Episode #49
Shifting from how you’ve been living into the new paradigm is a slow and steady one. We often think energy work is woosh bam, instant! In today’s live energy session my dear friend and guest, Sarah, and I discuss her path, how she’s traversing the shift from the safety and comfort of the nine to five into her life’s passion and journey, what steps does she need to take, what are the valuable lessons along the way?
Does this resonate with you?
If it does and you have a similar story I’d love to hear about it, email me at connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com or book a session if you’d like intuitive guidance.
To work with Sarah, her email address is: Infinitewhitemarbles@gmail.com
To join the Magic Accelerator and for more info click HERE
Thank you for being here, and for bringing more light into this world.
You’re on this path for a reason, trust it, the world needs you.
Ready to fully shift from your old way of being to experience more JOY and vibrancy in your life, and become a more fully aligned you? Application for the Alignment Container is now open, you can get more information HERE
Some of the topics in the container we can discuss:
- Hone in on your unique intuition and get clear so you can trust it
- What are your unique energetic skillsets?
- How can you align with your Inner Light daily to create a smooth and even more flowing life that feels fulfilling and joyful
- Understand how you can clearly communicate with your Spirit Guides and team
- Further develop your purpose(s) in life
- We will likely do past life clearing, receive support from future you, bring in your own unique energy support in sessions for you to realize and use in your day to day
- You’ll understand how to see your own blockages and how to clear them yourself
- Receive support on career, relationships, the relationship with yourself being the most important one
- Do you want to bring energy healing into your business
- Where are you out of your power and how can you align with who you’re truly meant to be
- And so much more
- Each journey is unique to the individual, once you sign up you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to the questionnaire and to begin booking your sessions with Emily, let’s get started!
If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast for a free live session, fill out the form HERE
For Emily’s new website & offerings visit www.emilymarie.com
For any questions, comments or shares, our email is open and we love hearing from you, or for speaking events, please email connect@emily.lovepixelagency.com.
For additional content subscribe to the Your Energy First YouTube Channel Here
Follow for more on TikTok & Instagram @emilymarie.energy or at emilymarie.com
Coming soon