Episode #86
Creating boundaries for your home for critters and any other energies you do not desire to intrude, and leaning back and allowing Source energy to work through you, especially in emergency situations.
Get clear on your intuition, receiving inner guidance from the connection with your Higher Self, and learn unique energy tools while setting clear concise and powerful intentions for 2024:
- How to work with your Spirit Guides to support you making daily decisions
- Receiving higher guidance to support your path
- Divine protection
- Bring your unique energetic gifts to the forefront
- Self energy healing
- Energy healing for others
- You will receive energy activations
- Guided meditations
- & more
This retreat will provide you with personal support in helping you understand and trust your intuition, while developing your gifts and abilities.
Apply Here or Email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com to schedule a call: Intuition Development Retreat: Reset & Renew January 2024
For 1:1 mentorship with Emily, six months developing your intuitive gifts and unique energy skillsets, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com for additional information. Please note this is a five figure investment and Emily’s closest proximity container.
For any questions, comments, shares or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com.
For additional content subscribe to the Your Energy First YouTube Channel Here
Follow for more on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at https://emilymarie.com/
Coming soon