hear energy, because again, like the other senses, you hear energy in a variety of different ways. And of course what we want is when someone says, oh, my spirit guides say, you know, like I say that on this podcast. We think, oh, clearly a voice is coming through and giving Emily the exact words to say and the clarification, and it’s just gotta be as crystal clear as me listening to this podcast.

And I do think that sometimes in some ways it does come through that crystal clear. I’ve actually had my spirit team come through crystal clear [00:18:00] saying, Hmm. . I’m like, what were they saying? A sentence, maybe a half sentence sometimes. Which is a lot right to come through that crystal clear and it’s just not, so that’s one way of hearing them.

The other way of hearing energy is when a song just drops into your mind and your spirit team is saying, Hey, you know, una matata or whatever song pops into your mind, right? So that’s another way. Um, the other thing is when we hear our spirit team, . So I’m gonna give you sort of a guidance here. And this is always a loose guidance, so it’s a, can be a little bit different for everyone.

But when we hear our spirit team, it often comes through very quickly. It’s, it’s as if all of the information. Lands immediately, and it kind of comes through the back of your head, maybe the back of your neck. [00:19:00] The guys are saying for some people, even the back of your shoulders, but the information just kind of comes in very softly because that which is of the light is non-intrusive and non-invasive, so it’s very soft.

and it comes in and it just sort of lands there and then you as a human gets to unravel it . So whereas I am taking time to use words to speak to you right now, and you are ingesting things word by word and receiving them, it’s like with spirit, they just drop in the information and you’re like, whoa, okay.

It’s all here right now and it has a gentleness to. and it has, it’s, it’s almost like you have to kind of like squint your eyes a little bit to hear it. It’s like, what was that? That’s how, you know some things of the light is that it will be non-intrusive and non-invasive. Um, way back in the day when I was.

Getting my spiritual training on in life. It was a rough, rough period and I [00:20:00] had a story for another time. I actually had something enter my energy field that were not my spirit team that wanted to act like my spirit team. And when I real and I was like, something’s off here. And the reason being is because I would have a thought.

It was like a voice popped into my head and said something in response, and I was like, Hmm. I was like, that was a little bit louder than usual, or, I didn’t really ask you . And lo and behold, I realized what it was and it was just an energy that was not of the light. And I wanna be really mindful as I share this, because to me there are, it’s, you know, the schizophrenia and the bipolar and there’s so many different versions of it.

Um, I don’t think bipolar actually plays into that, but it’s so, it’s a, it’s so real. It’s such a real, um, [00:21:00] experience for people. And so I just wanna be really mindful as I share this, that, um, I do believe, I believe people when they say they hear voices, 100% I believe it. And if any fears coming up right now as we’re sharing this experience together, I want you to breathe into your inner light and just remind yourself, I’m the light.

I’m of the light. I’m educating myself. I’m empowered in my education. , I choose light. I choose only to hear my spirit. Guys in Spirit. Team from this day on, and your spirit guys in spirit team will filter things for you, right? And not everyone’s meant to have the same extreme experiences I had. I think I went through these experiences so that I could actually help.

Teach other people. Hello. That’s why we’re here. Um, so anyway, getting back to that experience it, once I realized what was happening, it became rough. It became really rough, and the voices became scratchy. And I couldn’t have a [00:22:00] thought that was my own, or I would have a thought that was my own. But I didn’t even wanna think because the voices would just come in and started to get harsh right.

And play around. And it was really, really tough. If that were to, you know, at the time I actually saw a practitioner to help me clear it out. I personally believe that by us being connected passionately, intentionally, to our light, the guides just kind of toned me down for a second, and they said simply, simply, simply aligned with our light.

We don’t actually have to worry about this stuff. , we are actually shedding a light on the fact that this is an aspect of energy. So hearing energy, you can hear all kinds of things. Um, the other example that the guides are giving is imagine you are outside of a big building and you know you’re gonna be going into, let’s say, a wedding reception.[00:23:00]

and it’s a little bit of a bigger one. There’s gonna be like 160 people there and you can see cars, parking and people trickling in and you know, maybe some of the caterers doing the running about. And you’re about to go into this building and before you get into, before you even walk through, you can already sense the energy in there, right?

You can, and you can actually hear the energy as. Yes, you can hear people’s voices get louder as you get closer, but you can actually audibly sense the tone of the energy coming from the room. Have you ever like, it’s like you’re getting ready to walk into a room and there’s just something about it that’s like kind of attracting you to it.

Like maybe there’s good music, people are dancing, they’re having a good time, they’re like, yeah, I wanna go in here. Or maybe you get the sense before you walk into a. Ooh, this feels a little bit somber, a little bit stale. I’m being shown a picture of corporate America right now in its stereotypical essence.

So you get the idea, you’re sensing and feeling and hearing [00:24:00] energy at the same time. Okay, so how do you just hear your spirit guides and spirit team? Because that’s what ideally what we want, and it all comes back to aligning with your light . Shocker. So just remember, just set the intention. I set the intention.

I only receive clear guidance and loving support from my spirit team. , that’s it. And you will, and you can also ask them to help be more. Mm. What are they saying right now? They’re saying be ask to be more in tune with us. And then they go, what’s your intention for being in tune with us? Do you wanna expand your personal energetic skillset, your spiritual practice?

It’s okay if you don’t know what it that means either. So you could just. Spirit team, I set the intention. You help me expand and grow my spiritual practice in a way that feels really good, [00:25:00] for my highest good. Throwing that up in the air for my highest good. Okay, so hearing energy, everybody, I’m asking them if every, I’m like, does everybody hear energy in their own?

They’re giving me a yes and they’re saying, some people are gonna feel like they don’t hear energy at all and they go, the way that they hear it is gonna be so specific to them. So there we go. Okay. Um, the other piece that comes with energy is seeing energy and there’s a variety of ways to see energy and one of them is easiest examples, like when you see something out of the corner of your eye.

What was that? It was nothing. We live in a dimension, in a realm, , it overlaps with other dimensions in other realms, and. Things here that we [00:26:00] cannot physically see with our physical eyes, but we know are there maybe energetically, and we’ll catch them flying by doing drive-bys, doing scoot, scoots, whatever.

So that’s one way you are seeing energy. Sometimes some of us will actually see energy in the literal sense in the 3D world or whatever. D, we’re in, are we in 3d? Five D 40? Where did 4D go? Why did we go from 3D to fived? These are questions that I have that I don’t actually care about, so that’s why I don’t ask them.

I don’t care what D we’re in, I just know we’re in do world . So. When you physically see energy with your, with your actual eyes or human eyes, it may look a little cartoony. It generally is gonna take up, no matter how big or small it is, it’s actually gonna really grab your attention because we’re not used to seeing a.

You know, inanimate objects like that [00:27:00] in our presence, we’re just not used to seeing it. So whatever it is, it’s gonna grab your attention and it usually goes by quick. Um, it doesn’t stay for very long. I’m trying to think of, you know, I mean, I’ll see things this way and it just, it isn’t very long at all.

Um, So when we have those experiences, lean back into your inner light. What do I need to know for my highest good? Or what do I need to know for the highest good? And the more you use that specific tool, asking your spirit team, what do I need to know for my highest good? The, you’re gonna develop like, and not a shortcut, like a, almost like a slang with your spirit team, your, your tools as the it, it might feel kind of challenging to use them at first, you know?

Okay. Where’s my light? Hello, light. Okay. Thank God I found you first of all. You’re there. That’s a good sign. Okay, so hey, inter light, and then like, we’re kind of hanging onto our light and then our light’s like, chill. It’s okay. I’m here, you know, [00:28:00] and we’re not leaving you . And then you’re like, okay, okay.

So I just saw something out of the corner of my eye while I was in the kitchen cooking. and your inner light, like Yeah, we know we saw it too. Okay, great. I’m gonna practice this thing that this person talked about on this podcast. Hello. In Inner Light, I only wanna connect with you. She also said I could hear things and, and I don’t wanna hear voices except for you guys.

So, okay. I’m set. The intention, I’m only connecting with my spirit team. Okay. What do I need to know for my highest good? This thing that I just saw outta the corner of my eye while I was slicing up tomatoes. And your spirit’s gonna team gonna go, uh, yeah. Nothing. Or you know what? You’ve been wanting to, um, clear out that closet.

Maybe you should, you know, you should maybe really schedule that and you’re like, oh, gosh. Yeah, for like six months. Wait 16 months. Wait six years. Oh God. Yeah. I’ve been wanting cleaning out that closet for a long time. I’m gonna go ahead and do that now. I’m gonna schedule that this weekend. Cause I don’t wanna see things outta the corner of my eye anymore.

they have so much fun with us. Our spirit teams love. So, so much. Isn’t that what we, what they started us with at the [00:29:00] beginning of this podcast too, is they started us with like, feeling their love, sensing into them and feeling their love. Um, I will say I hold space for these podcasts. I hold space in sessions.

I hold space when I do social media, and there is, I don’t always remember everything that comes through. I don’t remember everything that spirit, um, has me hold space for because it’s not all meant for me. Number one. Number two. What is number two? That might not, that actually just might be it. I don’t know.

I’m just, I’m so present. That’s what it is. When I’m holding space for this kind of thing, I’m so present. It’s like, I mean, I don’t even forget about the time. Forget about anything. Okay. So seeing energy, and the other way that you see energy and or that energy can be seen is actually with your imagination, with your third eye.

So not everybody sees imagery. Some people have avansia, some people are just not [00:30:00] imagery dominant. And for those of you who do see imagery, um, one of the things that guides are bringing up, I don’t know if folks with avansia. Have dreams, can see things in dreams, but they’re actually bringing that up. Um, they’re saying dreams, dream states.

So I’m sure someone will shoot me an email or DM and let me know. But when it comes to seeing with your imagination, this is one of the biggest, biggest, biggest, biggest. Things that I see all the time with so many of us is we don’t trust our imagination. And what’s interesting is when you think about your imagination, it’s kind of buck wild, isn’t it?

It’s like where did that come from? Or what was that dream about? Or what did I just imagine I saw over there? Um, I remember I was with a friend one time and we, um, were out in Seattle at one of like the old, uh, bars that. You know, green velvet and tall back booths and dark wood and ambiance. [00:31:00] And, and I was kind of opening up finally about the fact that I have kind of these experiences and she was like, yeah, you know, I believe in that and I believe in ghosts.

And I think I, and I was like, yeah, totally. So let me go to the bathroom and. and we’re in stalls next to each other and she goes, Emily, oh my God. Oh my God. And I was like, I know I feel a ghost here. And she goes, I’m sitting. She’s sitting on the toilet. I’m sitting with her right now. We’re on the toilet together.

I cannot believe I’m telling you guys’ story. You thought the voices one was weird. I got so many of these things lined up and I am really being super careful by not letting anybody know which friend of mine this was. I wonder if she’ll even remember. and . I was like, oh my gosh, I see her and she’s like, well, she’s not unhappy.

I wouldn’t say she was happy either, and at the time I didn’t know how to cross over ghosts. We might have to save that for another episode too. So we were both kind of like, ah, washing our hands really quick and getting out of the bathroom, except that actually wasn’t our reaction. We were more just kind of like, okay, we both saw with our [00:32:00] imagination and felt and just knew.

The same information and it does help to have someone in your life you can kind of talk about these things with, because it will, you will validate each other during wild experiences like that. But we both saw with our third eye, this was like a maiden woman. Um, yeah, just, you know, sitting down there on the toilet.

I think she, she wasn’t even like going to the bathroom. , we’re really gonna get into details here. You guys. She wasn’t even going to the bathroom, but she was sitting there and just sort of, Now I’m kind of wondering, I’m like, that energy must still be there. The guys are like, don’t tap into this right now.

Okay, . So anyway, um, but we both saw the same thing. So that scene with your imagination and you think about children, you know, when I do house clearings, 80% of the time it’s because the kids are bothered by something and it’s tough for, you know, it’s been built out of us to trust our imagination. And one of the things I always encourage parents to do and like, ask your kids more questions, um, [00:33:00] ask them how they felt and then.

Help your kids connect with their light. And do you know what you have to do in order to help your kids connect with their light? You have to be connected to yours cuz you can’t fake this stuff , because literally a kid will look you square back in the eyes and say, well, where’s your light dad? , where’s your light auntie?

And you’re gonna be like, Ooh, hang on. Lemme go. Lemme go locate it again. . So you can see energy with your imagin. and you, if, if we were to have you close your eyes right now and you know, even envision like the room or the space you’re in, if you’re driving, please don’t close your eyes. I will not be responsible for that

But you could probably actually see the energy of the room via your imagination. And it might be kind of, kind of trippy. And this is why I don’t like to do drugs, is I do not need the. , those would freak me out. I’m like, I already see this crap. I don’t wanna see more of it . But it is a really [00:34:00] cool thing.

And as we get further down the road into this podcast and into my teachings, these are things I wanna. Help you understand if you have an interest, you’re not gonna have an interest in all of the things that I teach. Um, but if you have an interest, how to safely do these things, and then why do we do these things?

You know, we don’t do them for party tricks. We do them to help make our home and our experience a better place. And one of the universal laws of energy is that energy that is of the light. Well, energy expands with your intention. So if you have good in. energy that’s of the light is going to give, give, give you way more than you could ever imagine.

Um, if I were to, you know, be in someone’s home and then like, okay, well I’m gonna scan their room energetically and see if there’s anything here. Oops, I caught something in the corner. And then I’m like, Hey Janice, you know, I see energy like, ugh. Don’t wanna brag, but I do. And there’s this, there’s a smudgy thing in the corner.

What do you think the energy would do? The energy would say, Emily, you’re out of integrity. What They’d be like, what are you [00:35:00] doing? And they’d say, that’s rude. Janice did not ask you to do a sweep of her house or her room. and my energetic abilities, my skillsets would lessen. . The good, the goods just go

They go. It would turn it way down. fair. Keeping in mind when you use energy with integrity, you receive more at ex, oh gosh, you, you get way more than you could ever imagine when you are out of integrity with working with. Your skillset is going to be dampened and taken away from you, or, well, let’s see, taken away from you.

It can never be taken away. That’s why, you know how we call it a gift in society? Oh, she’s gifted or he’s gifted. It’s not a gift. It’s a skillset you develop. You’re gonna hear me say that a thousand more times. The reason I think we think it’s a gift is probably twofold. One, because maybe we compare ourselves to someone who does it professionally, and we think, well, I don’t have it.

[00:36:00] Mine doesn’t look like that. You know, my energy abilities don’t look like that. But also there are people who had energetic abilities that they’ve been dampened and lessened, and I don’t know the answer to that. I, I’m kind of asking. The guides are like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it’s because. When you don’t, when you, you know, lean on ego when you, you know, an ego’s just insecurity, right?

Ego’s one of our best teachers. I’m a huge fan of my ego and ego work cuz whenever it shows up I’m like, oh God, here we go. What do I need to work through now? ? So, um, Did you guys hear that in the background? That was a ghost. No, I’m just kidding. My mom just left. Um, so when we look at seeing with our imagination, um, we wanna, you know, it’s, it’s, we just kind of wanna be aware, you know, what, what am I seeing?

Why am I perceiving this? And know when you’re in your light, you’re just, you’re always [00:37:00] divinely protected. And these things, every, there’s energetic things all around us, all the time, everywhere. And you’ve survived this long, you’re gonna be good. So let’s really keep in mind we wanna come from an empowered place, an empowered, honest, trustworthy, um, humble.

I don’t know if I really like the word. Humble. Humble. Maybe curious, curious is a better word than humble, but, you know, just like a curious place. Okay. You know, I’m, I’m curious, but also, , um, respecting the boundaries because I’ve been curious on the wrong way. , I’ve been curious where I’ve been like, well, I know I’m getting a no from my yes no tool about seeing what this thing is, but I kind of wanna dig it.

Bit deeper. And then I got backhanded and my RS handed to me 18 ways to Tuesday by the dark because I did not respect boundaries. And the guys were like, we told you, we told, we, we literally told you 18 times not to do that, and you did it again. That’s a story for another time. But what I [00:38:00] didn’t know at the time, which I wish I did,

My light, my light, my light, my light, my light, your light, your light, your light. It’s, it’s your golden compass in all things. So those are the four main ways you perceive energy. Now, there are other ways too. There’s taste, there’s smell, there’s touch, there’s a bunch of other things. and that’s all well and good too.

It really is. But let’s just focus on the four and you have a version of all of the four. Let me ask Spirit right now. I’m like, does everybody in this entire, I was about to say universe, and they’re like, let’s just say world. Okay. I’m asking them,

I’m like, does everybody who land on earth in human form have all four? Yeah, they just said yes. Yes, yes, yes. And this is really interesting. They said, there’s some of you and they’re not pointing to me. Some of you have some really cool, oh gosh. Like [00:39:00] abilities or skillsets or ways They’re saying ways you perceive intuition and energy that hasn’t been shown yet, or hasn’t been like they’re saying put in the spotlight yet.

Whereas, you know, I might say, oh, I hear energy, a version of that. So that’s really cool. Ooh, that’s cool. That’s exciting. Hmm. All right, so those are the four ways. Now, our spirit teams, I’ve been using spirit team and spirit guides interchangeably. I’ve touched on this probably way too many times already.

Let’s get down to. Your spirit team encompasses your spirit guides. Keeping in mind your spirit guides are literally your guides. They’re just like, Hey, we are here to help you fulfill your life contracts and purposes. Even if you don’t, we still love you. So muo, and that’s them. And we know our spirit guides our energy.

And then we get our spirit team. And our spirit team encompasses everything else. It includes ancestors of the [00:40:00] light. And when I say of the light, by the way, it’s kind of in a key part because of the light means that these are healed aspects of energy that are in, in alignment with the light. I know it seems obvious, but.

If I were just to say ancestors, well guess what? You and I have a ton of ancestors in this lifetime and other lifetimes. Some of them probably didn’t make the best decisions. . The other thing that’s crazy, by the way, we are our own ancestors, so we have ancestors and we are our own ancestors. Isn’t that wild?

Like we’ve lived lifetimes and those aspects of our energy have gone on to do things that come back as our. healed ancestors. I mean it, that concept alone blows my mind. I’m, I’m actually still learning more about this. The guides are teaching me on it. Spirit’s teaching me on it. Okay, so your spirit team encompasses your spirit guides and specialists of the light.

You have specialists for so many things. [00:41:00] I’m kind of, I’m like, should I make. I might have to turn this into two podcasts, or this is just gonna be a really long one. We’ll see specialists of the light help you with all kinds of things. Say you’re going to school for something specific, you’re gonna have specialists helping you with that mechanic type of doctor, um, I don’t know, you know, beauty school, things like that.

You’re gonna have specialists helping you with. . Um, if you enter, you know, or think about all the different relationships you have, you’re gonna have specialists for those relationships. You are going to have specialists help you through grief. You’re gonna have specialists help you through, they’re saying acquisitions.

You’re gonna have specialists helping you through all different types of phases of your life. It’s a really, really beautiful thing. A lot of the spirit team, you know, the essence of their energy will be with you, and sometimes they do come and go. Um, your spirit team will have, sometimes they’re gonna be neutral.

There’s gonna be energy. Sometimes they will have more masculine or more feminine, um, energies to them because they [00:42:00] may be healing a masculine element within you if you have, I think I’m asking them. I’m like, does everybody have masculine and feminine healing to do in their life? . Absolutely, yes. Okay, so we go.

It’s not just me. So we’re gonna have elements coming in, helping you, helping everyone with healing your ma, you know, elements of your masculine healing, elements of your feminine. We’re going through a big phase of rebalancing right now, the feminine and bringing in more feminine with everyone. So what can happen is, I’m getting ahead of myself.

So it also includes like loved ones who have crossed over that are in a clear and healthy way, balanced to support you. It includes, um, and that includes animals, includes spirit, animals. It includes pets that have crossed over when it comes to loved ones who have crossed. . What I see energetically in sessions [00:43:00] is there’s varying degrees of like entry.

So the brighter the light, the clearer the person’s energy is who’s crossed over. The more work they’ve done and the more aligned with your path that they are, the closer into your energy that they’re allowed. Some of them will just hang out on the side and be like, I love you so much, I’m your. It’s all good.

And then some really come in and wanna be an active part of your life and that’s a good thing too. So, and then some family members, um, don’t do the healing work. And that can be very tough. Some family members were like, I don’t care if you do the healing work or not. Stay away, , that’s my boundary. No, no injury.

You got me in this lifetime. You don’t get me and you while you, when you’ve crossed over. And then we also have, this is what gets really interesting to me. There will be energies in the universe, universal energies. So think about us. We’re on a. We’re in a galaxy and then we’re in the [00:44:00] universe. Like the universe is like huge.

And source is the one managing all of this, right? Managing isn’t the right word. Holding space for keeping it somewhat organized. I’m just kidding. And. There will be universal energies that come down, touch base on earth, through you, through me to help bring forth the balance. And they’re saying the thriving that we all crave in this world, we crave it.

Yes we do. We crave it and we fear it. Right? I don’t know about you, but what sounds scar. Yet more delightful than three hours of doing nothing in an aft on a beautiful afternoon. Does that sound just like the best thing ever? You’re like, what a treat. But if I were to ask you to schedule it, would you tense up and be like, ah, I can’t do it.

Would you enjoy yourself if you actually took it off? Or would you say, oh my gosh, I could be doing so many other things right now? Well, we’re getting to the point where three hour. Relaxing afternoons are gonna be more normal for our society. I know that they are normal in other [00:45:00] societies, but a lot, it’s not just about us relaxing and, and just enjoying the pleasures of life more.

they’re stopping me. There’s just like, no more tangents. But, and by the way, I say they’re stopping me. I, I could continue to go on if I wanted to. I could give a little bit of pushback and say, well, let’s just close this out. Um, I really am working to me, I work as a team with spirit. I hold space that these podcasts are for the highest good of all involved.

I learn as I teach Also, by the way, um, as you can tell, I just, I roll with this and I speak my learnings out loud to you guys. I’m like, well, I’m gonna, Because I don’t wanna hide any of this stuff. I wanna show you that I’m as much in process as the rest of us and I will always be in process. I will always be learning.

I feel like the more I learn about the universe, the tinier, I feel and like there is so much to know. There’s so much to know. It blows my mind. So your spirit team, so, okay, forget that. That’s a podcast for another time. [00:46:00] How many times have I said that? So we’re going to, um, . So the spirit team is also the, these energies, you know, these beautiful energies that come from the universe that are here to help heal you and then therefore heal others and heal our world, which is so, so amazing.

Um, earth elements can be a part of your spirit team. Sprites can be a part of your spirit team. There are guardians of the. There are masters of the light, there are the specialist. One really goes deep because you can imagine there’s a specialist for so many different things and oh, how could I forget?

I’m the most obvious. The angels, the arc angels. . And one of the things that Spirit’s reminding us for today, and we’re gonna wrap this up and I’m going to continue this conversation on intuition and spirit team because [00:47:00] there’s so, so much more to talk about, but this is why. Spirit says, don’t focus on how many guides do I have?

What’s their names? What are their sex? They go lean into your light. Lean into, you know, or whatever. Maybe you call your light something else. Maybe it feels like something else for you, but lean into your essence, your light, your power, and ask your team for support. Ask, or maybe you get a, give it a different name, but ask everyone for support.

You know, spirit team, please run energy for me right now for my highest good, for clearing and ground. or what do I do? You know, spirit team, I’m handing this over to you. I can’t deal with this right now. Now, if you work with certain elements of your spirit, team one-on-one, that is 100% ao, okay? It truly is.

How you do things is not gonna be how everyone does things. What they’re saying is they go, but listen, when you get gentle [00:48:00] nudges that maybe you’re leaning on certain aspects of that energy a little bit too much, because who’s gonna have more resources and availability for you? One single energy you keep focusing your attention on, or the entire group of them.

So as they’re saying this, the energy, it’s like, it feels like our energies are just expanding outward, like getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and we want to feel safe in the expansion and the. Light of us. So many of us are so tightly wound. Our energy is tightly wound. Of course it is. We’ve been under duress for a number of years in so many different ways, even when life is great, right?

It’s that trickling of noise in the background. So how do you feel safe and expansive [00:49:00] in your light? Safe to take up space. You do that by leaning into your light. You can ask your spirit team to hold you. One of the things they’re pointing out is when you are connecting to your spirit team, your, your, your spirit team is an activation of source.

So you’re also aligned with you, whomever your source is. And that’s an important thing to remember because we never wanna get into this feeling that we’re outsourcing. Our power, right? Or we’re outsourcing our choices, or we’re outsourcing. or light or a love or anything, it’s, you know, you are one with your source and sources like, Hey, you know, I’m gonna give you some specifics.

I’m gonna give you some angels that do this, and some specialists that do that, and some guardians that do that, and some cool pets that do this and you know, and that uncle that you don’t like. I’m gonna give you all these things to help give you more support in human context. The uncle we don’t like, still teaches us things, but you know what I mean.

Okay. An F [00:50:00] and F. So lean into your light. It’s all. Lean into your light. Feel yourself just breathing. Feel yourself just expanding. Feel yourself in the love of your spirit team. There is so much self power in that there is so much guidance, there is so much support. It only takes a few seconds if you can do it for a few minutes, even better.

The more often you do it, the more you are opening yourself up to receiving and being and feeling more of who you’re meant to become. And we are always becoming in this lifetime, but it feels good to enjoy ourselves throughout the process. You are doing so amazing. This episode was a lot. I would love to hear your thoughts, your [00:51:00] ahas, your questions from it.

You can find [email protected]. You’re also welcome to join the Interlight Circle community. It’s $33 a month right now, only month to month, no commitment. And we do, hi there. I’m finishing up a podcast. And we do a, where was I? $33 a month right now and we do a group energy healing session every month.

And then we do a group live. All this is live. And then we will over Zoom and then we also do a group session where we practice energy tools. And you know, energy tools are really simple. When you learn them, it’s like, oh, that’s so simple. But then doing the work, , anytime you learn something new, right?

Especially something that doesn’t have like a guidebook and tests and certifications, you know, you’re left to your own devices, which is really such a beautiful thing and where the magic happens. Um, I’ve also opened up one-on-one sessions and I’m so excited. I’m getting ready to open up a very cozy [00:52:00] container for individuals who are looking to, who are maybe going through a big transformation.

Coming months and want to receive some regular guidance and support from your guides. This is not gonna be you outsourcing your questions to Emily. This is not Emily’s my guide. No, no, no. It means you’re gonna be going through this and you’re gonna be really focusing on your intuition, slowing down, making it feel.

Much better making it feel supportive. And, um, I’m gonna be on Voxer holding space and also, um, giving you guidance and support. And sometimes our guides give us the answers and sometimes they ask you a question back to kind of help you with your development. So if you’re going through a transitional phase in life and you really want to help get to a place where you feel much more fulfilled and aligned with, In your path.

Some people think about career change, but this does not actually have to be a career change. Sometimes we need to change our whole life, [00:53:00] but the career needs to be the one thing that keeps us stable, . Um, anyway, I’m really excited. So look for that. It’s coming out soon. And as always, you can find me online, Instagram and TikTok.

Emily marie.energy. I hope this session found you. And I wish you nothing but the best.



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Episode #8

Your Intuition in 4 parts Your Spirit Guides + Team Part 3

Did you know you have both Spirit guides and a Spirit team?  In this episode we go over the difference between the two and how you can be with (work with) them on a regular basis.

Alongside that, you have four main aspects to your intuition.  Once you have a basic understanding of those elements you’re able to better hone in on your intuition and let it guide you and develop you.  

All of these things work together in tandem, to support you on your journey.

To work with me directly:

– Inner Light Circle is a month to month community where I host you and others for monthly group healing sessions, provide monthly intuitive guidance and more, it’s currently only $33 a month with no obligation and it’s fun (think: not exclusive feeling, or too serious, just the real brass tacks of how do you learn more about energy and develop these tools for your day to day!) https://emilymarie.com/inner-light-circle

– Working through some things, want to align more with your purpose in life and develop your intuition?  Trying some new things and feel like you need an energetic ally?  I’ve got you, work with me 1:1 for a month or 3, and see your personal tools and skillset expand: https://emilymarie.com/your-energy-first

– If you have questions or want to share your experience from this episode, or for speaking events, please email [email protected], you can find me on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy or at www.emilymarie.com

I look forward to hearing from you, thank you for bringing more of your light into this world!

Episode Transcript

[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here to talk about all things your energy.

Hello everyone. Welcome back to the podcast. It is so good to have you. Today we are going to talk about your spirit guides, your spirit team, and your intuition. This is part three in the series. There’s gonna be more parts. Not all of them are gonna be consecutive. They may be a little bit rolled out over time, but today we’re gonna get into how is it that you mainly perceive your intuition and.

Who’s your spirit team? What’s up with that? ? Uh, actually two very different [00:01:00] things, in essence, um, yet tied together, of course. So let’s get started, and we’re actually gonna start together by just kind of taking a gentle breath into your body and just noticing what your breath is doing. . And on your next inhale, does any part of your body need to kind of shake out a little bit what feels good to move?

Knowing that, of course, as you move, especially consciously, you’re shifting energy, you’re doing your own energy work, , it’s so simple, isn’t it? So, so simple. . Okay. So when it comes to, uh, your spirit team, um, your spirit guides, I know we talked a lot about spirit guides in the last episode, last two episodes actually, and your spirit guides their job.

Is just to [00:02:00] be there to support you. So they sound like you, they feel like you. That’s what makes it so challenging. Sometimes when you hear your intuition or you ask your intuition a question, you’re like, wait a minute, that just sounded like me, . Um, that’s when you get back to connecting to your inner light, and you can ask that question again.

So, I have another podcast episode called Your Inner Light, and it’s also a free workshop I have on my website, and what you do is when you connect with your inner light, you say, I set the intention. I only connect with my intuition or my spirit guides, or my spirit team. You could really say any of the three.

It’s kind of all encompassing. Well, I guess spirit guides and spirit team are a tiny bit different. We’ll get into that in a. , but you want to lean into your inner light and then you can ask the question again, and our intuition gives us guidance. , it is your spirit guides and your spirit [00:03:00] team really helping you.

You know, you have so many options for ways you can live and experience this lifetime . And based on the decisions you make and the decisions that others makes, things are always recalibrating. You know, source, the universe is always recalibrating. There is a general mission, if you will, but overall, based on the decisions we make, some of them are spontaneous, some of them are not.

things are going to continue to develop, and your intuition is a guide tool. The other thing that I do teach in that free course, I think I called it a workshop earlier, is your yes no tool. And it’s how do you access your gut feeling at any time? And everyone has a yes no tool. I did not invent this. Um, it’s been around in a variety of different ways and formats.

What’s beautiful about it is it really does come through and give you some really clear, gentle guidance sometimes, and then other times. [00:04:00] It’s a little bit murky. It’s like when we ask our intuition a question and we get a one word answer, we’re like, wait a minute, , is anybody else home? Why are we, why is this so light?

But it’s also because a lot of the times we have to make a choice. We have to execute our free will. We have to make decisions, and as a result, we learn, we grow. , our guides are not there to give us the answers to help us avoid pain or to help us avoid well, okay. They do obviously help us avoid major pains and problems, things that are not meant for our life’s path journey.

but we are meant to screw up. We’re meant to make mistakes. That’s how we learn. And we’re meant to heal ourselves and grow. And they are not a way for us to outsource our decision making if only, [00:05:00] and they are going to really just be so gentle and so steadfast and so loving in their guidance for you. And it’s interesting because.

This last week I was kind of mulling around with this concept of the fact that we are always so loved by our spirit guides and our spirit team and source. Yet we don’t feel it very often. We don’t tap into it very often. We don’t. You know, ask for it ever . Um, so maybe that is something that we will do right now.

I know we did this two episodes ago, but this is going to help us clear and ground our energy as we get ready to talk about the ways that we perceive intuition and also with the spirit. means for us. So we are going to realign with your inner light. Say hello to it. Just acknowledge it, envision it, feel it, sense it.[00:06:00]

And next, I am going to have you say hello to your guides first. And what do you notice?

And now say hello to your spirit team.

Did you notice a slightly different sensation?

Now we are going to ask our spirit guides and our spirit team to show us some love right now, spirit team, will you please show me some love?[00:07:00]

Will you please show me some more love?

spirit team, will you please remind me to tap into your love more often? . Thank you. Okay, so your. Spirit guide are your intuition. They’re here to guide you. They’re here to help you on your life’s path and on your life’s journey. And you sense them, uh, in four main ways. Uh, you sense them by feeling, feeling or sensing.

A word I’ve been using a lot already in this podcast and we’re only a few minutes in , and that’s the main thing. Everybody has these feeling sensations. Everybody has that sense of, it’s like physical [00:08:00] almost. And sometimes it doesn’t even feel physical. It feels just a little bit surreal. And we think about chills and we think.

That gut feeling or just that like inkling. And what’s really cool is you begin to do your own energy work or you just begin to practice just these fun things that we do in the podcast and these healing tips. And as you begin to explore this with yourself, with other practitioners you’re learning from or mentors start to pay attention to.

The different ways you are feeling and sensing energy within your body and then within the realm and the sphere of your energy, oh, we have to do a podcast on that. But tapping into energy or feeling into different elements of your energy field. I’m making a mental note. That’s scary. . Okay. So feeling and sensing.

That’s the one we’re [00:09:00] all very, very familiar with and everybody has that. And sometimes it comes through really, really strong and sometimes it is so, so subtle. So subtle that we almost don’t notice it cuz we’re just kind of moving around doing our thing in the day that we almost don’t even. , like acknowledge it.

That’s why it’s always good to align back with your light and give yourself pause for a moment. What do I need to know for my highest good right now? I’m asking my guides that, what do I need to know over my highest good right now? You can ask your guides that. Why not? They are here. They are your spiritual concierge 24 7

Why the heck not? Okay, so the second aspect of your intuition is your knowing. you’re knowing. It’s like when you just know something, you just know something. How did you just know that? And what’s [00:10:00] interesting about knowing this is another element. I mean, everybody has all of the energetic skillsets, right?

They just vary to different degrees. And what is interesting about the knowing spirit saying right now is just how much of it has been taught out of us? It has been heavily. Out of us because we’re quickly put into a structure in life around school, organizations, society. They’re like banks, , things of that nature, roads.

And if you think about it too, how often when we’re speaking to young children, even young adults, do we ask them the question, what do you think? What do you feel? What do you know? and it can be tough to ask children really young that because they’re just gonna stare back at you and be like Bull or whatever.

However, it [00:11:00] does start to build a trust within themselves that anyone is pausing to look them in the eye and say, I want to know. What do you think? How do you feel? I’m sure that this was something that was not asked of you growing. Often if it was, that’s incredible. I would actually love to hear a little bit more about that.

Share your story please. And as we look at developing this, maybe in children, it’s really important, even more so that we develop this in ourselves. So the world is. going to be slowing down even a little bit more. I don’t know how this is gonna work. I’m not a future vision person, but I do know that the energies coming forward that we need, you know, we need to breathe.

We need to be able to have more joy in love in life and [00:12:00] experience life. It means we need to pause and be in the moment and be present and just, what do I know? , what do I sense? What do I feel to be true? And then value that in ourselves. Now where the knowing can get confusing is when we just know something and it’s like, what do we do with this information?

Sometimes it’s clear. Sometimes we know what to do with the information. Sometimes the answer is nothing. Sometimes you’re gonna receive. Knowings information and it’s actually gonna be your spirit team training, your energy training you. What that means is that they are attuning your energies to new frequencies, new levels of awareness, new vibrations, and they are [00:13:00] training you, your, your spirit team, which encompasses your spirit.

Guides are gonna. That is, I mean, they’re gonna be your, some of your best mentors in this lifetime and they’re doing it all on the back end, , no certifications or classes required, and they are just gonna be doing these light things to fine tune your energy so that when something happens, or say you have this knowing and then something happens and you’re like, wow.

This was the feeling of that. This is how it felt for me. That is now ingrained in your energetic system and in your consciousness, so that next time you just feel that you’re gonna know, you’re gonna be trained, and you’re like, oh, this is how it felt when that happened. It was that strong. I am gonna give you an example.

I’ve never shared this story in my entire life and they’re bringing it up so I’m allowed to share it now. You have heard it here first. Literally, I’ve never mentioned this story to one single person in my life. I don’t remember what the year was. I could easily Google it. I’m not [00:14:00] gonna do it. Let’s just say it was.

I don’t even know, five to eight years ago, and I’m living in Seattle and the Seahawks started their preseason and I had this intense knowing that they were gonna win the Super Bowl intense knowing I just knew it to be true that year, and I never said a single word to anyone because the way it came through is so strong and so clear that guides were.

Like we’re tuning your energy to this feeling, the strength of knowing a few other things too. And I also knew that if I were to share that information in a way that was from ego, or which would’ve been so easy to do, or if I would’ve , gone out of Vegas and placed a bunch of bets,

I, the energy was so, it was like a heaviness on me. , if I ever felt the desire [00:15:00] to share it or tell someone, and I mean, of course I would never go to Vegas and place a bet on something like that. I can only imagine if I even attempted that, that the energy probably would’ve stopped me in my tracks physically and they were just attuning my energy.

And what a funny way to do it, right? I mean, the Seahawks win the Super Bowl and they did have a really good team that year and. It’s just so pointless, right? Like, what was the point there? It’s, it’s so goofy. I mean, I’m a fair weather football fan through and through fully admit that, so it’s something that really taught me a lot of lessons about how our energy and spirit team is working with us and really helping guide us and teach us on the backend all kinds of different things.

And what a funny way to. Teach me, uh, a lesson in that way to attune my energy. And now it really helped amplify my knowing. And there’s different levels and versions of knowing, and that one was [00:16:00] obviously like a more heightened, expressive lesson, but it also does not always come through that way. For me, the knowing.

So right now they’re just saying, um, the biggest way you’re knowing is gonna be more clear for you is when you sit with it, is when you just sit with it and they’re saying, and sit with it in peace. Isn’t that lovely? It’s so lovely when they use these really, really nice suggestions and we’re looking at our schedules, like, where do I fit that in?

I’d rather take a nap. I need to go to the grocery store. . It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re gonna get there. We’re all gonna get there. So knowing, so feeling, sensing, same thing. And then knowing. And then the other main sense of your intuition. So there’s four main senses, as I mentioned, and there’s also. , you know, I know that there’s like the Claire’s, Claire, clairvoyant, blah, blah, blah, and that’s, those are wonderful.

Those are too complex for me. I [00:17:00] can’t spell most of those words. I don’t care to, anything complex to me gives me the ew. I’m just like, ew, if it’s complex, ew, . So we’re just gonna keep it really simple here, and if you’re really into those things, that’s amazing. You can explain it to me then when we run into each other, and I hope we do.

So the other one is the hearing. And it’s interesting when you hear energy, because again, like the other senses, you hear energy in a variety of different ways. And of course what we want is when someone says, oh, my spirit guides say, you know, like I say that on this podcast. We think, oh, clearly a voice is coming through and giving Emily the exact words to say and the clarification, and it’s just gotta be as crystal clear as me listening to this podcast.

And I do think that sometimes in some ways it does come through that crystal clear. I’ve actually had my spirit team come through crystal clear [00:18:00] saying, Hmm. . I’m like, what were they saying? A sentence, maybe a half sentence sometimes. Which is a lot right to come through that crystal clear and it’s just not, so that’s one way of hearing them.

The other way of hearing energy is when a song just drops into your mind and your spirit team is saying, Hey, you know, una matata or whatever song pops into your mind, right? So that’s another way. Um, the other thing is when we hear our spirit team, . So I’m gonna give you sort of a guidance here. And this is always a loose guidance, so it’s a, can be a little bit different for everyone.

But when we hear our spirit team, it often comes through very quickly. It’s, it’s as if all of the information. Lands immediately, and it kind of comes through the back of your head, maybe the back of your neck. [00:19:00] The guys are saying for some people, even the back of your shoulders, but the information just kind of comes in very softly because that which is of the light is non-intrusive and non-invasive, so it’s very soft.

and it comes in and it just sort of lands there and then you as a human gets to unravel it . So whereas I am taking time to use words to speak to you right now, and you are ingesting things word by word and receiving them, it’s like with spirit, they just drop in the information and you’re like, whoa, okay.

It’s all here right now and it has a gentleness to. and it has, it’s, it’s almost like you have to kind of like squint your eyes a little bit to hear it. It’s like, what was that? That’s how, you know some things of the light is that it will be non-intrusive and non-invasive. Um, way back in the day when I was.

Getting my spiritual training on in life. It was a rough, rough period and I [00:20:00] had a story for another time. I actually had something enter my energy field that were not my spirit team that wanted to act like my spirit team. And when I real and I was like, something’s off here. And the reason being is because I would have a thought.

It was like a voice popped into my head and said something in response, and I was like, Hmm. I was like, that was a little bit louder than usual, or, I didn’t really ask you . And lo and behold, I realized what it was and it was just an energy that was not of the light. And I wanna be really mindful as I share this, because to me there are, it’s, you know, the schizophrenia and the bipolar and there’s so many different versions of it.

Um, I don’t think bipolar actually plays into that, but it’s so, it’s a, it’s so real. It’s such a real, um, [00:21:00] experience for people. And so I just wanna be really mindful as I share this, that, um, I do believe, I believe people when they say they hear voices, 100% I believe it. And if any fears coming up right now as we’re sharing this experience together, I want you to breathe into your inner light and just remind yourself, I’m the light.

I’m of the light. I’m educating myself. I’m empowered in my education. , I choose light. I choose only to hear my spirit. Guys in Spirit. Team from this day on, and your spirit guys in spirit team will filter things for you, right? And not everyone’s meant to have the same extreme experiences I had. I think I went through these experiences so that I could actually help.

Teach other people. Hello. That’s why we’re here. Um, so anyway, getting back to that experience it, once I realized what was happening, it became rough. It became really rough, and the voices became scratchy. And I couldn’t have a [00:22:00] thought that was my own, or I would have a thought that was my own. But I didn’t even wanna think because the voices would just come in and started to get harsh right.

And play around. And it was really, really tough. If that were to, you know, at the time I actually saw a practitioner to help me clear it out. I personally believe that by us being connected passionately, intentionally, to our light, the guides just kind of toned me down for a second, and they said simply, simply, simply aligned with our light.

We don’t actually have to worry about this stuff. , we are actually shedding a light on the fact that this is an aspect of energy. So hearing energy, you can hear all kinds of things. Um, the other example that the guides are giving is imagine you are outside of a big building and you know you’re gonna be going into, let’s say, a wedding reception.[00:23:00]

and it’s a little bit of a bigger one. There’s gonna be like 160 people there and you can see cars, parking and people trickling in and you know, maybe some of the caterers doing the running about. And you’re about to go into this building and before you get into, before you even walk through, you can already sense the energy in there, right?

You can, and you can actually hear the energy as. Yes, you can hear people’s voices get louder as you get closer, but you can actually audibly sense the tone of the energy coming from the room. Have you ever like, it’s like you’re getting ready to walk into a room and there’s just something about it that’s like kind of attracting you to it.

Like maybe there’s good music, people are dancing, they’re having a good time, they’re like, yeah, I wanna go in here. Or maybe you get the sense before you walk into a. Ooh, this feels a little bit somber, a little bit stale. I’m being shown a picture of corporate America right now in its stereotypical essence.

So you get the idea, you’re sensing and feeling and hearing [00:24:00] energy at the same time. Okay, so how do you just hear your spirit guides and spirit team? Because that’s what ideally what we want, and it all comes back to aligning with your light . Shocker. So just remember, just set the intention. I set the intention.

I only receive clear guidance and loving support from my spirit team. , that’s it. And you will, and you can also ask them to help be more. Mm. What are they saying right now? They’re saying be ask to be more in tune with us. And then they go, what’s your intention for being in tune with us? Do you wanna expand your personal energetic skillset, your spiritual practice?

It’s okay if you don’t know what it that means either. So you could just. Spirit team, I set the intention. You help me expand and grow my spiritual practice in a way that feels really good, [00:25:00] for my highest good. Throwing that up in the air for my highest good. Okay, so hearing energy, everybody, I’m asking them if every, I’m like, does everybody hear energy in their own?

They’re giving me a yes and they’re saying, some people are gonna feel like they don’t hear energy at all and they go, the way that they hear it is gonna be so specific to them. So there we go. Okay. Um, the other piece that comes with energy is seeing energy and there’s a variety of ways to see energy and one of them is easiest examples, like when you see something out of the corner of your eye.

What was that? It was nothing. We live in a dimension, in a realm, , it overlaps with other dimensions in other realms, and. Things here that we [00:26:00] cannot physically see with our physical eyes, but we know are there maybe energetically, and we’ll catch them flying by doing drive-bys, doing scoot, scoots, whatever.

So that’s one way you are seeing energy. Sometimes some of us will actually see energy in the literal sense in the 3D world or whatever. D, we’re in, are we in 3d? Five D 40? Where did 4D go? Why did we go from 3D to fived? These are questions that I have that I don’t actually care about, so that’s why I don’t ask them.

I don’t care what D we’re in, I just know we’re in do world . So. When you physically see energy with your, with your actual eyes or human eyes, it may look a little cartoony. It generally is gonna take up, no matter how big or small it is, it’s actually gonna really grab your attention because we’re not used to seeing a.

You know, inanimate objects like that [00:27:00] in our presence, we’re just not used to seeing it. So whatever it is, it’s gonna grab your attention and it usually goes by quick. Um, it doesn’t stay for very long. I’m trying to think of, you know, I mean, I’ll see things this way and it just, it isn’t very long at all.

Um, So when we have those experiences, lean back into your inner light. What do I need to know for my highest good? Or what do I need to know for the highest good? And the more you use that specific tool, asking your spirit team, what do I need to know for my highest good? The, you’re gonna develop like, and not a shortcut, like a, almost like a slang with your spirit team, your, your tools as the it, it might feel kind of challenging to use them at first, you know?

Okay. Where’s my light? Hello, light. Okay. Thank God I found you first of all. You’re there. That’s a good sign. Okay, so hey, inter light, and then like, we’re kind of hanging onto our light and then our light’s like, chill. It’s okay. I’m here, you know, [00:28:00] and we’re not leaving you . And then you’re like, okay, okay.

So I just saw something out of the corner of my eye while I was in the kitchen cooking. and your inner light, like Yeah, we know we saw it too. Okay, great. I’m gonna practice this thing that this person talked about on this podcast. Hello. In Inner Light, I only wanna connect with you. She also said I could hear things and, and I don’t wanna hear voices except for you guys.

So, okay. I’m set. The intention, I’m only connecting with my spirit team. Okay. What do I need to know for my highest good? This thing that I just saw outta the corner of my eye while I was slicing up tomatoes. And your spirit’s gonna team gonna go, uh, yeah. Nothing. Or you know what? You’ve been wanting to, um, clear out that closet.

Maybe you should, you know, you should maybe really schedule that and you’re like, oh, gosh. Yeah, for like six months. Wait 16 months. Wait six years. Oh God. Yeah. I’ve been wanting cleaning out that closet for a long time. I’m gonna go ahead and do that now. I’m gonna schedule that this weekend. Cause I don’t wanna see things outta the corner of my eye anymore.

they have so much fun with us. Our spirit teams love. So, so much. Isn’t that what we, what they started us with at the [00:29:00] beginning of this podcast too, is they started us with like, feeling their love, sensing into them and feeling their love. Um, I will say I hold space for these podcasts. I hold space in sessions.

I hold space when I do social media, and there is, I don’t always remember everything that comes through. I don’t remember everything that spirit, um, has me hold space for because it’s not all meant for me. Number one. Number two. What is number two? That might not, that actually just might be it. I don’t know.

I’m just, I’m so present. That’s what it is. When I’m holding space for this kind of thing, I’m so present. It’s like, I mean, I don’t even forget about the time. Forget about anything. Okay. So seeing energy, and the other way that you see energy and or that energy can be seen is actually with your imagination, with your third eye.

So not everybody sees imagery. Some people have avansia, some people are just not [00:30:00] imagery dominant. And for those of you who do see imagery, um, one of the things that guides are bringing up, I don’t know if folks with avansia. Have dreams, can see things in dreams, but they’re actually bringing that up. Um, they’re saying dreams, dream states.

So I’m sure someone will shoot me an email or DM and let me know. But when it comes to seeing with your imagination, this is one of the biggest, biggest, biggest, biggest. Things that I see all the time with so many of us is we don’t trust our imagination. And what’s interesting is when you think about your imagination, it’s kind of buck wild, isn’t it?

It’s like where did that come from? Or what was that dream about? Or what did I just imagine I saw over there? Um, I remember I was with a friend one time and we, um, were out in Seattle at one of like the old, uh, bars that. You know, green velvet and tall back booths and dark wood and ambiance. [00:31:00] And, and I was kind of opening up finally about the fact that I have kind of these experiences and she was like, yeah, you know, I believe in that and I believe in ghosts.

And I think I, and I was like, yeah, totally. So let me go to the bathroom and. and we’re in stalls next to each other and she goes, Emily, oh my God. Oh my God. And I was like, I know I feel a ghost here. And she goes, I’m sitting. She’s sitting on the toilet. I’m sitting with her right now. We’re on the toilet together.

I cannot believe I’m telling you guys’ story. You thought the voices one was weird. I got so many of these things lined up and I am really being super careful by not letting anybody know which friend of mine this was. I wonder if she’ll even remember. and . I was like, oh my gosh, I see her and she’s like, well, she’s not unhappy.

I wouldn’t say she was happy either, and at the time I didn’t know how to cross over ghosts. We might have to save that for another episode too. So we were both kind of like, ah, washing our hands really quick and getting out of the bathroom, except that actually wasn’t our reaction. We were more just kind of like, okay, we both saw with our [00:32:00] imagination and felt and just knew.

The same information and it does help to have someone in your life you can kind of talk about these things with, because it will, you will validate each other during wild experiences like that. But we both saw with our third eye, this was like a maiden woman. Um, yeah, just, you know, sitting down there on the toilet.

I think she, she wasn’t even like going to the bathroom. , we’re really gonna get into details here. You guys. She wasn’t even going to the bathroom, but she was sitting there and just sort of, Now I’m kind of wondering, I’m like, that energy must still be there. The guys are like, don’t tap into this right now.

Okay, . So anyway, um, but we both saw the same thing. So that scene with your imagination and you think about children, you know, when I do house clearings, 80% of the time it’s because the kids are bothered by something and it’s tough for, you know, it’s been built out of us to trust our imagination. And one of the things I always encourage parents to do and like, ask your kids more questions, um, [00:33:00] ask them how they felt and then.

Help your kids connect with their light. And do you know what you have to do in order to help your kids connect with their light? You have to be connected to yours cuz you can’t fake this stuff , because literally a kid will look you square back in the eyes and say, well, where’s your light dad? , where’s your light auntie?

And you’re gonna be like, Ooh, hang on. Lemme go. Lemme go locate it again. . So you can see energy with your imagin. and you, if, if we were to have you close your eyes right now and you know, even envision like the room or the space you’re in, if you’re driving, please don’t close your eyes. I will not be responsible for that

But you could probably actually see the energy of the room via your imagination. And it might be kind of, kind of trippy. And this is why I don’t like to do drugs, is I do not need the. , those would freak me out. I’m like, I already see this crap. I don’t wanna see more of it . But it is a really [00:34:00] cool thing.

And as we get further down the road into this podcast and into my teachings, these are things I wanna. Help you understand if you have an interest, you’re not gonna have an interest in all of the things that I teach. Um, but if you have an interest, how to safely do these things, and then why do we do these things?

You know, we don’t do them for party tricks. We do them to help make our home and our experience a better place. And one of the universal laws of energy is that energy that is of the light. Well, energy expands with your intention. So if you have good in. energy that’s of the light is going to give, give, give you way more than you could ever imagine.

Um, if I were to, you know, be in someone’s home and then like, okay, well I’m gonna scan their room energetically and see if there’s anything here. Oops, I caught something in the corner. And then I’m like, Hey Janice, you know, I see energy like, ugh. Don’t wanna brag, but I do. And there’s this, there’s a smudgy thing in the corner.

What do you think the energy would do? The energy would say, Emily, you’re out of integrity. What They’d be like, what are you [00:35:00] doing? And they’d say, that’s rude. Janice did not ask you to do a sweep of her house or her room. and my energetic abilities, my skillsets would lessen. . The good, the goods just go

They go. It would turn it way down. fair. Keeping in mind when you use energy with integrity, you receive more at ex, oh gosh, you, you get way more than you could ever imagine when you are out of integrity with working with. Your skillset is going to be dampened and taken away from you, or, well, let’s see, taken away from you.

It can never be taken away. That’s why, you know how we call it a gift in society? Oh, she’s gifted or he’s gifted. It’s not a gift. It’s a skillset you develop. You’re gonna hear me say that a thousand more times. The reason I think we think it’s a gift is probably twofold. One, because maybe we compare ourselves to someone who does it professionally, and we think, well, I don’t have it.

[00:36:00] Mine doesn’t look like that. You know, my energy abilities don’t look like that. But also there are people who had energetic abilities that they’ve been dampened and lessened, and I don’t know the answer to that. I, I’m kind of asking. The guides are like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, it’s because. When you don’t, when you, you know, lean on ego when you, you know, an ego’s just insecurity, right?

Ego’s one of our best teachers. I’m a huge fan of my ego and ego work cuz whenever it shows up I’m like, oh God, here we go. What do I need to work through now? ? So, um, Did you guys hear that in the background? That was a ghost. No, I’m just kidding. My mom just left. Um, so when we look at seeing with our imagination, um, we wanna, you know, it’s, it’s, we just kind of wanna be aware, you know, what, what am I seeing?

Why am I perceiving this? And know when you’re in your light, you’re just, you’re always [00:37:00] divinely protected. And these things, every, there’s energetic things all around us, all the time, everywhere. And you’ve survived this long, you’re gonna be good. So let’s really keep in mind we wanna come from an empowered place, an empowered, honest, trustworthy, um, humble.

I don’t know if I really like the word. Humble. Humble. Maybe curious, curious is a better word than humble, but, you know, just like a curious place. Okay. You know, I’m, I’m curious, but also, , um, respecting the boundaries because I’ve been curious on the wrong way. , I’ve been curious where I’ve been like, well, I know I’m getting a no from my yes no tool about seeing what this thing is, but I kind of wanna dig it.

Bit deeper. And then I got backhanded and my RS handed to me 18 ways to Tuesday by the dark because I did not respect boundaries. And the guys were like, we told you, we told, we, we literally told you 18 times not to do that, and you did it again. That’s a story for another time. But what I [00:38:00] didn’t know at the time, which I wish I did,

My light, my light, my light, my light, my light, your light, your light, your light. It’s, it’s your golden compass in all things. So those are the four main ways you perceive energy. Now, there are other ways too. There’s taste, there’s smell, there’s touch, there’s a bunch of other things. and that’s all well and good too.

It really is. But let’s just focus on the four and you have a version of all of the four. Let me ask Spirit right now. I’m like, does everybody in this entire, I was about to say universe, and they’re like, let’s just say world. Okay. I’m asking them,

I’m like, does everybody who land on earth in human form have all four? Yeah, they just said yes. Yes, yes, yes. And this is really interesting. They said, there’s some of you and they’re not pointing to me. Some of you have some really cool, oh gosh. Like [00:39:00] abilities or skillsets or ways They’re saying ways you perceive intuition and energy that hasn’t been shown yet, or hasn’t been like they’re saying put in the spotlight yet.

Whereas, you know, I might say, oh, I hear energy, a version of that. So that’s really cool. Ooh, that’s cool. That’s exciting. Hmm. All right, so those are the four ways. Now, our spirit teams, I’ve been using spirit team and spirit guides interchangeably. I’ve touched on this probably way too many times already.

Let’s get down to. Your spirit team encompasses your spirit guides. Keeping in mind your spirit guides are literally your guides. They’re just like, Hey, we are here to help you fulfill your life contracts and purposes. Even if you don’t, we still love you. So muo, and that’s them. And we know our spirit guides our energy.

And then we get our spirit team. And our spirit team encompasses everything else. It includes ancestors of the [00:40:00] light. And when I say of the light, by the way, it’s kind of in a key part because of the light means that these are healed aspects of energy that are in, in alignment with the light. I know it seems obvious, but.

If I were just to say ancestors, well guess what? You and I have a ton of ancestors in this lifetime and other lifetimes. Some of them probably didn’t make the best decisions. . The other thing that’s crazy, by the way, we are our own ancestors, so we have ancestors and we are our own ancestors. Isn’t that wild?

Like we’ve lived lifetimes and those aspects of our energy have gone on to do things that come back as our. healed ancestors. I mean it, that concept alone blows my mind. I’m, I’m actually still learning more about this. The guides are teaching me on it. Spirit’s teaching me on it. Okay, so your spirit team encompasses your spirit guides and specialists of the light.

You have specialists for so many things. [00:41:00] I’m kind of, I’m like, should I make. I might have to turn this into two podcasts, or this is just gonna be a really long one. We’ll see specialists of the light help you with all kinds of things. Say you’re going to school for something specific, you’re gonna have specialists helping you with that mechanic type of doctor, um, I don’t know, you know, beauty school, things like that.

You’re gonna have specialists helping you with. . Um, if you enter, you know, or think about all the different relationships you have, you’re gonna have specialists for those relationships. You are going to have specialists help you through grief. You’re gonna have specialists help you through, they’re saying acquisitions.

You’re gonna have specialists helping you through all different types of phases of your life. It’s a really, really beautiful thing. A lot of the spirit team, you know, the essence of their energy will be with you, and sometimes they do come and go. Um, your spirit team will have, sometimes they’re gonna be neutral.

There’s gonna be energy. Sometimes they will have more masculine or more feminine, um, energies to them because they [00:42:00] may be healing a masculine element within you if you have, I think I’m asking them. I’m like, does everybody have masculine and feminine healing to do in their life? . Absolutely, yes. Okay, so we go.

It’s not just me. So we’re gonna have elements coming in, helping you, helping everyone with healing your ma, you know, elements of your masculine healing, elements of your feminine. We’re going through a big phase of rebalancing right now, the feminine and bringing in more feminine with everyone. So what can happen is, I’m getting ahead of myself.

So it also includes like loved ones who have crossed over that are in a clear and healthy way, balanced to support you. It includes, um, and that includes animals, includes spirit, animals. It includes pets that have crossed over when it comes to loved ones who have crossed. . What I see energetically in sessions [00:43:00] is there’s varying degrees of like entry.

So the brighter the light, the clearer the person’s energy is who’s crossed over. The more work they’ve done and the more aligned with your path that they are, the closer into your energy that they’re allowed. Some of them will just hang out on the side and be like, I love you so much, I’m your. It’s all good.

And then some really come in and wanna be an active part of your life and that’s a good thing too. So, and then some family members, um, don’t do the healing work. And that can be very tough. Some family members were like, I don’t care if you do the healing work or not. Stay away, , that’s my boundary. No, no injury.

You got me in this lifetime. You don’t get me and you while you, when you’ve crossed over. And then we also have, this is what gets really interesting to me. There will be energies in the universe, universal energies. So think about us. We’re on a. We’re in a galaxy and then we’re in the [00:44:00] universe. Like the universe is like huge.

And source is the one managing all of this, right? Managing isn’t the right word. Holding space for keeping it somewhat organized. I’m just kidding. And. There will be universal energies that come down, touch base on earth, through you, through me to help bring forth the balance. And they’re saying the thriving that we all crave in this world, we crave it.

Yes we do. We crave it and we fear it. Right? I don’t know about you, but what sounds scar. Yet more delightful than three hours of doing nothing in an aft on a beautiful afternoon. Does that sound just like the best thing ever? You’re like, what a treat. But if I were to ask you to schedule it, would you tense up and be like, ah, I can’t do it.

Would you enjoy yourself if you actually took it off? Or would you say, oh my gosh, I could be doing so many other things right now? Well, we’re getting to the point where three hour. Relaxing afternoons are gonna be more normal for our society. I know that they are normal in other [00:45:00] societies, but a lot, it’s not just about us relaxing and, and just enjoying the pleasures of life more.

they’re stopping me. There’s just like, no more tangents. But, and by the way, I say they’re stopping me. I, I could continue to go on if I wanted to. I could give a little bit of pushback and say, well, let’s just close this out. Um, I really am working to me, I work as a team with spirit. I hold space that these podcasts are for the highest good of all involved.

I learn as I teach Also, by the way, um, as you can tell, I just, I roll with this and I speak my learnings out loud to you guys. I’m like, well, I’m gonna, Because I don’t wanna hide any of this stuff. I wanna show you that I’m as much in process as the rest of us and I will always be in process. I will always be learning.

I feel like the more I learn about the universe, the tinier, I feel and like there is so much to know. There’s so much to know. It blows my mind. So your spirit team, so, okay, forget that. That’s a podcast for another time. [00:46:00] How many times have I said that? So we’re going to, um, . So the spirit team is also the, these energies, you know, these beautiful energies that come from the universe that are here to help heal you and then therefore heal others and heal our world, which is so, so amazing.

Um, earth elements can be a part of your spirit team. Sprites can be a part of your spirit team. There are guardians of the. There are masters of the light, there are the specialist. One really goes deep because you can imagine there’s a specialist for so many different things and oh, how could I forget?

I’m the most obvious. The angels, the arc angels. . And one of the things that Spirit’s reminding us for today, and we’re gonna wrap this up and I’m going to continue this conversation on intuition and spirit team because [00:47:00] there’s so, so much more to talk about, but this is why. Spirit says, don’t focus on how many guides do I have?

What’s their names? What are their sex? They go lean into your light. Lean into, you know, or whatever. Maybe you call your light something else. Maybe it feels like something else for you, but lean into your essence, your light, your power, and ask your team for support. Ask, or maybe you get a, give it a different name, but ask everyone for support.

You know, spirit team, please run energy for me right now for my highest good, for clearing and ground. or what do I do? You know, spirit team, I’m handing this over to you. I can’t deal with this right now. Now, if you work with certain elements of your spirit, team one-on-one, that is 100% ao, okay? It truly is.

How you do things is not gonna be how everyone does things. What they’re saying is they go, but listen, when you get gentle [00:48:00] nudges that maybe you’re leaning on certain aspects of that energy a little bit too much, because who’s gonna have more resources and availability for you? One single energy you keep focusing your attention on, or the entire group of them.

So as they’re saying this, the energy, it’s like, it feels like our energies are just expanding outward, like getting bigger and bigger and bigger, and we want to feel safe in the expansion and the. Light of us. So many of us are so tightly wound. Our energy is tightly wound. Of course it is. We’ve been under duress for a number of years in so many different ways, even when life is great, right?

It’s that trickling of noise in the background. So how do you feel safe and expansive [00:49:00] in your light? Safe to take up space. You do that by leaning into your light. You can ask your spirit team to hold you. One of the things they’re pointing out is when you are connecting to your spirit team, your, your, your spirit team is an activation of source.

So you’re also aligned with you, whomever your source is. And that’s an important thing to remember because we never wanna get into this feeling that we’re outsourcing. Our power, right? Or we’re outsourcing our choices, or we’re outsourcing. or light or a love or anything, it’s, you know, you are one with your source and sources like, Hey, you know, I’m gonna give you some specifics.

I’m gonna give you some angels that do this, and some specialists that do that, and some guardians that do that, and some cool pets that do this and you know, and that uncle that you don’t like. I’m gonna give you all these things to help give you more support in human context. The uncle we don’t like, still teaches us things, but you know what I mean.

Okay. An F [00:50:00] and F. So lean into your light. It’s all. Lean into your light. Feel yourself just breathing. Feel yourself just expanding. Feel yourself in the love of your spirit team. There is so much self power in that there is so much guidance, there is so much support. It only takes a few seconds if you can do it for a few minutes, even better.

The more often you do it, the more you are opening yourself up to receiving and being and feeling more of who you’re meant to become. And we are always becoming in this lifetime, but it feels good to enjoy ourselves throughout the process. You are doing so amazing. This episode was a lot. I would love to hear your thoughts, your [00:51:00] ahas, your questions from it.

You can find [email protected]. You’re also welcome to join the Interlight Circle community. It’s $33 a month right now, only month to month, no commitment. And we do, hi there. I’m finishing up a podcast. And we do a, where was I? $33 a month right now and we do a group energy healing session every month.

And then we do a group live. All this is live. And then we will over Zoom and then we also do a group session where we practice energy tools. And you know, energy tools are really simple. When you learn them, it’s like, oh, that’s so simple. But then doing the work, , anytime you learn something new, right?

Especially something that doesn’t have like a guidebook and tests and certifications, you know, you’re left to your own devices, which is really such a beautiful thing and where the magic happens. Um, I’ve also opened up one-on-one sessions and I’m so excited. I’m getting ready to open up a very cozy [00:52:00] container for individuals who are looking to, who are maybe going through a big transformation.

Coming months and want to receive some regular guidance and support from your guides. This is not gonna be you outsourcing your questions to Emily. This is not Emily’s my guide. No, no, no. It means you’re gonna be going through this and you’re gonna be really focusing on your intuition, slowing down, making it feel.

Much better making it feel supportive. And, um, I’m gonna be on Voxer holding space and also, um, giving you guidance and support. And sometimes our guides give us the answers and sometimes they ask you a question back to kind of help you with your development. So if you’re going through a transitional phase in life and you really want to help get to a place where you feel much more fulfilled and aligned with, In your path.

Some people think about career change, but this does not actually have to be a career change. Sometimes we need to change our whole life, [00:53:00] but the career needs to be the one thing that keeps us stable, . Um, anyway, I’m really excited. So look for that. It’s coming out soon. And as always, you can find me online, Instagram and TikTok.

Emily marie.energy. I hope this session found you. And I wish you nothing but the best.



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