Episode #83
Your intuition can work with you in many different ways. One tool I’ve personally found extremely helpful is by helping me schedule out my events and calendar.
In this episode I share how to work with our intuition and energy to help you schedule anything from a trip, to a haircut, to a birthday party, truly it can be anything!
I’d love to connect and hear how this has worked for you, email me connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com
The Inner Light Community (ILC) is back! It’s so exciting for how this has evolved and I’m inspired and excited to hold this space for you and for others. Join now, our first live session is next week! More Info Here
Develop your intuition, learn unique energy tools and understand your own personal skillset better, while setting clear concise and powerful intentions for 2024. If you’d like to share a room with a friend send me an email:
Intuition Development Retreat: Reset & Renew January 2024
Ready to bring your intuitive gifts or service based business into the world? The Prosperous Entrepreneur: Launch & Grow your soul led business in Divine alignment from zero to six figures, this gives you the foundation to do so. Those results will not happen during our container time. It’s time for your gifts to be shared with the world in an ethical and sustainable way for your energy. This intimate container will help you realize your vision, have a path and experience your dreams. Apply Here
Ready to build the foundation of your dream business? PRISM is live for the next 36 hours at a special rate just for listeners, more info HERE
For any questions, comments or shares, our email is open and we love hearing from you, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com.
For additional content subscribe to the Your Energy First YouTube Channel Here
Follow for more on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at emilymarie.com
With love,
Coming soon