Episode #1
Your energy is powerful, and it is needed in this world.
In this inaugural episode we discuss the basics of why your energy is unique, and the three things to know about your intuition that will help you engage with it more and receive more support and guidance from it.
Thank you for being here and bringing more of your light into this world, this is a community based podcast, where we learn best from each others stories, experiences and practices.
You’re not alone on this journey and I’d love to hear your thoughts, questions, comments or feedback you can email me at connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com, find me on the socials on IG and TikTok @emilymarie.energy And for more information and how to work with me directly, www.emilymarie.com
[00:00:00] Welcome everyone to the Your Energy First Podcast. I’m your host, Emily Marie, and it is such a pleasure to have you here to talk about all things your energy,
as you might expect from the name of this podcast, we are here to talk about all. Your energy because it matters so, so much. Your energy, who you are, how you feel, how you are in this world matters and it’s such a gift. And the purpose of this podcast is for us to have a lot of fun discussing different topics like what is energy?
What is intuition? How do we work with our intuition more? What are spirit guides? How do we work with spirit guides and our spirit team more? And all of the [00:01:00] different energetic practices that are out there? There are so, so many. Let’s talk about them and let’s learn from them and let’s see which ones sound good and which ones we don’t.
And the biggest, most important part of all of this is going to be you, this community, because everyone’s energy, your energy is so different from anyone else’s so, so different. And it’s beautiful that way. It’s meant to be that way, and that means that no one person’s intuition or energetic abilities is the exact same , which is really cool.
And then at the same time, it’s like, oh, . , but I want, you know, eight steps on how to connect with my intuition every day so I can stop making mistakes in life and all that good stuff. It doesn’t work that way. So, What’s really gonna help is hearing each other’s stories and sharing. So I invite you at any time you feel called to, you can email me, [00:02:00] connect emily marie.com and share a story that you have or share an an experience that you had, good or bad, because we learn from both.
We are not afraid of shadow work here, in fact. Man, I’ve done so much shadow work in these last few years, , and we are gonna talk about more of that on later podcasts as well. Not about my shadow work, but about shadow work in general. I’m sure a lot of mine will come up too. So we are gonna talk about what energy means, what energy work means, what energy abilities mean, and I firmly, firmly feel in my heart.
It is my passion that we talk about these things and make them regular conversations in our everyday experience, because I have a feeling that right now you probably feel like you can’t talk to a lot of people in your life about the nuances of the day-to-day, the things that you’re intuiting, the little signs and symbols that you get.
And we’re gonna talk about those things [00:03:00] and we need to hear your experiences because. No one person has the answers. Our earth was not built to operate that way. , could you imagine if we just had a few gurus or specialists that we all went to for the answers? Oh my gosh, that sounds exhausting. . No, thank you.
And it just doesn’t make logical sense, right? So we need to hear your experiences, your stories, because that is gonna help other people develop their energetic skillset and practice, and this is a practice. Well, I may tell you, I think one of the biggest misconceptions about intuition or energy work is that.
You learn a few steps and all of a sudden it’s like, bingo, okay, my light’s turned on. I’m only connected to the light. I’m only making aligned decisions, and I’m only connected to my spirit guides who are giving me guidance every step of the way. . And I’m not screwing anything up. I’m living the best, most aligned, fabulous life ever.
doesn’t work that way if only, if only it did. Nope. I think [00:04:00] that’s, um, an experience for another lifetime, and I’m sure that realm does. But we’re not in that realm right now. We’re in the realm of messiness and learning and growing and unlearning and growing in that direction, and that is why we are all here.
So I want you to know that your story, your nuances, those things that you hear or that you feel and sense where you’re like, oh my gosh, this sounds so crazy. I guarantee you it’s not crazy. Energy is. Feelings and our sensations. It’s our imagination and we’ve been taught to, we’ve been taught to disprove those things.
We’ve been taught not to trust those things, and we are all taking that back. We’re taking our power back. We’re taking our intuition back. We are going to understand and evolve together, learning from each other, one story at a time. Okay, so on today’s inaugural episode, wow. Never thought I’d be saying that I had, I [00:05:00] had been asking my intuition, my spirit guides, my spirit team if I should start a podcast.
And I kept getting this feeling of, not right now. Not right now. And I was like, okay. I never thought I’d be, I never thought I’d be able to start a podcast, by the way. Definitely not. And recently, Feelings started to trickle in. Don’t we always think if our guides are gonna give us a message, that it’s gonna come through completely clear, like a voice is gonna come through inside our head and say, this is what you should do now,
And instead it’s just a bunch of little inklings and feelings until those feelings get louder and louder and the message finally comes through in your conscious we’re, oh yeah, oh, I should do that. That sounds good. . So finally, The feeling came through that it was time and my eyes got kind of big and I thought, whoa, okay, here we go.
It’s time. And so then my mind jumped into, well, what should the first podcast be about? Keep in mind, I had already done this sort of intuitive, intentional, [00:06:00] just sort of wrote down all these different topics that I love to discuss that I feel like you would love to discuss on. And then when it came to doing the first one, I thought, well, the first one has to be pretty important, right?
They’re all gonna be important. Of course. We are so multifaceted and deep beings, and we like to have fun. By the way, this is not always gonna be all serious. That is the other thing. Spirit giggles, spirit cracks, jokes, spirit swears. If you’re someone who swears. Likely your spirit guides swear, by the way.
Um, I follow somewhere in the middle. I know some people are really against all of that and they feel like it’s, uh, negative and that’s fine too. Whatever floats your boat. So I was going for a meditative walk and I was thinking about, okay, so what is my first session gonna be? Your my first podcast gonna be about?
And. My head went somewhere and then I felt my energy pulled back, and my energy pulled back and went back within me, and I connected with my inner light and I said, [00:07:00] okay, for the highest good of all involved, what’s this first podcast supposed to be about? And as it turns out, we are gonna talk about the three ways to feel more connected with your intuition.
That’s what this first one is gonna be about. We are going to have so many discussions and podcast episodes on your intuition because it is not a one size fits all, as I’ve already mentioned. And it is so multifaceted. It is so multifaceted, and the thing that I find about it. Is, the more I learn from other people about it, the more I expand my own intuition relationship and practice, the more I learn.
It’s like this never ending energetic jungle . So giddy up. Here we go. So, three ways to feel more connected with your intuition. There’s more than three ways, but we’re gonna keep [00:08:00] it really simple today. And the first thing is something I’ve already touched on, which is it’s a practice. Think about the things in life.
What’s like one thing in life you’re really good at? Were you really good at it? Right from the beginning? Probably not. And it took you practice and it took you time and you were interested in that thing, right? You had a curiosity about it and you wanted to learn more, and you wanted to experience more with that thing.
And that is similar to your intuition. You’re curious about your intuition. You know, you’re sensitive, you know, you can feel these things. Everybody can feel these things and sense these things. So, We want to reframe what we think about our intuition, and we just wanna be curious about it and we wanna be intentional with it because your intuition is not a have or a have not.[00:09:00]
You have it. , which is number two. So number one is it’s a practice, and number two is your intuition is already working for you. Of course, of course, of course. Think about your desires that you’ve had in this lifetime. Think about the feelings you’ve had to go one direction or make a certain decision.
Even the mistakes you’ve made have actually been somewhat intentional by your higher self and your intuition because. Failure is a beautiful thing. It’s how we learn and gain perspective. So as you continue to say, well, I wanna develop my intuition and I’m gonna get more clear about it and more aligned with my life.
Know that it’s already working for you, which is so amazing. Your intuition is something that you basically, before you were born, it’s, let’s just say for the [00:10:00] sake of this podcast, it’s an energy that agrees to support you throughout your lifetime. . And it also takes a look at what are your life plans?
What are some of the things you wanna do? What are some of the things you don’t wanna do? Not every, not every one of us rides horses, right? But there’s some people that are so passionate about riding horses. Why is that ? Because they were born with that and their life path. and then their intuition and the universe supported them in getting there.
Same with everything. So think about how these energies have come through to support you, and when it comes to energy and what’s on the other side, or human reality time doesn’t exist. And space and energy go really fast. So you have an entire energy conglomerate supporting you in this lifetime and this energy conglomerate, that’s your intuition.
Has also [00:11:00] agreed upon the terms that you’re gonna screw up. You’re gonna make mistakes, you’re gonna take years to figure things out. You guys, it has taken me years to figure some things out. It’s taken me years to learn lessons. I mean, years . So don’t sweat when you feel like all you’ve been doing is stumbling, or all you’ve been doing is, you know, Netflix and chilling and eating bond bonds because life’s been rough these last few years.
Don’t sweat. Your intuition and all of this supporting you is not sitting back thinking, whew, wish we’d picked another one. . That intuition group over there looks like they’re having a lot more fun. No, no, no, no, no. They, your intuition knew exactly what they were signing up for when they agreed to support you in this lifetime.
So we’re gonna let go of any feelings like, we haven’t been doing it right, or We haven’t been doing enough. So it’s already working for you 24 7 around the clock. Which is amazing. So then the next thing we think is, [00:12:00] well, how do I tap into this resource? How do I tap into this resource? Who’s hanging out with me 24 7, who apparently agreed to be on this ride
How do I work with them more? How do I get more out of them? One thing I will say is time and time again, your intuition is more than thrilled to work with you more than it already is. Now, this doesn’t mean if you haven’t up until this point that you’ve been doing something wrong. Mm-hmm. , not at all.
There is no right or wrong in this world. Well, I mean there is right or wrong in our world, obviously, and that’s for good reason, . But when it comes to energy and your intuition and you feeling supported, there’s no right or wrong. It’s all about the experience and you’re meant to have your own unique experience.
Don’t listen to what society tells you. You are doing. You exactly right. . If I did what society told me to do, I would not be here today. I would be in finance somewhere in [00:13:00] a building. Can you believe? , I can’t. But that was my path Before . I felt miserable, and realized I needed to start doing this full-time.
Okay, so number three, get used to asking your intuition for help on a regular basis. So think about this, you brush your teeth every day. Hopefully you eat some food every day. You do. regular things every day. You can ask your intuition for help, for support, for insights every single day. You are not taking away from someone else’s support or someone else’s resources.
When you ask your intuition for help, in fact, it’s the opposite. So your intuition is up the light. Woohoo , and anything that is of the light expands when you work with it, when you access it. Because what you’re doing is [00:14:00] you’re intentionally saying, Hey, I would like to create more goodness in my life.
Right? That’s why you reach out to your intuition. You don’t reach out to your intuition to say, you know what? Uh, let’s create a dumpster fire in my life. That sounds like fun. No, nobody ever says that, even though that does happen. , that’s another podcast topic entire. So get used to asking your intuition for help daily and know that when you are reaching out to your intuition, , your intention is by nature good because you’re wanting more good in your life and you’re wanting to create more good in your life.
That’s why you’re reaching out to your intuition . So maybe you wanna start by just asking your intuition for, you know, Hey, I set the intention, or Hey, intuition, please help me, uh, get safely to work, or hand tuition. Please help me figure out this story that’s been running through my mind. That would be a longer answer or, But why not ask for it?
Who cares? [00:15:00] Ask your intuition to help you grocery shop. Ask your intuition to help you pick out the food that you’re going to eat. You are not giving over your power to your intuition. You still have free will always, and that is key. But your intuition is gonna say, oh, He or she, or they wants more support, we’re going to give them a little bit more support, but this is really fun.
So start to feel into that. Or maybe you could say, what movement would feel really good for my body today? Or you could say, why do I feel stuck right now? Or Why do I feel. Spirit saying inept right now. Um, so maybe someone out there is feeling a little bit inept, so you could truly ask for anything. You could say, I wanna experience more love with my children.
I want to have a great day. Intuition. Help me with that. [00:16:00] and it’s going to, so this is sort of like karma almost. It’s not karma, but basically when you, it’s an energy thing where when you reach out to your intuition, , the noise in my head is like, boy, . But basically you reach out to your intuition. It’s like, heck yeah.
Boom. We’re happy to give this back to. So get used to engaging with your intuition more often. Get used to asking a questions more often, asking it for help you have, you have nothing to lose. And keep in mind your intuition is not going to ever sit back and be like, This person is asking for way too much, way too much , because keep in mind, your intuition’s only job on this Earth plane is to support you.
That’s its only job. So it’s excited that you’re working with it. And then keep in mind too, the more you work with your intuition, the more you’re working with the light, and that means you’re actually creating more light in this world and the world, and [00:17:00] the light is expand. . Oh, and the world needs more of that, doesn’t it?
Isn’t it weird? You’re like, wow, this kind of feels a little bit selfish, but it’s very much not. It’s the opposite. And then you’re doing good in this world by connecting with your intuition. We’re gonna leave it there so much more to go on this topic. The other thing is this podcast is also going to have energy healing meditations you can do for yourself, and it’s also going to have self-energy healing practices and tips.
These are the things that are coming down the pipeline over time. I’m also going to be interviewing people, some folks that I know and some people I have yet to meet, and even some of. and we are going to get to the bottom of what everybody’s different intuition feels like, what their different best practices are.
And this [00:18:00] is not gonna be a one size fits all. This is going to be a, Hey, let’s talk about this a little bit more and learn and explore from each other. So thank you so much for being with us today. I can’t help but say us. I know it’s me, but obviously we’ve got so much support on the other side of things.
So thank you. It’s an honor that you are here and that we are co-creating this together, and you can find. At Connect emily marie.com if you have any questions or wanna comment or share a story on anything that we talked about today, and you can also rate and leave a review please online. and also share this with people that you maybe wanna talk to more about this stuff on a day-to-day basis.
hint, hint, let’s talk about intuition and all the good stuff. And you can also find me at Emily Marie. dot Energy on [00:19:00] TikTok and Instagram or emily marie.com. I have a new course there I’m so excited about. It shows you how to meditate with energy safely and effectively and all well, effectively meaning anyway you meditate with Energy is good, but we only connect with energy.
That’s for your high is good. and also I have my inner life circle community. So if you like having these types of conversations in the day to day and wanna meet other like-hearted souls who are talking about this kind of thing and learning these kinds of things, then that is where you can join us, where things get discussed.
On the regular, and then with the Interlight Circle community, you also have, um, monthly energy meditation and a live energy session and so much more. Thank you again for being here. I look forward to seeing you on the next podcast. Take care.